Zhong Mingqiang saw the car driving in front of him, stopped, walked to the middle Rolls-Royce, and opened the door.

"Third brother!"

Zhong Mingqiang said respectfully.

Su Can hugged Lu Qianshan and walked slowly over..........


At this moment, a security guard suddenly shouted loudly.

Hearing the sound, Su Can stopped.

He glanced over and saw a blond and blue-eyed foreigner walking towards him with excitement on his face. In front of him was one of Su Can's security guards who stopped him.

As the security guard spoke, the other security guards acted as if they were facing a powerful enemy and were about to explode.


Several security guards had already put their hands away. At the waist. Back then, after Su Can was attacked by two Annan killers in Xiangjiang, all the people under Su Can were equipped with guns. They all had gun licenses in Xiangjiang.

Although it is not as chaotic as it was in the 1990s. , but when they followed Su Can in and out, they all carried guns with them on their waists.

If the foreigner in front of them did anything to threaten Su Can, they would shoot without hesitation. Gun.

Su Can looked at the foreigner and frowned slightly. He had a vague feeling that this man seemed a bit familiar, as if he had seen that before somewhere.

Where had he seen this before?

Su Can forgot........

But it can be seen that this person is definitely not a high-ranking figure. He may be someone Su Can has seen occasionally, which is nothing.

Zhong Mingqiang next to him took a look and recognized Olke.

He walked quickly and came to Su Can's side.

"Third brother, this person is called Olke. He was sent to Xiangjiang by the Alliance of Pharmaceutical Giants to preside over their affairs after what happened with Nian'er."

Zhong Mingqiang reported.

As the security chief under Su Can and the housekeeper, he naturally knew this information very well. He recognized Olke after seeing him.

In addition, during this period, He has been busy with this matter.

When he saw Ork, it was natural that he would not fail to recognize this person.


Su Can suddenly realized.

It turns out to be him!

Of course, Su Can didn't know Ork. This level was too low, but during this period, when dealing with Ou Mei Capital who supported the puppets in Xiangjiang, he saw Zhong Mingqiang reporting him.

Therefore, as soon as Zhong Mingqiang said it, Su Can remembered that he was such a person.

"Third brother, recently we have been destroying the capital that they have supported. This person probably did something bad and was scolded or punished by the people behind him. Zhong

Mingqiang said with worry on his face:"This person may have a grudge, or may be dragging others to death. Be careful.""

Hearing this,

Su Can nodded slightly.

Although Su Can's industry has become extremely large over the years,

Su Can will not be careless about this kind of safety issue.

What's more, in the 1980s , when Su Can was attacked, if Chu Yiyi hadn't blocked the bullet for Su Can, Su Can might have been seriously injured.

Even if the guns the other party took were not very lethal machine guns or the like.


If this hits someone's vitals, it will kill them. these years.

Su Can has always been cautious and has never put himself in danger. He never uses himself as bait to lure snakes out of their holes. Su Can never does this.

This is why.

Some time ago, daughter Su Nian'er and later daughter Su Duoer put themselves in danger and used themselves as bait to attract several forces.

Although they all destroyed each other in the end.

However, Su Can still burst into thunderous rage.

To know.

Over the years, Su Can has been extremely doting on his two daughters. It can be said that Su Can has never scolded his two daughters.

This time, Su Can couldn't hold back and scolded his two daughters.

Su Can was really scared. If these two daring girls kept doing this, it would be too dangerous.

Even though the security around them, Su Can was equipped with the best quality and was no weaker than his own security.

But in this world.........

Don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the unexpected!

This man sometimes stumbles, and the horse sometimes stumbles.

Once something went wrong, it would be irreversible. How could Su Can not be worried?

Seeing Ork like this, Su Can also showed a vigilant look.

"Back off!"

The security guard immediately stopped Ork and told him not to get too close to Su Can.

"Mr. Su!"

Olk was stopped by the security and was immediately in a panic. He faced Su Can from a distance and shouted respectfully:"Can you give me a chance to say a few words to you?"

"Mr. Su!"


Ork made a plea.

Please me........

When Su Can heard this, he was slightly startled.

This Ork asked him, why?

Even though Su Can was extremely intelligent in his two lifetimes, even the old foxes in the business circle of the older generation may not be able to match Su Can's wisdom.

But now, Su Can is a little confused.

The alliance of pharmaceutical giants behind Ork suffered heavy losses in Xiangjiang due to him. Now, they should be hostile to him.

As the person in charge of those pharmaceutical giant alliances arranged in Xiangjiang, this Olke did not resent himself very much, but he would never be kind to him.

Now, he comes to beg for himself? this..........

Su Can was a little confused.

"Third brother, be careful of fraud. This Ork may not have come with the idea of ​​perishing together."Zhong Mingqiang reminded him.


Su Can nodded in agreement.

"Stop him!"

Seeing Su Can nod, Zhong Mingqiang immediately said to the security guard who stopped Ork.

When Ork heard this, he immediately became anxious.

Since he was sent to Xiangjiang, he naturally knew the Chinese dialect. Not only that, but also The person who speaks Xiangjiang dialect suddenly became anxious when he heard Zhong Mingqiang's words.

This was obviously misunderstood by Su Can and the others.

He watched Zhong Mingqiang give the order and respectfully asked Su Can to get in the car. Ork became anxious.

If Su Can got in the car and left here.

How could he find a chance to meet Su Can!

Ork didn't have the level or resources to meet Su Can. Now this is his last chance..

Thinking of this, Olke gritted his teeth..........

"Mr. Su, if you think I will be detrimental to you, please ask your security personnel to search me, but please give me two minutes."

Olk shouted loudly, making a final struggle.



Su Chan paused.

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