"Okay, let's go! Go out first and then talk."

Su Zeming smiled and said.

He headed downstairs, and the people surrounding him all gave way. Countless people looked at Su Zeming with looks of admiration in their eyes.

It can make so many super rich people Those who are less impressed, this person is even more powerful than those people.

Wang Zhitao saw it and walked out.

Zhang Ming, Xu Qian, Liang Yi and Tang Xuan followed closely behind, Wang Zuo and Lu Mingyuan also followed, and they all went down together......

As for Zhao Bin, Su Zeming never cared about him from beginning to end.

Those few words he just said almost pronounced Zhao Bin's fate.

In a few days, Zhao Bin's hands will be broken, and then the entertainment venues in his Zhao family may all be closed.

Moreover, maybe his family’s entertainment venue and rental place belong to Su Zeming’s family!

Anyway, even his father didn't know how much house and land Su Zeming's family owned, because there were so many. He could be said to be the largest landowner in Yanjing City.

Whether it is a courtyard house or some industrial properties.

That's a lot.

Su Zeming walked to the first floor. For some reason, there were a lot fewer people on the first floor, but a lot of people gathered at the door.

Su Zeming took a look and frowned slightly.

The group walked through the narrow path left by the crowd and walked out. As they walked, they heard the sounds from the crowd.

"Oh my God! Dozens of sports cars, not to mention supercars, are all at the door. It’s awesome."

"This time, everyone from Yanjing City is here, right?........"

"Even reporters showed up"

"That's right, it's so awesome. This time it will definitely shock the whole city of Yanjing."

"Don't block me! Let me take a photo with my phone"

"The pictures taken with my mobile phone are not clear. It’s a pity that I didn’t bring my camera, otherwise I would have to take pictures of all the sports cars."

"But no, the opportunity is too rare"

"Damn, the cheapest car in those fleets is the Porsche 911! That’s worth millions!"

"Among those sports cars, 911 is a younger brother"

"Look, there are McLarens worth tens of millions!"

Su Zeming heard those sounds and smacked his lips slightly. These guys all came in sports cars!

Now, it caused a big sensation.

There was no way. Dozens of cars, together, have a market value of more than hundreds of millions. , can it not cause a sensation?

Even reporters came.........

Su Zeming shook his head. It was too arrogant. Fortunately, he didn't deal with Zhao Bin in the nightclub. Otherwise, if these things were connected together, they would definitely cause gossip.

By then, it will not only affect the industries under his father's control, but the enemies of the Su family may also take the opportunity to attack.

Su Zeming heard that Su Wen, the eldest uncle of the grandfather's family, had reached a critical step. If something like this happened at this juncture.

It really affects the uncle.

Not only that, even his grandfather will be affected.

Su Zeming looked at the people around him. He slowed down a few steps and asked Zhang Ming to follow him. Su Zeming whispered:"Brother Ming, tell Mingyuan, Wang Zuo and Zhang Suo not to come out yet. They Those cars parked outside were so ostentatious that they caused a sensation."

"Even reporters came, and you asked them not to pick up the car, but to go out to a remote place first and send someone to drive those cars away. Otherwise, things would get too big and not good."

This kind of gathering of luxury cars seems to show off wealth and has a bad impact on society.

Even if nothing happens, the officials won't like it too much, so at this time, it's best not to show your face........

Otherwise, with the promotion of thoughtful people, it will not affect those industries.

But it's also disgusting enough.

Zhang Ming took a look and knew that the matter was a bit serious.

"Okay, they are coming down, I will stop them and make it clear to them."Zhang Ming nodded, said something to Su Zeming, and walked back.

Su Zeming looked at it, glanced at Xu Qian, Wang Zhitao, and Tang Xuanliangyi, and said,"Let's go! Don't join in the fun, just go out"

"Okay, there are too many people."

Wang Zhitao nodded.

Xu Qian smiled and said:"It's all up to you.

Liang Yi joked:"This is called the husband singing and the wife following.""

"What are you talking nonsense about?"Xu Qian stretched out her hand and pinched Liang Yi's ribs. Liang Yi begged for mercy in pain and quickly admitted her mistake.

After hearing this, Tang Xuan felt a little dumbfounded and felt a little sad.......

Su Zeming shook his head helplessly and headed forward, not caring about the row of gleaming sports cars outside under the lights.

As for those sports cars, it's not like he doesn't have them at home.

Some, even global limited editions, can be said to be more complete than the supercars in car museums.

For example, there are more than a dozen cars in their home now, including all kinds of luxurious cars.

Among them, there is also a limited edition Ferrari, which was a car ten years ago. When it was sold, it was worth more than three million US dollars.

You know, that was more than three million US dollars in the 1990s, which was not a small sum of money.

The license plate on this car is Beijing followed by 8. Just the license plate alone can make countless people look blind when it is driven out.

Su Zeming drove over to play, but it was boring.

He is not as particular about cars as Wang Zuo and others, but he is very much like his father in this regard.

Because his father's car was not a luxury car such as a Bentley or a Maybach, but a BMW van owned by his own car factory.

It has special features inside and looks very ordinary.

But inside, many things are purely handmade, and there is even a lot of mahogany inside, which can be said to be very low-key.

Su Zeming and the others passed through the crowd and walked out........

"How do you go back? Do you want me to arrange for someone to take you back?" Su Zeming looked at Xu Qian, Tang Xuan and Liang Yi and said.

Liang Yi smiled and said:"You and I are not on the same road. You are from Tsinghua University and I am from another school. I will take a taxi back by myself. As long as you take us Just send Xu Qian back to Peking University."

"Can I still enter the dormitory after it's so late at your school?"

Su Zeming was surprised when he heard this.

Liang Yi laughed and said:"What's that? I have established a relationship with the dormitory aunt for a long time. Just like mother and daughter, I have no problem entering the dormitory when I go back."

"how about you?"

Su Zeming looked at Xu Qian and said curiously

"Me too."

Xu Qian nodded sheepishly and said.

Wang Zhitao said in surprise:"I thought only us boys would get close to the dormitory supervisor! I didn’t expect you to be better at it than us!"

"That is a must. When you are in school, you must be friendly with the dormitory aunt."Liang Jing said experiencedly.


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