"What's up? Zhang

Man said lightly.

Lin Yue said softly:"Today's Internet Conference held in Yanjing City, Mainland China, a big news broke out"

"What's the big news?"

Zhang Man frowned slightly.

As for the mainland Internet conference, the organizer actually invited their company.

Zhang Man did not go there in person. Although Wanxiang Group has invested in many Internet companies, including Alibaba, Sohu, Penguin, etc.

But after all, It is not similar to Qianfen Investment Company, which is mainly focused on the Internet industry, and the investment focus is on the Internet industry.

Wanxiang Group focuses more on the physical aspect.

Of course, the proportion of the Internet is not high at present, but Wanxiang Group has investments in major Internet companies around the world.

For example, during the Internet bubble, Wanxiang Group also took the opportunity to buy about 2% of the shares of Apple and Microsoft each......

It’s just that the proportion is very small

"call! Lin

Yue took a deep breath and said excitedly:"Bill said personally at the morning forum that there is a person in the mainland who has more assets than him. The richest man in the world is not him, but that person." After hearing this, Zhang

Man frowned slightly and said,"Okay, I understand, you can go down!""


Lin Yue was stunned and looked at Zhang Man in surprise.

Why isn't Mr. Zhang excited?

Isn't this news big news? It will definitely shock the whole world. Now the entire media in Xiangjiang is shocked.

And the boss, actually Nothing has changed at all?

What's going on?

Lin Yue's heart was full of doubts, because she had seen everyone in the company who knew the news, and they were shocked and dumbfounded.

But now that Zhang Man is like this, she A little surprised.

Could it be that this is the reason why Mr. Zhang is so charming? His face remained unchanged even before the collapse of Mount Tai. This determination is so amazing!

Lin Yuexin admired him excitedly.

It's so amazing........

Lin Yue slowly stepped back, looking at Zhang Man with eyes filled with crazy admiration.

Seeing Lin Yue leaving, Zhang Man's expression slowly changed, from the serious expression to relaxed, even with a hint of tenderness.

Lin Yue, who has been Zhang Man's secretary for three years, has never seen such a side of Zhang Man. If she saw it, she would be stunned.

At this time, Zhang Man was leaning against the president's chair with a lazy look on his face.

Zhang Man didn't have to guess about the richest man in the world that Lin Yue mentioned. He basically knew who that person was and how terrifying this person was.

Yes, that person is her boss.

After following Su Can for more than twenty years, he went from a company with a market value of tens of millions to managing assets worth hundreds of billions of dollars.

Zhang Man knew very clearly how powerful Ziban was.

The combined assets of all the top ten richest people on the annual Forbes rich list are probably not as much as his boss's assets.

Their boss wants to become the richest man in the world, it only takes a minute.

As for Bill, it was his boss who invested in it.

When it comes to the richest man in the world, her boss Su Can is the only one in China. No one else has the ability or wealth at all.........

"Boss, are you going to step out of the stage?"

Zhang Man felt a little excited in her heart and whispered.

She felt that Bill must have gotten permission from his boss when he said this. This was sending a signal to the outside world.

Let people know , he has to step forward.

Otherwise, such a little bit of news would not have been made.

"It would be great if you could step up to the plate."Zhang Man was slightly excited and felt particularly happy.

The boss Su Can came to the stage. They were naturally very happy.

"Jingle Bell!"

At this moment, the small and exquisite Xiaomi limited edition mobile phone for women that Zhang Man placed on the table rang.

This mobile phone is Xiaomi's flagship mobile phone specially designed for women, and is specially built for successful female users.

It is a collection of beauty, usage and other aspects.

A mobile phone costs more than 6,880 Hong Kong dollars.

In today's era when ordinary mobile phones cost several hundred yuan each, this Xiaomi mobile phone is not cheap.. However

, as soon as it was released, it was already sold out.........

And there is certainly no shortage of people like Zhang Man.

She looked at the ringing cell phone. Now she was the domineering and beautiful president of the Vientiane Group. The person who could call her, if not a family member, would be someone with a very high status.

Otherwise, she wouldn't know Zhang Man's mobile phone number at all.

Zhang Man picked up the phone and opened it. It was Lu Qianshan. Zhang Man looked at it and slowly pressed the answer button with his weak and boneless hands.

"Thousands of mountains."

Zhang Manxiao opened his mouth slightly and said slowly.

"Mr. Zhang, have you seen the news? At the Internet Conference held in Yanjing City, Bill announced a big news."

Lu Qianshan's excited voice sounded.

Today, Lu Qianshan's status is no less than that of Zhang Man. It has been acquired by Yong'an Bank for nearly 20 years, and now it has become a world-class bank, second only to HSBC in Xiangjiang..

And the Standard Chartered Bank it acquired now accounts for more than 40% of the shares, and the proportion of shares is still increasing every year........

In addition, Yongan Bank has been frantically investing in some banks around the world for more than ten years to make strategic investments.

Especially in the mainland, a lot of investment has been made.

Among them, Ping An Group has a lot of shares in Yong'an Bank, and this company has high hopes from its boss Su Can.

It is definitely not a small thing to be able to make such a big man feel emotional.

Yes, the news announced by Bill really shocked both of them.

"Saw it!"

Zhang Man said slowly.

Lu Qianshan said excitedly:"Bill sent such news in Yanjing City, do you think he got the boss's instruction?"

After Zhang Man heard this, he thought for a moment, and it was really possible.

Lu Qianshan couldn't wait for Zhang Man to speak, and continued:"So, I think this may be a message that the boss is about to come on stage."

"If that's the case, that would be great."

Lu Qianshan was extremely happy.

They, the people under Su Can, had been expecting their boss to stand on stage as early as ten or twenty years ago.

They were in favor of it with both hands raised.

After all, if Su Can Can stood in front of the stage, which was the best thing for Lu Qianshan and Zhang Man. He was able to make their company so big even behind the scenes........

What if the boss stands in front of the stage?

Thinking of this, even Lu Qianshan and Zhang Man were yearning for it and couldn't believe how big the company would be by then. ps please subscribe please subscribe_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collect and recommend

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