Su Can watched Zhong Ming Qiang make the call, looked at Yang Yan, and said,"Leave it to Ming Qiang to handle this. You can leave here with me!"


When Yang Yan heard this, her pretty face turned red. She couldn't help but think of some charming things in her mind. Her beautiful eyes widened and she looked at Su Can with watery eyes.


Su Can paused and looked at Yang Yan's expression, feeling a little strange:"Ahem."

He coughed dryly, and Yang Yan came back to her senses.


Yang Yan yelled a few times in her heart, and secretly spat at herself.

"Yang Yan, Yang Yan, what are you thinking about? At this time, you actually think about such a thing, why are you so shameless? What a shame."

Yang Yan secretly cursed herself a few times.


She looked at Su Can and said quickly.

Su Can walked towards the outside, and Yang Yan immediately followed.

At this time,

Zhong Ming forcefully made a phone call.

It was in a secluded, yet well-known community in Star City. , in this community, most of them are small single-family villas, the area is not too big.

However, this seems not small.

Moreover, the intervals are quite large.

Here, many people call it the building number.

In In Building No. 7.........

This is a two-story small villa with an area of ​​almost 200 square meters. The decoration inside is very ordinary, but it looks scholarly and exceptionally elegant.

They don't look rich like those nouveau riche.

"Your son has graduated. If you ask him to come back, he should still stay and work in Yanjing City."A beautiful woman about fifty years old slowly spoke.

Guo Xie looked at his wife and frowned slightly.

He only had a child when he was about thirty years old. Now he is over fifty, and his son has successfully passed away from Yan.

Logically speaking, he has graduated from a university in Beijing with a master's degree. If he lets his son come back, with his son's academic qualifications and his own status, it will not be a problem for his son to rise quickly in southern Hunan.

However, after reaching a certain status.

It also depends on the son's skills and talents.

This is something that many big families in southern Hunan will do, but for Guo Xie, he does not want this, because in this way, his son will be deeply imprinted on him. When the time comes, his son will arrive. After reaching a certain status, if you want to continue to move up, it will become an obstacle.

"I want him to stay in Yanjing City."

Guo Xie took a deep breath and said slowly

"Yanjing City?"

The beautiful woman was puzzled.

Guo Xie said solemnly:"Not only does he stay in Yanjing City, but he also doesn't want his son to come back here in the next five years. Once he comes back, unless his son has extremely amazing abilities,"


He did not continue..........

The beautiful woman looked at Guo Xie and naturally guessed what her man meant.

"However, over there in Yanjing City, there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers. Although we have some relationship, my son is lost in the crowd in such a place."

The beautiful woman was worried.

She knew very well.

Even though her man was a top figure in southern Hunan, he was among the top ten.

However, after arriving in Yanjing City, her man's status, let alone being photographed, It is already in the top 100, but it is impossible to enter the top 200.

Those are only a few hundred or so.

Not to mention. There are so many big families in Yanjing City, and they all have hidden dragons and crouching tigers. They have such a little relationship. , on the other side of Yanjing City, they are just like people from a small county below, with only a relationship in Star City.

The gap is too big.

If my son is placed there, without strong resources, he will only be lost among everyone in the future.

"I plan to go to Yanjing City in person and ask to see the Wang family. Guo

Xie thought for a moment and said

"Wang family. The beautiful woman was suddenly overjoyed and said quickly:"Wang family, if the Wang family is willing to support their son, then it would be much better for our son to stay in Yanjing City than to come back." Guo

Xie nodded and said,"However, the Wang family is so huge that we may not agree, even if we are all members of the Wang family.""

He sighed a little........

The higher you reach, the higher your status.

The more he understands, how precious the resources in a big family are to those people.

To know.

For an ordinary position, these big families are not lacking, but when they reach a certain height, even these top big families in Yanjing City have to pay a certain price.

As for reaching his status.

Those big families may not be able to do it.

Unless, all the efforts of the whole clan are used.

It is said.

The Su family behind them, the Wang family, was a big family with no shortage of resources, but he had never had the chance to see the Su family.

He had met the head of the Wang family, and Wang Er, the business talker of the Wang family. The current richest man in Yanjing City was said to be a confidant of someone from the Su family.

And that person is the most important person in the Su family.

He had only heard of it and had no chance to see it. even.

He had heard from Wang Er and other members of the Wang family that a big butler under that person could be on an equal footing with Wang Er.

Even if it is made.........

A big family on the same level as the Wang family has to give the big housekeeper some face.

What an honor this is!

What if the Su family could get involved in his son's matter?

Guo Xie thought about it and then shook his head. Such a thing, even to him, was like a dream, too unrealistic.

This is simply impossible.

He has never met anyone from the Su family, how could he have such an opportunity. and.

He does know a few people in the Su family, but unfortunately he has not had the opportunity to meet Su Wen, who is considered his contemporary, and now stands in such a high position.

The rest of the Su family's members on the bright side have all retired. correct.

It is said that Su Zeming, the head of Today Capital, the largest local investment giant in the Mainland, is a young and promising man who is known as the richest man born in the 1980s in China. He is also a member of the Su family.

He heard a sentence or two from Wang Er's mouth. but!

He didn't ask too much, which showed that he was too utilitarian. This kind of approach would easily be looked down upon by anyone.

Besides, for his current status, it's really not low.

Even in Yanjing City.

Also considered a character.

However, there are quite a few people who have reached his status.

Guo Xie took a deep breath........

"Jingle Bell."

Just when he was about to continue talking to his wife, his cell phone suddenly rang, and he looked at the cell phone in front of him. On this cell phone, his cell phone number was a private number.

Except for a few family members, he knew it. In addition, Wang Er and other people in Yanjing City know it.

It can be said that there are no more than twenty people who know his mobile phone number, and most of the people who know it are of higher status than him.


Guo Xie looked at the caller number on his cell phone, but it was an unfamiliar phone number. He had not saved this phone number, and he had never contacted him in his memory.


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