Back then, when Da Fei was still on the street, before Su Can treated him differently, Zhong Mingqiang had already been working with Su Can.

If not for the beginning.

Su Can encountered the Qin family in Xiangjiang and sent two Annan killers to assassinate Su Can. However, Chu Yiyi dodged and blocked the bullet. Su Can was furious and the whole Xiangjiang was shocked.

Da Fei unexpectedly discovered the existence of the two killers. later!

Zhong Mingqiang, one of Su Can's security guards, and Da Fei went to get rid of the two Annan people, so that Da Fei was treated differently by Su Can...........

From then on, Su Can made Da Fei the head of Hengyu Group.

Da Fei has just soared into the sky.

If Zhong Mingqiang hadn't done such a beautiful job at that time, how could Da Fei have received that reward? so!

In his heart, Da Fei was grateful to Zhong Mingqiang. Even if he got a better chance, his status is now much higher than Zhong Mingqiang's.

However, here at Zhong Mingqiang, he is still very respectful to Zhong Mingqiang.

Zhong Mingqiang called him Da Fei. He was not angry, but felt very cordial. actually.

Not to mention, this Da Fei is a prince under Su Can, and who is this Zhong Mingqiang? He is the big housekeeper under Su Can. If we put it in the past, he is the most trusted person.

No matter how powerful their hands are, Zhong Mingqiang is always by Su Can's side, which is why Jian is in the heart of the emperor..........

If, after saying a few words, they are not good. them!

But it was a disaster.

With this status, let alone Da Fei, even Xu Zhengmao, who has a net worth of tens of billions, and Lu Guoqiang, the richest man, still have to show courtesy to Zhong Mingqiang.

"Brother Zhong!"

Da Fei was the first to speak excitedly.


Xu Zhengmao is older, so he calls Zhong Mingqiang by his name.

"Mr. Zhong!"

Xu Yan was slightly polite.

She didn't want to be polite! She also wanted to be as friendly as Da Fei and the others, but she knew that she joined this group later.

If it weren't for Mr. Zhang and Mr. Su's woman, she would If she is one of Mr. Zhang’s cronies, how does she qualify to enter this circle?........

She represents Mr. Zhang, so she is qualified.

This bit.

She knew it all very well.

Therefore, even though her status is so high now, she is in charge of a giant group with a market value of 200 billion US dollars, or even hundreds of billions of US dollars in capital.

However, facing the other people under Mr. Su, she did not dare to be too presumptuous, and she treated them equally.

To know.

If it is for others.

She is in charge of a giant company like this, even if she is facing people whose companies have a market value of 20 to 30 billion US dollars, those people are extremely complimentary to her, and she does not need to be polite.

But, she knows that here, she can't do this

"Third brother has been waiting inside for a long time. Please come in with me."

Zhong Mingqiang took a few steps back and said

"Thank you, Brother Zhong. Da

Fei thanked him

"Thank you Mr. Zhong!"

Xu Yan also said:

"Thanks for your hard work, Mingqiang!"Xu Zhengmao also nodded and said.

After they finished speaking, under Zhong Mingqiang's signal, they quickly walked inside. Zhong Mingqiang looked at it and closed the entire door with his hand.

Su Can looked at Xu Zhengmao and the three people who walked in. , slowly took out three teacups from the table.

He picked up the teapot and poured tea into the three teacups in front of him.

"Mr. Su, I'm sorry to keep you waiting."

Although Xu Zhengmao is a few years older than Su Can, at this moment, when he is facing Su Can, he still calls Su Can very respectfully as Mr. Su.

Back then, when Su Can was still young, he could call Su Can"Mr. Mr. Su.


As Su Can's children were gradually born, and when they grew up, he, Young Master Su, became Mr. Su today.

And Mr. Su has become the exclusive property of Su Zeming and Su Ye. certainly!

Su Can's two sons can still be called Mr. Su, but this title will not be used for a few years anymore, because their children have also been born.

When these children grow up, the title of Young Master Su will become the title of these children.

From generation to generation, it has been passed down.

And as time goes by.

This generation of Mr. Su will also become Mr. Su, just like Su Can and his son Su Zeming and Su Ye. Time will change everything.

"Mr. Su! sorry!"

Da Fei also said:

"What can I say sorry for?"

Seeing that Xu Yan was about to apologize, Su Can interrupted and said,"You guys! So why don't you do anything polite? We are all our own people."

"Sit down."

Although the tone was gentle, Xu Zhengmao, Xu Yan and Da Fei could hear an undoubted flavor from this short sentence.

"Thank you Mr. Su!"

Xu Zhengmao and the others immediately said gratefully.

They did it separately.

Su Can nodded with satisfaction.

"Let’s have a cup of tea first! Although the first month has passed now, the weather in Yanjing City is not as warm as Xiangjiang."

Su Can said with a smile.


Xu Zhengmao picked up a cup of tea, took a sip, put down the cup, and said with a smile:"The temperature in Xiangjiang is nearly 30 degrees now, while in Yanjing it is only 10 degrees during the day. The weather difference is really big."

"but! Xu

Zhengmao smiled and said:"I stay in Yanjing City for a month or two every year, sometimes during the coldest time, but I'm used to it."

These few years........

As his son Xu Qingchen got Su Can's permission and became the heir to the Lion Dance Group, Xu Zhengmao stepped away and had a lot of free time. and.

As early as the 1980s, in order to please Su Can, he bought two sets of courtyard houses near the courtyard house where Su Can lived in Yanjing City.

Although, one of them was demolished.

However, there is one set left.

Of course, people like Xu Zhengmao have more than one courtyard house in Yanjing City, as well as more than a dozen houses, including villas of several hundred or more than a thousand square meters.

Therefore, he has a lot of real estate in Yanjing City, and even spent the New Year in Yanjing City for several years, which also expresses his favor to Su Can.

Therefore, as for the winter in the capital, she is not like other Xiangjiang people who have never left Xiangjiang in her whole life. Naturally, once it comes to Yanjing City in winter, she can't stand it.........

"Me too, I've long been used to it. Da

Fei was not to be outdone and said with a smile:"In the past few years, I have spent the Chinese New Year in Beijing, and I am used to the weather in Yanjing City. In such weather, I don't feel cold, but feel very refreshing." ,very good!"

"Ha ha! Looking at Da Fei, Su Can smiled and said,"You came to Yanjing City to celebrate the New Year, right? You're here to have your grandson!""

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