Am I so ugly?

You know, the reason why no beautiful stories happen when a man and a woman live together in the same room is not a story about animals being inferior to animals.......

But because he is too ugly, there is no story.

Tang Xuan now doubts himself and life in this way.


Tang Xuan lowered her head and nodded. Is she going to say, I'm scared to sleep alone in the room, so why don't you come over?

Doesn't she want to lose face?"

"Good night then. Tang

Xuan looked at Su Zeming and forced a smile on his face.

Su Zeming nodded slightly.

Tang Xuan smiled and said,"Let me turn off the lights for you!""

She walked to the switch, turned off the light, then walked towards the room, and slowly entered the room.

Tang Xuan turned her back and gently closed the door.

However, when the door reached the door, she stopped. The door was closed, leaving a gap in the door that was supposed to be closed.

Although the inside could not be seen from the outside, it could be seen that the door was not closed tightly.

As for the lock, Tang Xuan did not know how to close it at all.

"I don’t know if it will happen later in the evening......."In Tang Xuan's heart, there was a faint expectation, so she walked to the bed and lay down.

This is the last chance.

She tossed and turned on the bed, unable to sleep at all. Her whole heart was silent, listening to what was going on in the living room outside.

I don’t know how long it took, one second, one minute, one hour.

After Tang Xuan felt that hundreds of millions of seconds had passed, Tang Xuan still didn't hear any sound coming from the living room outside.

Nor did she hear the sound of the door opening that she had been waiting for for a long time.


Tang Xuan was so depressed that he almost screamed.

What's going on?.......

Nothing happens at all, why?

Could it be?

She remembered what she had said just now, saying that Su Zeming would not do anything to her. She believed that Su Zeming

"Oh my God! What on earth did I say!"

Tang Xuan regretted it so much that he wished he could give himself a slap. What nonsense did he just say! How could he say that?

If he did, he would have to say that even if Zeming did something to him, he would not resist. It was so obvious.

Looking at it now, there was no story left behind by her words.

Tang Xuan hated herself to death.

In the midst of annoyance and regret, Tang Xuan fell into a daze and fell into a deep sleep........

Time flies by slowly. Not to mention, Su Zeming and the others played until midnight and early morning. The night passed faster.

However, even though the sky had turned bright and the day had driven away the night, Su Zexuan and the two of them were still immersed in sleep.

Not long after the two of them fell asleep, it was dawn. Do you want to wake up soon?

Villa in foreground.

At this time, it was already past eight o'clock. Su Can had gotten up early and went to the villa next door to exercise for a while.

This was originally a villa, but it was transformed by Su Can into a place for fitness and exercise, and even a boxing ring.

Usually, Su Can exercises here.

Or perhaps, the security guards under my command are also training here. It’s quite lively here.


Su Can is wearing sports shorts and a vest. Even though he is over forty, his figure is still that of a young man in his twenties and thirties.

Especially his abdominal muscles, although they are not as rough as eight-pack abs, but There are still some around six bucks, but such a figure looks better than eight bucks.........

Su Can sat down and let out a long breath.

"Third brother."

Zhong Mingqiang handed Su Can a towel and a bottle of water.

Su Can wiped the sweat from his face and neck with the towel, put it aside, opened the bottle of pure water, and took a few sips.

He felt comfortable. Less.

Practicing like this for a while every morning can make people feel energetic.

He glanced at the other people exercising. They were all his security team members, and some of them were still sparring with each other in the boxing ring.

"What happened yesterday?"

Su Zeming looked at it, moved his eyes back, looked at Zhong Mingqiang in front of him and said

"Yesterday, Miss Nian'er and Zeming met."

Zhong Mingqiang looked at Su Zeming, lowered his head and said.

This news was told to him by Zhong Xiang on the phone at almost twelve o'clock yesterday. This matter was too important. Zhong Xiang did not dare not to fight.

If it had been left alone, even if it was Zhong Xiang would not reveal whether Su Nian'er was in love, but when Su Nian'er and Su Zeming met, it would be a big deal.........


When Su Can heard this, he just felt his head hurt.

When these two children met, did they fight?

How is his precious daughter?

The first thing Su Can thought of was his precious daughter Su Nian'er. As for Su Zeming, Su Can didn't bother to think about it. , Su Can has seen this boy’s strength with his own eyes.

"what happened? Was this done on purpose, or was it an accident?"Su Zeming looked at Zhong Mingqiang, and his eyes became fierce.

The invincible Su Can, who was like an overlord and had a powerful aura like all living beings, came back in an instant!

Feeling Su Can's powerful aura, Zhong Mingqiang respectfully Said:"Third brother, this is accidental. Yesterday, the boy from Da Fei's family came to Yanjing City to celebrate and established a foothold, and invited a group of them to play."

"Miss Nian'er, on the other hand, has several classmates who never set. When they were master's degree students, they were under the same tutor. In order to catch up with those classmates, they went to that place specially to play. In fact, it was all accidental."

"I also checked specifically and found that nothing human-led happened. So far, there are no major problems. Zhong

Mingqiang thought for a moment and said


Su Can nodded with satisfaction.

As long as it was an accident, he didn't care much, as he was afraid that it was man-made, and it wouldn't be Su Can's problem that was being calculated by then.

Even if others plot against him, Su Can can do it.

However, if he dares to plot against his son and daughter, especially his baby daughter, he will receive a crazy blow from Su Can.

That was a more terrifying blow than plotting against him.

Su Can, this daughter-slave, is not just talk.

"When the two met, did anything happen?"Su Can was a little curious about what happened when the two children met.

When Zhong Mingqiang heard this, he smiled bitterly and said,"Third brother, Miss Nian'er officially declared war on Ze Ming yesterday night, and she wants to win against Ze Ming."

He didn't say the last sentence, but he knew that Su Can would definitely hear what it meant.

"Yes, yes, you are worthy of me. As far as declaring war is concerned, what Nian'er did was domineering!"

Su Can's eyes lit up and he felt a little happy.

This kid just lets him go........

He is domineering and declares war when he says it. This is possible, but Su Can's child must be so domineering. ps please subscribe please subscribe_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collect and recommend

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