Huang Hai stretched out his hand to take out the bouquet of flowers.

At this moment, the waiter handed it over and reached into the flower with his other hand at an angle that Huang Hai and Wang Su couldn't see.

He took it out, and a silver-white knife appeared in his hand.

The knife in his hand was like a flexible snake, turning a corner and stabbing in the direction of Wang Su.


When Huang Hai saw it, he was dumbfounded and screamed in horror.

"Killed." he yelled


However, after hearing Huang Hai's words, the flower in his hand directly covered Huang Hai's body and headed towards Huang Hai's head.........

First, he pushed Huang Hai away, and then the knife went towards Wang Su's throat without hesitation.

"Miss, be careful."

Someone next to me yelled before I had time.

In pure Mandarin, these two people sat at the dining table next to Wang Su. They were actually the bodyguards arranged by Su Can to protect Wang Su.

After receiving Su Can's instructions... The security around Wang Su has been strengthened in the past few days. Even when Wang Su was eating, they specially found a seat next to him.

However, they took every precaution, but they did not expect that in this most famous restaurant, the killer would quietly sneak up. He hid and became a waiter.

When Huang Hai was about to confess to their lady, he stabbed Wang Su's throat with a sharp knife.

This killer hid very well.

The two security guards broke out, but compared to the killer Still a step slower.

Wang Su was also frightened. When the killer stabbed her, she was stunned and subconsciously in a daze.

Looking at the knife stabbed by the killer, Wang Su could no longer respond.

She only saw that the knife was getting closer and closer to her throat. She could even feel the sharp breath of the knife.

There was no doubt that in the next moment, this sharp knife would be inserted into her throat. on the neck.

The killer looked at the stunned Wang Su, his eyes brightened.

It seemed that he was about to succeed.

Even if the other party was a big Hollywood star, the assassination would cause a big sensation, but when he thought of that But the reward amount of millions of dollars made the killer take the risk.........

As long as he gets this money, he can go to those chaotic places in Southeast Asia or South America to survive for a few years and then come back.

This money is enough for him to spend.

Just when the killer was about to succeed, Wang Su heard the roar of the bodyguard next to her, which suddenly made her recover from the frightened daze.

Although he had never experienced such a thing, Wang Su still acted subconsciously.

That was when she was filming Crouching Tiger, Hidden One. There were several very classic martial arts scenes in it, including how to avoid swords.

Although she is not a practicing actor, she has practiced in the drama for two months.

Even if you play a few sword flowers, there is no problem.

She kicked the table with her long foot, and before the kick came, her body retreated violently, and her head fell back.

The moment she fell, the knife cut her hand.

That place was exactly where her neck was just now. If it had been a few tenths of a second slower, a knife would have fallen right on her neck.

Her neck will be slit.

At this time, Wang Su fell back to avoid the fatal blow, and the sharp knife tip flew past Wang Su's throat.

At the last moment, it hit a trace of skin on Wang Su's neck, making a very shallow scratch, and blood flowed out instantly.

Then, Wang Su's long hair fell down, and the sharp knife also touched those long hair, and the extremely sharp knife hung up the long hair.

Looking at the long hair, one can imagine how extremely sharp this knife is.

If it touches the throat, the person will definitely die.........


Seeing that Wang Su actually dodged his fatal blow, the killer cursed in his heart, thinking that this was really a ghost.

Wang Su was already intimidated by him and could not move.

His sharp weapon The knife had already fallen, but Wang Su actually came to his senses at the last moment and dodged the fatal blow.

And the way he dodged it was just like in the Xiangjiang movie.

"Could it be that Chinese people know Kung Fu?"

The killer had an idea in his mind.


At the same time, Wang Su fell back, and finally fell to the ground, colliding with the ground and making a loud noise.

When the killer saw it, he immediately swung his knife and stabbed Wang Su again.

"Ah! Killed."

Huang Hai's voice shouted again.

In the restaurant, other guests also saw it, and they were in a mess. Some people screamed, some were frightened, and some fled in panic. The whole restaurant instantly became chaotic.

And the killer, The target was still Wang Su, and the knife stabbed Wang Su in the chest again.

However, he had no chance.

Wang Su's security had already reacted after Wang Su escaped the fatal blow. , the two security guards came forward, one of them was holding a chair, and threw it at the killer. When the killer saw the chair coming, he ducked sideways, and then stabbed Wang Su with his knife. Stop, the movement stops completely........

At this time, he had no chance.

Two security guards came forward and stopped the two people.


Seeing the two security guards coming up and standing next to Wang Su, the security guard let out a loud curse and then fled into the crowd.

If this restaurant didn't have a gun detection machine, he would have come with a gun. , this Wang Su has been killed long ago.

Damn it!

The killer secretly hates

"Protect the young lady first, don’t chase after the bad guys!"Seeing the killer leave, the bodyguard immediately shouted.

The two men immediately helped Wang Su up and protected Wang Su between them, almost as if they were blocking a bullet for Wang Su.

"Miss, are you okay? Let's get out of here quickly."

A bodyguard said respectfully

"I'm fine!"

Wang Su covered his neck. The killer scratched his neck. Although the wound was very shallow, blood still flowed out uncontrollably.

Now, the entire collar under his neck was stained red.

Wang Su With his cold eyes, he glanced at the table in front of him. The bouquet of roses on the ground had been trampled to pieces by the panicked crowd..........

As for Huang Hai, who was about to follow his confession, he had already gone to who knows where.

Wang Su took a casual look, but there was no emotion on his face. He just glanced at him briefly, and then headed downstairs under the protection of two bodyguards.

At the same time, a motorcade slowly drove up downstairs. ps please subscribe please subscribe_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collect and recommend

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