"I was telling the truth. If I wasn't worried that Tie Shi and his wife couldn't bear it, I really wanted to slap this brat in the face."

Wu Changguo said angrily.

He looked like he really wanted to take a picture of his grandson.

"Although my Wu family is poor, the descendants of the Wu family are not allowed to commit crimes, commit crimes, or bully the weak."

Wu Changguo said in a deep voice:"If our descendants do this kind of thing, then what's the point of what your grandfather and I and those old brothers did back then."

Su Can was in awe when he heard Wu Changguo's words.

This is a very admirable person!

He has the same character and the same quality as his old man. Regardless of their status, they all have their own share of it. Hold on.

For such an old man........

How could Su Can not admire him!

"Grandpa Wu, it’s not necessarily Wu Ying who is bullying the weak. Didn’t you also say that? This kid is not bad, he has never done such a thing since he was a child. Su

Can shook his head and persuaded:"When we get to the county town, I will find someone to investigate. As long as Wu Ying has not made any big mistakes, I will definitely take him back.""

"If Wu Ying is not at fault in this matter, then I will seek justice for him. Although our people don't cause trouble, we are not afraid of it, let alone let others throw dirty water on us."

There was a trace of murderous intent in Su Can's tone.

"OK, OK, OK. Wu

Changguo said excitedly:"This kid of yours looks a bit like Brother Su back then. He is domineering and murderous. Brother Su has a great grandson!""

Wu Changguo is a person who walked out of the hail of bullets. When Su Can exuded a trace of murderous intent, he instantly felt Su Can's murderous intent.

Although this kind of murderous intent passed by in a flash.


In peaceful times, it can be brewed Such a trace of murderous intent is definitely not an ordinary thing. No one without great perseverance can do such a thing.

Wu Changguo is very happy because he is happy for Mr. Su.........

The car drove slowly and soon arrived at the county town, and then drove directly to the best hotel in the county town.


The car door opened. Su Can helped Wu Changguo get out of the car, then took out his wheelchair and asked Wu Changguo to sit down.

"This hotel is too luxurious! this? Wu

Changguo was shocked and said:"It must be very expensive to eat in such a hotel. Let's choose a smaller restaurant!""

Wu Tieshi and Wu Tiezhu were also shocked.

How could they not know about the largest restaurant in the county?

This is something everyone in the county knows, and it is said that eating here will cost you the lowest price. It's all a thousand yuan, and the more expensive one is thousands or tens of thousands!

If it's tens of thousands, it will take away half the family's income in one fell swoop. Who among these ordinary people would be willing to come here to eat!

A few of them are also a little cautious. Get up.


Many of these restaurants in county towns cost thousands of dollars for a meal. Most of them are just spread by rumors. Ordinary people are reluctant to go in and eat. They just hear about them.

This kind of food can easily cost thousands of yuan, but in fact, a family comes to eat it, and the per capita consumption is about a hundred yuan.

If two or three people come to eat.

Even the most luxurious hotel in the county only costs a few hundred dollars.

"Grandpa Wu, this is not bad money."

Su Can smiled.

When Wu Changguo heard Su Can's words, he took out a long breath and said,"Okay! Let us borrow your light today and have a meal that only imperialist capitalists can have."

Su Can didn't smile when he heard this, but felt a little sad in his heart.

People who have made such great contributions hide their fame and glory and live in such poverty. This is their choice and their own Chosen.

However, Su Can is still a little sad........


Su Can did not let Wu Shenlai push Wu Changguo, but pushed him himself.

They walked towards the hotel, even though Wu Changguo, Wu Tieshi and Wu Tiezhu were wearing ordinary clothes, and their clothes were even somewhat mended.

Because of years of hard work, one His face was sunburned, and he looked like he was extremely poor.


In this hotel, none of the waiters at the door dared to look down on them like this, or there was a scene of looking down on others..

Because the answer is very simple.

Su Can and his team's motorcade are parked at the door.

Those two Audis can show that Su Can is extraordinary, not to mention, even in the county town, people who come here to eat.

Not many people can afford such a car.

Such a car is not cheap..........

And the car in the middle is not simple, it is a Bentley worth millions. There are not many cars like this even in the county town!

Being able to drive a car like this to eat.

Don't tell me whether this car is his.

Just being able to drive here means you are not short of money.

Even if it's rented.

Those are tens of thousands or tens of thousands of dollars a day for a car. If you are willing to spend ten thousand or tens of thousands to rent a car, how can you not afford a meal worth more than a thousand dollars a day?


Maybe this car really belongs to these people!

Therefore, as long as you drive a luxury car like this, let alone dress like an old farmer, even if you dress like a beggar, they have to treat you well.

Friends in the village who go to work in Guangdong Province often say, don’t look at the old men who pick up bottles in Pengcheng or Yangcheng and wear T-shirts with several holes and flip-flops.

These people may have several buildings in their homes to collect rent.

How many buildings are they?

Not a few suites........

The rich people over there are all low-key.

As waiters at the best hotel in the county, they are undoubtedly well-informed. They have been trained by the store to familiarize themselves with all kinds of cars.

Although the Wu family wore old clothes and looked like poor people, they did not dare to look down on others, but respectfully came forward to receive them.

"Hello, may I ask how many of you are here for dinner?"

A young, beautiful, and tall waitress came up to her and said softly.

After hearing such a beautiful girl, a fair-skinned and tall girl say this, she was not looking down on others. This made Wu Tiese and Wu Tiezhu feel in their hearts. He breathed a sigh of relief.

Wu Yang and Wu Yue, the juniors, were no longer so reserved.

Just now they were worried that they would be looked down upon!

"Um! For dinner, arrange a private room for us with two tables!"Su Can nodded slightly. Their group, including Su Can's security, totaled almost twenty people.

Such people would naturally need two private rooms.

In fact,........

You can also ask for a large private room with only one large table.

But Su Can knew that if the security guards under his command were to eat at the same table as him, they would definitely feel uncomfortable.

The Wu family did not know Su Can's status.

These security measures are extremely clear.

Eating at the same table with Su Can was like sitting on pins and needles for them.

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