Su Can rolled his eyes, how could he agree to such a thing.

Co-author, any beautiful girl comes out and says she thinks her genes are good and she wants to borrow some seeds from her to have a child.........

How is this possible?

Is he a bitch?

Of course it won't work. Not only it won't work, but it won't work.

"Okay, take the people back!"

Su Can lowered his head and said.

He faced Chu Yu and felt a huge headache. There was no way he could do anything about it. This guy was too tough. He was the toughest being that Su Can knew.


Hearing Su Can's words, Chu Yu sighed, feeling a little sad. She stood up and said,"I won't give up this idea unless I can't have children anymore, but I went to the hospital for a checkup, and the doctor said that my I am in good health and there will be no problems even at the age of 45"


Su Can picked up a cup of tea and took a sip. Hearing Chu Yu's words suddenly, Su Can almost couldn't take a sip of tea.

Damn it!

45 years old........

Isn’t that still seven or eight years away?

Thinking of being watched by Chu Yu for the next seven or eight years, Su Can was speechless and felt helpless!

What can he do?

He is also very helpless!

Seeing Chu Yu finish speaking and turning around to leave, Su Can rubbed his head, this girl is really too fierce.

"It seems that the trip to the United States has to be made early."

Su Can said softly helplessly.

I went to America just to see Wang Su. One of the important things was to see if the man Wang Su was talking about was reliable.

The other thing was to deal with Lan Qing and Zhou Tong. Time flies, and a few days pass quickly.

In the past few days, the popularity of the world's richest man in China has not diminished. Such a big news will basically not subside in less than half a month.

In addition , Today, the Internet industry has not yet reached the era of smartphones. In that era, the popularity of a piece of news would not last three days.

Within three days, major events would happen every day.

Those things would be replaced by other things. The popularity has overshadowed everything in the past, especially entertainment news. If a star cheats, the popularity can overshadow everything.

There is no way, in the era of national entertainment.

No matter that person, they have a strong curiosity about gossip and privacy, and they will talk about it. I don’t like it, I don’t want it, but when I saw this kind of news, I clicked in as quickly as possible.

Hmm! It smells so good.........

On this day, in the villa in the foreground

"Third brother, it has been arranged. After we arrive at the venue, the plane will take off to America." Zhong Mingqiang walked in and said

"Okay, let’s go!"

Su Can stood up, took a long and deep breath and said.

He walked out of the villa, and the group got into the car, and then quickly headed towards the airport. They went to the South Garden. Over there, most of them were private Most of them are airplanes and business jets.

Su Can's private jet is parked there.

His private jet is a Gulfstream worth more than 300 million U.S. dollars. This plane is exclusively used by Su Can and can carry more than 40 people.

Among them, inside There is also a large bedroom with a separate bathroom.

It can be said that it is very luxurious.

About half an hour later, the car arrived at the south yard. Su Can and the others got out of the car and entered the airport.

Murray took care of everything. Go through the formalities and board the plane immediately.

After about ten minutes, the plane slowly took off and headed towards the United States. This flight takes a long time.

After more than ten hours, it will arrive in the United States.

It is morning now , it is estimated that it will be early morning domestic time when we arrive there, but after we arrive there, it will still be daytime. The time difference between the two places is about twelve hours. If we are in the central part of the United States, the force will be even further away.........

After getting on the plane, the flight attendant prepared a cocktail for Su Can that he preferred to drink.

These flight attendants are not the original ones. They have been replaced a long time ago. Those who have reached a certain age have basically retired.

And these few are new here, and they have been working there for three years.

Su Can drank a few sips and had something to eat at noon, then went directly to the bedroom and closed the door to sleep. Of course, he slept alone.

Time passed by, and after a long flight, the plane slowly landed in New York City.

On this trip, he came to New York City first.

Because he had to deal with Lan Qing and Zhou Tong's affairs, and Wang Su's words, Su Can was not so anxious to look at Wang Su.

After getting off the plane, Su Can walked out of the special aisle.

After walking out of the airport, Wei Wei was a little surprised to find some Asian faces receiving a lot of attention.

At the airport, there was also a reporter doing interviews.

Su Can looked at it, slightly curious.

When he heard what those reporters said, Su Can smiled bitterly, thinking that it was Bill's side that caused the trouble.

It's been almost a week, and the heat here hasn't subsided yet. Is it still so hot at the airport?

What is this thing called?........

Su Can rolled his eyes helplessly and walked outside before the media reporter noticed the Asian faces in his group.

Soon, I saw Li Xueer's secretary waiting outside.

After Su Can and the others arrived, her secretary immediately walked up with high heels, looked at Su Can and said respectfully:"Mr. Su, because there are media here, it is not convenient for the boss to come out to greet you. She is waiting for you in the car. Woolen cloth!"

"Um! Let's go!"

Su Can nodded slightly.

Today, Li Xueer is different from the past. She is a well-known investor in Wall Street, New York City. The Qianfen Investment Company she manages is one of the largest investment companies in the United States.

She is also personally related to the president of Goldman Sachs. , the heads of Lehman Brothers, Redwood Capital and other companies were tied together.

Even in terms of risk aversion, some people vaguely compared Li Xueer and Buffett.

Especially in the Internet crisis, Buffett said The words that he was not as good as Li Xue'er caused an uproar in Wall Street.

Now, Li Xue'er is the darling of Wall Street's financial news.

If she stood at the airport gate waiting for Su Can, people would definitely notice it. , plus the reporter just now. He came over for an interview in a few minutes. By then, Su Chang appeared in the camera, and it was inevitable that someone who was interested would not notice Su Can's identity.

Combined with what Bill said.

Some people might still be able to Guessed Su Can's identity.

He is the Chinese man Bill mentioned, the richest man in the world.........

Su Can didn't want to expose this.

If he wanted to be known as the richest man in the world, he would have been Su Can more than ten years ago. Why wait until now? ps please subscribe please subscribe_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collect and recommend

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