"Did it blow up today? How come there are so many rich people!"

"It’s really a mess........."

"It's terrible. Wang Su is so awesome and has the support of so many big bosses. Wang Su is too low-key, making people think she is just an actress."

"This is probably the best actor in the world!"

"Too strong"

"Even the richest man’s father was blown up"

"Wang Su and the richest man’s mother are good friends! Oh my God! Did I discover some shocking news? This is really shocking"

"Anyway, my friends and I were shocked."

"Hurry up and find the national husband, Mr. Wang, to see if he dares to expose Wang Su's background power?"

"you're so dumb! Mr. Wang’s father personally invited Wang Su"


"Damn it! So, does Mr. Wang still dare to say it?"

"I definitely wouldn’t dare!"

"A lot of people have already commented on Mr. Wang’s Weibo."

"Come and watch!"

"Let's see what Mr. Wang will say........."

Some Weibo users immediately went to Wang Zuo's Weibo to join in the fun, because Wang Zuo was known as the first of the four young men in Yanjing City.

This is a real top young man!

The background of the Wang family is here. Although ordinary people don't know it, no one in the circle knows it.

The Wang family is almost a top-notch family. They are very powerful. If Su Zeming hadn't fought for it, it would have been normal for Wang Zuo to be called the fourth young master of Yanjing City.

As for the head.

Although it is a bit watery.

However, the four young masters still deserve their reputation.

In addition, Wang Zuo is heading towards business, and he often gets involved with various female celebrities and beautiful Internet celebrities, causing some sexy news.

In the circle, he is called Mr. Wang.


He has a strong background, and many people in the rich circle are pretending to be cool, or female celebrities have found some rich people and deliberately pretend to be something on Weibo.

They will all be exposed by Wang Zuo. then.........

On Weibo, Wang Zuo's fans have exceeded 10 million. Many people are loyal fans of Wang Zuo, and many female fans are shouting to give Wang Zuo monkeys.


Wang Su's mysterious background has made countless netizens curious. They all want to know how Wang Su did it and got so many capital bosses to support her.

This is already too scary.

She is definitely not an ordinary person. Even if she has a net worth of tens of billions, she may not have such energy!

That's almost it!

However, the top 30 richest people in the country were stirred up. Such an approach simply shocked and stunned countless people.

They wanted to hear Wang Zuo's sharp comments.

Under Wang Zuo's Weibo, the latest Weibo post received tens of thousands of replies in a short period of time. Those people were just watching the fun and not taking it too seriously..........

They were all extremely curious.

Under the endless calls from these netizens, Wang Zuo finally lost his patience and posted this on Weibo:

"Don't ask me what Wang Su's identity is. I can only say that I call Wang Su my aunt because she has been beating me since I was a child. Posting this on Weibo is risking my life. If A few days later, you saw my nose was bruised and my face was swollen, and you understood."

He simply posted a Weibo message, which immediately made the people who eat melons explode and couldn't be happier.

"Damn it! Little aunt?"

"Doesn't that mean that Wang Su is Wang Zuo's aunt? Is she the biological sister of Mr. Wang of Sino-Ocean Real Estate?"

"My biological sister? A member of the Wang family"

"This was immediately decrypted. It turned out to be the eldest lady of the Wang family!"

"No wonder, so many top tycoons invited Aung Su to co-author, this is the sister of the CEO of Sino-Ocean Real Estate! This is normal"

"yes! This background is huge!"

"No wonder, they all have the surname Wang.........."

"However, Mr. Wang is too funny! Being beaten by Wang Su from childhood to adulthood is so funny. Is Mr. Wang risking his life to tell us these secrets?"

"I feel sorry for Mr. Wang for a few seconds"

"Yes, I feel so sorry for Mr. Wang. Come quickly and give me a hug in Auntie’s arms."

"I have a hunch that when Mr. Wang comes out in a few days, he will definitely turn into a panda with eyes and be beaten up by Wang Su."

"I want to have a little aunt like this!"

"Ha ha! Decrypted."

In the comment area, there was a lot of joy. A group of melon-eating people thought that it must be very interesting for Wang Zuo to be beaten by Wang Su.

This could become a piece of black material for Wang Zuo.

They all laughed.

Bottom, no more No one is curious about Wang Su’s identity.

But on the hot search, a new hot search has appeared, that is, Wang Su’s identity has been exposed, and he actually comes from the huge Wang family.

Such hot search The appearance immediately attracted a lot of people's attention.

Everyone felt that Wang Su's identity was in doubt..........

As for Wang Zuo, he was dumbfounded when he saw what these netizens were thinking about. Damn it, these netizens were so crazy about it that they ended up like this.

Did he say that Wang Su was from the Wang family?

He just called Wang Su his little aunt!

This is not just him, Zhang Qiang, Lu Mingyuan and others, everyone in their group calls Wang Su like this!

How did they come up with this!

Wang Zuo wanted to cry but had no tears.

He felt that if he continued like this, he might be beaten up by Wang Su next time he saw him. He remembered that Wang Su and the others were not reticent!

It's really going to give you a bruised nose and a swollen face.

If I had known it earlier!

Stop pretending and post this on Weibo.

Why am I joining in the fun!

Wang Zuo is going to cry..........

At this time, a company labeled Qian Shengtian Flavor Industry, known as the commander-in-chief of the corporate big V on Weibo, actually posted a Weibo

"I heard that someone mistakenly recognized the eldest daughter of our family. Here, we would like to clarify that Wang Su is the eldest daughter of our Tianwei Flavor Industry, the daughter of our old chairman, and the sister of our current chairman."

As soon as this Weibo post came out, it once again shocked the attention of countless netizens.

Many people were dumbfounded.

Many people are familiar with Tianwei Flavor Industry, which makes chili sauce, soy sauce and other condiments. The company has many companies under it.

This is a giant with a market value of hundreds of billions.

It also has many listed companies.

At least five or six types of condiments in many people’s homes are from this company. , it can be said that this company is simply a national enterprise. As soon as this Weibo was published, coupled with countless corporate certified official Weibo, it was forwarded immediately. After all, Tianwei Flavor Industry is known as the 800,000 corporate official Weibo. Chief coach.

With this shot, the heat exploded instantly..........

Weibo viewers were dumbfounded.

Wang Su is actually not the sister of Mr. Wang of Sino-Ocean Real Estate, but the eldest daughter of the old chairman of Tianwei Flavor Industry and the biological sister of the current chairman? ps please subscribe please subscribe

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