
Li Li was kicked away by Su Zeming and fell on several people, overwhelming them all.

"oops! It hurts me so much."

The people who were crushed by Li Li let out mournful sounds, but no one dared to point at Su Zeming and curse like they did just now.

Do you want to die?

Didn't you see that this guy slapped Zhang Chen in the face as he said? Just kick them, and now they directly kicked Li Li away?

If they dare to move, aren't they looking for death?

Li Li also gritted his teeth in pain, clutched his stomach, struggled to stand up, and looked at Su Zeming, He couldn't help but shudder

"Brother, I was wrong, I was wrong........"

Li Li quickly admitted his mistake and said.

Su Zeming looked at Li Li with a hint of coldness in his eyes, which made Li Li uncontrollably frightened and trembled all over.

Su Zeming said calmly:"Get rid of everyone in your private room."

"It’s brother!"

Although Li Li didn't know what Su Zeming was going to do, he immediately said respectfully.

After a while, everyone in their private room was kicked out. Su Zeming glanced at Li Li and said,"Take Zhang Chen in.""

"Yes, brother!"

Li Li supported Zhang Chen and walked into the private room.

Su Zeming turned around and looked at Wang Zuo and Lu Mingyuan who came behind him, and said,"Wang Zuo, Mingyuan, please wait at the door and don't let anyone in.""

"It's clear that nothing's wrong, go in and deal with it! We're keeping watch outside."

Wang Zuo said with a smile.

"As long as we are here, no one can enter."Lu Mingyuan patted his chest and said confidently.

Li Zhi smiled and said:"With us here, what are you worried about?"

"That's right, that's right, don't worry........"

Zhang Suo smiled.

These are all super rich young men, even the four eldest young men in Yanjing City. If they are outside, countless people will respectfully and fawn upon them when they see them.

How many people in this world dare to let them look at the door.

However, Su Zeming did just that.

However, Lu Mingyuan, Li Zhi, Wang Zuo and Zhang Suo were not dissatisfied at all, nor did they have any complaints in their hearts.

Among the younger generation, only Su Zeming has this prestige and ability.

Even if Su Zeming is younger than them.

However, they all obeyed Su Zeming.

Su Zeming nodded slightly, looked at Zhang Ming and said,"Brother Zhang Ming, come in with me to deal with it!"


Zhang Ming nodded, walked forward, and took the initiative to open the private room door. Su Zeming looked at it and immediately walked in........

As soon as they entered, they saw Zhang Chen and Li hurriedly packing up the medicine and tools left on the table. When they saw Su Zeming and Zhang Ming coming in, they were immediately in a hurry.

"Is it too late to clean up now?"

Su Zeming said lightly

"Brother, I was wrong, I was really wrong."Li Li took a look, put down the tools in his hands, lowered his head and apologized.

"Brother Zeming, I also know that I was wrong, and I will never dare to do it again, and I will be respectful to my brother in the future."

Zhang Chen also cried and begged.

Su Zeming glanced at the two of them lightly, walked to the sofa in the private room, and sat down.

Zhang Ming stood beside him and did not sit down.

Looking at Li Li and Zhang Chen in front of him, Su Zeming was angry. If they don't come together, these two people have really lost face in their circles.

Especially Li Li.

He is the son of his cousin Li Dong, and he is particularly close to their Su family. If he is there If something goes wrong, it's easy for people to point their guns at the Su family.

"Say it........"

Su Zeming suppressed the anger in his heart and said in a deep voice:"When did you two start touching those things?"

When Zhang Chen heard this, he looked at Li Li, and Li Li also looked over. Everyone looked at each other and no one dared to speak.

Su Zeming looked at it indifferently, tapping his fingers lightly on the marble table in front of him several times. In this private room without music, it was particularly clear.

"Da da!"

This clicking sound was like stepping on people's hearts every time, making Li Li and Zhang Chen feel scared.

"Brother, we started meeting half a year ago."

Li Li lowered his head and whispered.

"Brother Zeming, what we are saying is serious, it only started half a year ago."Zhang Chen also nodded immediately and admitted.

Su Zeming looked at the two of them and said,"How did we meet?......."

Li Li lowered his head and replied:"One time we went out to play, a friend brought it over. Later, everyone played together and thought it was very exciting to use it."


Zhang Chen said.


Su Zeming was extremely angry when he heard this sentence. He used such a harmful thing to stab him. How stupid is this!

"Damn it!"

Su Zeming was so angry that he directly picked up the yao smoking tools and some cups on the table and threw them at Zhang Chen and Li Li.


Those cups and tools hit the two of them directly, making a loud noise.


Following that, the cups fell to the ground and shattered into pieces.

The two of them were hit so hard that their whole bodies hurt, and they were probably both blue and purple. They grimaced in pain, but they didn't even have the courage to avoid it. None.

Looking at the angry Su Zeming, they had never seen Su Zeming, who had always been a good gentleman, be so angry.......

Zhang Ming was shocked when he looked at it.

It seemed that his brother and Li Li had really offended Ze Ming's evil spirit.

In other words, it is not only Su Zeming's reverse scale, but also Uncle Su's reverse scale. Regarding this, Uncle Su told them a lot.

However, I don’t know if I have told the younger generation.

Anyway, these people have said that people of their generation do eat, drink and gamble, but they really don't have this poison.

And when it comes to gambling, I don’t dare to bet big.

Now that Li Li and Zhang Chen encountered this, how could they not make Ze Ming angry?

What if Uncle Su knew about it?

Even Zhang Ming couldn't imagine the consequences. What would happen? Anyway, it would definitely be a very scary thing.

"Say, who is that person? He is that family member. Tell me everything you know about that person’s identity."

Su Zeming took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

When he said this, Su Zeming made no secret, and a strong murderous intention permeated the air. The feeling of terror turned into a powerful aura, and he instantly moved toward the scene. Several people enveloped him and left.

Even Zhang Ming, who often met various important people, felt a little suffocated.

This aura was too powerful.......

As for Li Li and Zhang Chen, they were even more unbearable. After all, they were teenagers and had not experienced much at all. They felt Su Zeming's huge aura.

Behind both of them, cold sweat broke out. ps please subscribe please subscribe_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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