When Li Dong heard this, he rolled his eyes.

"Wang Er, take a closer look, do you know this person?......"

Li Dong took a deep breath and asked again


When Wang Er heard this, he frowned slightly, and then looked at the photo seriously. After looking at it for a while, he blinked.


Wang Er made a sound of surprise.

"What, did you recognize it? Li Dong asked excitedly.

Wang Er looked at Li Dong and then at Su Can, nodded and said,"It does look familiar. I seem to have seen it somewhere.""

"Third brother, you are definitely not the person I mess with!"

Wang Er immediately expressed his position.

Su Can looked at Wang Er, dumbfounded.

Li Dong rolled his eyes and said,"Wang Er, stop making trouble. This man actually seduced You Ming and colluded with Hongmu Capital to seek Zhongxing. Major shareholder position of car sales company........"

"What? She was so brave."When Wang Er heard this, he was completely angry and said with a murderous look on his face.

Li Dong said:"So, let me see if you can see any tricks? Do you have any impression of this woman?"

If his cousin Su Can hadn't said that Wang Er knew, looking at Wang Er like this, Li Dong wouldn't even believe it. This guy could know this woman.

If so?

It's impossible for Wang Er not to recognize this person.

"Okay, I'll take a closer look."Wang Er took a deep breath, picked up the photos, and looked at them carefully.

He looked at them from top to bottom.

After a while, Wang Er's brows became more and more frowned.

"Huh! It does look familiar, as if I've seen it somewhere."Wang Er frowned. He no longer looked carefree.

He recalled it seriously.

"who is it?"

Li Dong couldn't wait to ask.

Su Can picked up a cup of tea and drank it slowly, waiting for Wang Er to figure it out.

He could already tell that this person was from the family more than ten years ago, but he had been there since he was a child. Study abroad.......

If it weren't for the fact that when we planned to deal with that family, we found out all the family's direct descendants and their identity photos.

At that time, Su Can looked at the young girl and really couldn't tell that this photo was her.

Because this change is really too big.

It has been more than ten years, and the young girl has turned into a middle-aged woman who is full of intrigues. This change is very big.

"Third brother, why do I feel that this woman looks a bit like the girl from the Zhou family?"

Wang Er's expression became serious, and he looked at Su Can and said with some worry.

When he felt that this woman was that person, and then what Li Dong said, Wang Er already felt that this matter was very serious........

Moreover, it is not an ordinary serious problem

"What about that girl from the Zhou family? ? Li

Dong scratched his head and felt puzzled:"There is no big Zhou family in Yanjing City!""

"Um! You are right, that girl, the girl back then, has now grown into a middle-aged woman."

Su Can nodded deeply and said


Li Dong was confused.

He just thought that his cousins ​​Su Can and Wang Er were talking about Zen language? Why did he understand every word they said, but when they were put together, he couldn't understand anything?

This What's going on?

"Third brother, Zhou Tong is back for revenge........."

Wang Er took a deep breath and asked.

Su Can smiled slightly, not nervous or serious. The unknown enemy is the most terrifying thing, but when the enemy is discovered.

Then, it is no longer scary.

Knowing the details of the enemy, it is easy to counterattack

"I guess so, otherwise, she wouldn't have deliberately planned to collude with Hongmu Capital to acquire Zhongxing Company."

Su Can nodded and said

"Damn, my family is really haunted this week, and they actually dare to take advantage of us. I'm tired of living here. Wang Er suddenly became angry and said angrily:"Back then, the Zhou family was greedy and wanted to deal with us. They almost made Grandpa Su unable to save him. We fought back and finally the Zhou family collapsed."

"Now, they want to come back and plot against us"

"This time, we must hit them hard and let them know that we are not easy to mess with, what the hell!"

Wang Er said disdainfully.

The Zhou family was not a giant back then, but he, Third Brother and others used a trick to directly deceive the Zhou family.

In the end, the high debts became the crushing factor for the Zhou family. The last straw.

After something happened to the Zhou family, there was no need for Su Can and Wang Er to take action. Naturally, there were a large number of families who were jealous of the Zhou family and took action........

In the end, the huge Zhou family collapsed and withdrew from the big stage of Yanjing City.

And the culprit also jumped down from the tall building, and his head turned into an exploded watermelon.

Some of the remaining Zhou family members went to other provinces, and some went abroad.

This Zhou Tong was abroad at the time.

I didn't expect that this person would actually start plotting against them.

"Brother, what did you and Wang Er talk about? What Zhou family, what Zhou Tong? Why can’t I understand a sentence? What does it mean?"

Li Dong scratched his head and asked with great determination.

If he didn't ask, he felt like a fool sitting here, listening to words he didn't understand, and his whole face was confused.

Is this what.........

"Wang Er will explain this to you later."Su Can looked at Li Dong, smiled and said


Although Li Dong felt curious in his heart, he didn't dare to ask any more questions after hearing what Su Can said.

What on earth is going on?

He was confused.

Wang Er also said:"Li Dong , Don’t worry, I will tell you what happened later. This time, the greedy woman in your family was colluded with. Although you are unlucky, it also shows that the woman in your family is really a stupid person."

Li Dong rolled his eyes when he heard this.

Wang didn't say anything more until two o'clock. If he continued to say anything, it would hurt the friendship between him and Li Dong.

No matter how bad Guo Mingming is, it doesn't belong to Li Dong. Wife?

Unless Li Dong divorces her

"Third brother, do you want to prepare now? Face Zhou Tong with his head exposed and carry out crazy blows. Not only Zhou Tong, but also other people in the Zhou family will be hit hard to let them know that they are plotting our fate."

Wang Er's expression became extremely fierce. He opened his hand and turned it into a palm. He made a hand-cutting gesture in front of him. His eyes were full of murderous intent.

Over the years, Wang Er, who has been in charge of such a large company, has more or less a big shot........

He has no shortage of this decisive and decisive momentum.

But compared with Su Can, he is far behind. ps please subscribe please subscribe_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collect and recommend

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