This is a big deal.

If it is exposed, it will not only be affected by Zhang Dahai and his cousin Li Dong, both of whom help manage the Su family's industry.

When the time comes, it is not impossible for someone with good intentions to take this opportunity to attack the Su family's industry.

Even if the time comes to recover, the two industries of the Su family will be greatly affected.

When the time comes, the gains outweigh the losses.

If we can handle it now, we’ll handle it as soon as possible.

"no problem! We'll go with you later."

Lu Mingyuan said

"And I!"

Li Zhi nodded.

"Zeming, I will go out with you later, and they will come one after another. Wang Zuo looked at Su Zeming and said


Su Zeming nodded slightly, then looked at Tang Xuan sitting next to her, and said,"Tang Xuan, sit here and wait for me to come back."

"Um! It's okay, I'll wait for you here."Seeing that Su Zeming could still remember him at this juncture, Tang Xuan's heart felt as sweet as eating honey.

Su Zeming stood up and walked outside.

Qian Zheng and Wang Zuo followed, and the three of them walked When I got out, there were not many people, so it didn’t attract the attention of other people in the private room.

"Qian Zheng, where are they?"

Su Zeming said in a deep voice

"Right in front, turn the corner and you'll find their private room."Qian Zheng pointed in the direction of the corner in front and said.


Su Zeming nodded and walked quickly forward.

After passing through several private room doors, he finally reached the corner........

"Zhang Ming, who do you think you are? You dare to take care of me? Dad doesn’t even dare to take care of me. You are a useless piece of trash. You are almost thirty years old and have accomplished nothing, but you dare to take care of me."

As soon as Su Zeming reached the corner, he heard a sharp shout. When he heard it, he frowned slightly. After walking around the corner and looking over, Su Zeming saw a teenage boy in front of Zhang Ming, pointing at Zhang Ming. Cursed.

Although Su Zeming didn't meet this boy many times, he often introduced him to him when Zhang Dahai took him to his house.

Because this boy was Zhang Chen, after Zhang Dahai and Zhang Ming's mother divorced , the child he had with that woman.

No, it should be said that the boy was born before the divorce.

And there were several people next to him who were the same age as him or a few years older than him. They stood beside him and looked at Zhang Ming, when the boy gave the order, they immediately beat Zhang Ming with their fists.

"Let me tell you, you are not my brother, and you don’t want to interfere with my affairs. I can do whatever I like. Can you take care of it?"

"Get out of here, what the hell are you playing at?......"

Zhang Chen said disdainfully

"Get out! Mr. Zhang wants you to get lost!"

"Who do you think you are, you dare to control us?."

"If you don't leave, we'll be rude to you."

"Don't interrupt our play. This big boss doesn't dare to care about us playing like that. Who are you to interrupt our interest?"

"That’s it, that’s it!"

"Damn it, get out of here."

The people around Zhang Chen saw Zhang Chen's attitude and immediately told Zhang Ming to get out, otherwise, they would be rude to Zhang Ming. These people's eyes were scarlet, and some of them looked like they had taken yao. Zhang Ming's face was expressionless.

He didn't move, and didn't pay attention to Zhang Chen's words, but said seriously:"Those things are not for fun, come back with me quickly"


Zhang Chen heard Zhang Ming's words and roared loudly.


The door behind them also opened at the same time, and a young man about the same age as Zhang Chen walked out.......

"Zhang Chen, it’s not done yet! Come in quickly, don't let your brother sweep away our interest, go away Zhang Ming! It's not your turn to say how we play, otherwise Zhang Chen will let someone beat you, and I won't be able to stop him."The young man looked at Zhang Ming and said lightly.

There seemed to be a trace of disdain in his eyes. Among the Zhang family, only Zhang Chen could play with him in a decent way. As for Zhang Ming, even if he is more than ten years older than them, But Zhang Dahai didn't take him seriously.

Now, he has accomplished nothing and is looked down upon by him, so he doesn't call Zhang Ming brother Zhang Ming at all, but just his name.

And they are more than ten years apart, and they don't even say polite words about their seniority.

"Li Li! Zhang

Ming looked at the young man who had just come out and said,"You can't play like this. Don't hang out with Zhang Chen. If your brother finds out, it will be serious.""


Li Li looked at Zhang Ming disdainfully and said,"Zhang Ming, don't use my brother to pressure me. I'll tell you the truth! I'm not afraid of him. Besides, I'm not afraid of my parents either. I'm afraid of what he will do." What?"

"Forget it, why are you talking nonsense? Get out of here, otherwise, I almost want to beat you up."

"Go away or not!"Zhang Chen looked at Zhang Ming and felt that Zhang Ming had lost his face by telling Li Li not to play with him just now.

That was like slapping him in the face in front of him!

How could this be done?

Zhang Chen was furious. Got it

"If you don't get out, I won't let you get out, and I'll make you lie down and walk."Zhang Chen's eyes showed a ferocious look, and his temper was rising.

He raised his hand, clenched it into a fist, and struck Zhang Ming.

At this time, Su Zeming had already approached and saw what Li Li had done. Because, I felt disappointed, and when I saw Zhang Chen being so arrogant, Su Zeming felt disgusted.

These brats went too far.

Especially at this moment, when I saw Zhang Chen clenching his fist and hitting Zhang Ming directly, Su Zeming was Angry.

He stepped hard on the floor, and with a swish of his body, he rushed out like lightning, extremely fast.


Wang Zuo next to him was stunned when he saw it.

"What about Ze Ming?"

Qian Zheng was also dumbfounded.

The two of them saw Su Zeming rushing out as fast as lightning, and the whole person disappeared in front of him.

When they saw him again, he was already several meters away in front of him.

"Hit him! Hit him!"

Seeing Zhang Chen about to beat Zhang Ming, the people around him shouted


Then, something shocking happened. Zhang Chen raised his fist and hit Zhang Ming, but stopped in mid-air.

Su Zeming reached out and grabbed his wrist tightly.

"Who dares to stop me."

Zhang Chen's fist was blocked by Su Zeming. He was furious, turned to look at Su Zeming, and cursed, but the curse word hadn't come out yet, and he was immediately frightened.


Zhang Chen looked at that familiar face and immediately trembled with fear. This was even more terrifying than seeing his parents.

He was dumbfounded.

Why is this guy here?


Zhang Chen's throat squirmed, and he was so frightened that he kept swallowing his saliva. He was dumbfounded and dumbfounded, as if he was petrified.

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