Yanjing City, Tiange Group.

This company is unknown in the huge city of Yanjing. It is considered a small company with only twenty or thirty employees, not too many.......

Even the office location is just an old seven-story building.

This is completely different from the companies in Yanjing City that are often located in buildings with dozens or even hundreds of floors.

Even ordinary people don’t know that such a company exists.

Even some nearby companies don't know what kind of business this so-called Tange Group is doing.

Aside from the mystery, there isn’t much going on.

However, anyone familiar with this company knows that this company is the largest private enterprise in Yanjing City.

The largest companies in Yanjing City, including Sino-Ocean Real Estate and Dongfeng Logistics, are actually owned by the Tange Group.

In the chairman's office on the seventh floor of Tiange, the entire floor is the chairman's office area, and the rest are for other departments.

There is no way, because this building is owned by Tange Group.

Therefore, this seven-story office building with an area of ​​several thousand square meters is the office space of a company of Tange Group. It is almost an office space with an average per capita of several hundred square meters.

In Yanjing City, that office location is one of the best.

"Bang bang bang!"

The door to the chairman's office knocked........


Immediately after the door opened, Murray walked in from the outside, carrying a document in his hand, and walked towards the inside.

This office is over a hundred square meters in size, with a sofa and a bookcase more than 20 meters long. , as well as a lounge with everything you need


Murray walked to the chairman's desk, looked at this man who was nearly ten years older than himself, but looked younger than himself, and said respectfully.

Su Can blinked slightly, looked at Murray, and said:" What's up."

Yes, this Tiange Group was founded by Su Can in Yanjing City, with the purpose of managing the companies under it. It can also be said that the Tiange Group is a subsidiary of Sino-Ocean Real Estate, Dongfeng Logistics, and Palace Royal Restaurant. Carrefour, these Su Can are at the head office of Yanjing City Industrial.

Su Can will come here to work occasionally.

As for other companies under it, such as Vientiane Group Yongan Bank and Huatong Patent Company Qianfen Investment Company, etc.........

Su Candu founded an offshore company and took charge of it

"Boss, Mr. Ma from Alibaba just called me and wants to invite you to participate in this year's Xihu Sword."Murray said respectfully. Are you talking about swordsmanship?

Su Can frowned slightly when he heard this.

Unknowingly, Ma Xiaoyun has gone from being a young boy who met foreigners to practice speaking with foreigners, to becoming an Internet boss.

And, It also got Su Can's support and heavy investment.

Xihujian was founded a few years ago, and Ma Xiaoyun invited Su Can to go.

However, Su Can was too lazy to go.

There was no way, the domestic Internet There is no enterprise that he has not invested in. Even if he is not the major shareholder, he is definitely the second and third largest shareholder.

If he goes there, what's the point of having a meeting at home?

Besides, those people are currently It’s just a three, and he is Wang Zha. A group of three people are having fun together!

When he, Wang Zha, appears, can they still play?

It’s not interesting.........

Su Can refused. Ma Xiaoyun did not invite him again in the past two years, but this year Ma Xiaoyun actually invited Su Can again.

"Say no!"

Su Can shook his head and ordered.

"It's the boss. I'll reply to Mr. Ma right now and tell him that you don't have time to participate in Xihu Sword."Murray immediately said respectfully.

As Su Can's secretary, Su Can can just say no.

But as a secretary, Murray has to help the boss make up for the excuses and whitewash it. This is the responsibility of a secretary.

Murray turned his head Turn around and leave

"Wait a moment! Su

Can thought for a moment and asked Murray to stop.

Murray turned around and said,"Boss, do you have anything else to tell me?" Su

Can nodded and said,"Ask Ma Xiaoyun to send an invitation letter to Autohome!" Let Autohome participate in this event."

There's no point in him going there.........

But because Su Can's level is too high, if we put it in fairy novels, Su Can would be the highest level of the Immortal Emperor. Although Ma Xiaoyun and his group are not called Qi Refiners, they are also at the Foundation Building level.

If an Immortal Emperor plays with a group of Foundation Builders, isn't that a joke?

But Zhang Ming and Su Zeming can go. They are both still young, especially since Autohome has just been founded and is still an Internet company.

Participating in such forums will be of some help to their company.

Let these two children go there and study hard. Su Can is too lazy to tell them directly about the general trend of the Internet.

It is better to think about it yourself and see if you can clearly see the future trend.

If you have the ability and can see it yourself, then that is your real ability

"I understand, boss, I will talk to Mr. Ma and ask him to send an invitation letter to Autohome."

Murray nodded and said.

He immediately walked out and called Ma Xiaoyun.

Ma Xiaoyun, who was far away in Hangzhou, received Murray's call. At first, he was still very happy, and the expectant Mr. Su agreed.

As a result, Mu Lei directly said that Mr. Su refused.

Ma Xiaoyun looked disappointed, but felt that it was expected........

"Car home? Ma

Xiaoyun hung up the phone, showed a pensive look, and said softly:"What kind of Internet company is this?""

"Why haven't I heard of it? Could it be that it was just founded?"

However, a newly founded company was able to ask Mr. Su to personally instruct him to send an invitation letter to Autohome.

To be able to alarm Mr. Su, could this company be a new investment by Mr. Su?

Thinking of this, Ma Xiaoyun was filled with excitement. Out of curiosity, I immediately called the secretary

"Mr. Ma."

Not half an hour after the secretary walked out, he was called back by Ma Xiaoyun. He looked at Ma Xiaoyun with some confusion and said

"Check it out. There is a company in Yanjing City called Autohome. See how old this company is and what the shareholders are. Also prepare an invitation letter to invite the person in charge of Autohome to attend Xihujian.."

Ma Xiaoyun speaks very quickly. He has been an English teacher for several years. Whether he speaks in Mandarin or English, he is clear and logical.

"It's Mr. Ma, I'll go and do it right away........"

The secretary was also wondering, what kind of company is this Autohome?

At this point, all the companies that should be invited have been invited. Only now does this company appear. Is the energy so great? ps recommends the book"Movie: Starting from Winning the Handsome Man"_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiaoxiao

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