Li Jianjia also heard it, but didn't care.

When a person stands in a high position, he will naturally not pay attention to the gossip in his ears, because those are all nonsense.

Sooner or later, she would clean it up again.

Not in a hurry.....

She came to the conference room next to the president's office, which is usually a conference room where senior executives of Vientiane Group hold meetings.

Except for the company's top executives.

Ordinary middle-class people are not qualified to use this office.

This is incredible for many companies in Hong Kong.

Because land in Xiangjiang is very expensive, not to mention being in the city center. The rent here is the most expensive in the world. As long as there is space available, work stations will be put there.

This is really not an exaggeration.

In the ranking of per capita office space in the world, Xiangjiang has the smallest office space per capita, so you watch a lot of TV in Xiangjiang.

Those listed companies in movies and TV shows only have such a small area. If you look at it, they don’t even have an area of ​​three bedrooms and one living room. Even the boss’s company is very small. this is true.

But Wanxiang Group is not short of money. Their office space is probably the largest per capita in Hong Kong.

Li Jianjia came to the door.........

"Mr. Li!"

Xu Yan's secretary, who was guarding the door of the conference room, said respectfully.

Compared to the others, she knew more than the others because she had followed Xu Yan to that grand wedding. Yan Jingcheng has participated in it.

Others don't know.

She knows it very well.

This one.

In front of her immediate boss, Xu Yan, Xu Yan is also very courteous.

Moreover, others don't know about this one's husband, but she also Clearly, in the capital world today, Su Zeming, the well-known head of Today Capital.

Although it is a small business compared to Capital Today and Wanxiang Group, it is still considered a top investment company in the world. It cannot pass the test. In two years, the assets managed by Capital Today will probably reach the level of hundreds of billions of dollars.

This is in the world.

There are not many investment companies that have reached this scale.

Moreover, this is still a mainland company.........

"Mr. Xu and the others are all inside, waiting for you."

The secretary said respectfully


Li Jianjia nodded in thanks.

The secretary immediately opened the door of the conference room, and Li Jianjia walked in.

As soon as he entered the conference room, Li Jianjia glanced around. It was a conference room with an area of ​​about 40 square meters, but there were only people in it. Six people.

Sitting in the main seat is Xu Yan, the current person in charge of Wanxiang Group.

The remaining five people are the senior vice presidents of the company, and they are all here now.

"Mr. Xu, I'm sorry, I'm late."

Li Jianjia looked at Xu Yan and said with an apologetic tone.

"It's okay. Today's meeting is a little impromptu and happened suddenly. Come on! Just find a seat and sit down."Xu Yan nodded and said.

Li Jianjia walked to the left. There were three people sitting on the right, and only two people on the left. When she got to the right, there were four versus two. When she got to the left, there were three versus three.........

"Okay, everyone is here, let's start today's meeting. Xu

Yan spoke and said:"The memories this time are at the 3s level. Everyone has a confidentiality agreement in front of them. Before the meeting, everyone signed this confidentiality agreement.""

"3s level?"

"Is the standard of today’s memories so high?"

"Confidentiality agreement!"

The other vice presidents were slightly surprised.

Li Jianjia was also a little shocked.

Although she had just become the person in charge of the Wanxiang Group headquarters, she also knew that the 3s-level projects in the company were the highest level.

Only those who have reached the senior vice president level Only those with a certain level will know.

But ordinary people don't have this qualification at all.

This is a very big project.

She was about to open it and take a look.

"Mr. Xu!"

Suddenly, someone raised his hand and spoke.

"Mr. Mu! What's up!"

Xu Yan said.

Li Jianjia also looked over. Mr. Mu is the oldest among the vice presidents. He has joined Wanxiang Group for more than 20 years.........

It can be said that he came to Wanxiang Group just a few years after its establishment. then.

When Zhang Man was about to withdraw from the Wanxiang Group, everyone thought that this meant that President Mu was about to take over and become the new head of the Wanxiang Group.

However, Xu Yan suddenly emerged, and to everyone's surprise, she was recalled from a subsidiary by Zhang Man and became the company's vice president.

Moreover, he became the deputy team leader of a certain 3S level project, and was actually the executor. because!

The team leader of this project is Zhang Man. She is responsible for the general direction, and Xu Yan is naturally responsible for the execution.

Xu Yan completed that task perfectly and made Wanxiang Group countless profits. After Zhang Man resigned, Xu Yan successfully became the new person in charge of Wanxiang Group.

And this thing.

It is said that this Mr. Mu is very dissatisfied.

However, with Zhang Man's full support, Mr. Mu didn't dare to do anything. Now, Xu Yan has completely taken charge of Wanxiang Group.

What can Mr. Mu do?

Everyone else looked at Mr. Mu........

Mr. Mu's eyes narrowed slightly and he said:"According to the rules and regulations of our Wanxiang Group, the 3S project can only be participated by the company's top management. Other middle-level managers, even the highest-ranking ones in the subsidiaries, are not qualified to know."

"And there is a rule here.

He looked at Li Jianjia, with a hint of dissatisfaction in his eyes, and said,"That is, the company's senior executives who have served for less than a year are not qualified to know the information of this 3s level project.""

"Mr. Li has just become the vice president of the company's headquarters and entered the senior ranks. This has been less than a year, so he should not be eligible to participate in this project."


He paused and said:"Mr. Li's rapid promotion has made many people in the company dissatisfied. Many old people who have been in the middle level for more than ten years feel that it is unfair.""

"Even among the more than a dozen listed companies under the Wanxiang Group, the heads of some listed companies are secretly expressing their dissatisfaction."

"Isn’t it a bit inappropriate to ask Mr. Li to participate in this 3S level project now?"

After he finished speaking, he glanced at Li Jianjia lightly, and then looked away, as if Li Jianjia was not an opponent worthy of his attack.

And the reason for his attack was to target Xu Yan.

Back then, he felt that he was one step away. , he could become the person in charge of Wanxiang Group, but it was a pity that Xu Yanjie got in first.

This made him always dissatisfied.........

However, Zhang Man fully supported it at that time, and he did not dare to object. Zhang Man was at the peak of his power in the company, and besides, she founded the company.

Who dares to object?

Now, Zhang Man has been retired for many years and has long lost the prestige he once had.

Within the Wanxiang Group, some small hills are rising, and they are no longer the same as they were back then.

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