Everyone is in danger.

These days, there are almost no people who don’t talk about it.

Especially when you let things go. It was originally said in private, not during working hours, but now most people say so.

"In addition, let the company's supervision department investigate and see who else is doing this during this period. Then collect the list and give it to me. Mu

Tiansheng squinted his eyes and said:"Slandering senior management, who gave them the courage to even refute the decision of the company's board of directors?""

"Did Wanxiang Group pay too much?"

He shouted deliberately loudly.

This sound spread throughout most of the office area on the floor......

Everyone who heard this sentence trembled and started to frighten.

They were all afraid.


Wanxiang Group can be said to be the company with the highest per capita salary in Xiangjiang, and compared with similar companies, the salary is higher than that of top investment banks.

To be able to join the Wanxiang Group, not to mention that there are tens of thousands of people competing for one. least.

There have to be hundreds of people competing for one position.

Many of them must have graduated from prestigious schools.

Even in the huge city of Xiangjiang, there are only a few schools recognized by the Wanxiang Group, so the competition here is very fierce.

If they were fired by Wanxiang Group, this would definitely not be something they could bear.

Damn it!

I should have known I wouldn't have said that.

Many people feel afraid.

Milly's face changed drastically........ this?

This thing is going to offend people, and it will offend many people. Once it is done, she will probably become the target of public criticism!

"Do it well, I believe in you! As long as you do this well, Lao Gao's position will be yours."Mu Tiansheng reached out and patted Milly's shoulder gently a few times.

Upon hearing this, Milly's face suddenly turned ecstatic and she said excitedly:"Don't worry, Mr. Mu, I will definitely do a good job and will not disappoint Mr. Mu's expectations.."

Looking at Mu Tiansheng turning his head and returning to the office.

Milly looked at the others like a hungry wolf.

The opportunity came.

She has joined Wanxiang Group for six or seven years, and has always been looking for opportunities to become a The middle level of Wanxiang Group has never had a chance.

The salary of Wanxiang Group has increased rapidly, but it is not necessarily possible for the position to be promoted.

Especially at the middle level.

Every carrot and every hole.

It is difficult to have a position..........

But now the opportunity has come.

Compared to becoming someone else's enemy, being able to become a middle-level person in the company was enough for her to be willing to give up and do this.

To know.

In the Wanxiang Group, becoming a middle-level company means that you have the opportunity to become the person in charge of a listed company under the Wanxiang Group!

The person in charge of a listed company.

This is a perfect person.

Who doesn’t want to!

Now, as long as she does this well and becomes a middle-level member of the company, then she may one day be able to realize her dream. this moment.

She is no longer polite.

At this time, in Li Jianjia's office.

Although she had just arrived at the Xiangjiang headquarters to take up her duties as senior vice president, Li Jianjia, as the senior vice president of Wanxiang Group, naturally had her own office.

The office was ready before I came. area.


In fact, he is similar to the other vice presidents. Li Jianjia does not lack anything because he has just become a senior executive of the company.

Li Jianjia was in the office, and in front of her was her secretary, who she brought from the mainland.

This man was born in Guangdong Province, graduated from a prestigious school, and is proficient in several languages. He can be said to be a top talent, which is very rare.

This was also something she specially selected after she became the Mainland person in charge of Wanxiang Group, because she knew what the future would be like.

Therefore, Li Jianjia had already prepared.

The secretary vividly told her what had just happened.

"Wood ascends!"

Li Jianjia narrowed her eyes slightly and turned to look in the direction of Mu Tiansheng's office. It seemed that he could see through all the walls and saw Mu Tiansheng.

"This person is indeed as written in the information Zeming gave me. He is not a simple person. If you go by the superficial information of Wanxiang Group, you think he is such a person."

"That would be a big loss."

That's right........

After Li Jianjia came here, Su Zeming gave her a piece of information.

In addition to the senior management of Wanxiang Group, there are also heads of subordinate listed companies, as well as heads of other important departments.

And what she paid most attention to was the senior executives.

From Xu Yan, the person in charge, to senior vice presidents like Mu Tiansheng.

Although this information seems to be one, each one actually has two sides of the evaluation of a person, one is what it looks like on the surface.

The other side is hidden. certainly.

These hidden information are not that easy to investigate and are not so detailed, but they can give Li Jianjia a small reminder.


What Mu Tiansheng did was indeed as written in that document. The city was extremely deep and he seemed to like to pretend to be ambitious but not talented.

It seems that this is indeed the case, it is just a pretense.

Judging from today's events, Li Jianjia could tell that Mu Tiansheng was not an easy person. actually.

Not only Mu Tiansheng, but also Li Jianjia felt that the same was true for several other senior vice presidents. Everyone was not as simple as they seemed.

Also, he was able to become the senior vice president of Wanxiang Group, superior to one person and inferior to ten thousand people.

How could it be that simple?........

If you really treat them as ordinary people, they will be finished sooner or later.

"Go and call Mr. Mu’s secretary on my behalf and say thank you to Mr. Mu on my behalf."Li Jianjia smiled slightly, looked at the secretary and said

"Mr. Li!"

The secretary had a meal

"Go for it!"

Of course Li Jianjia knew what the secretary meant, and waved her hand to let her leave. The secretary saw the slander against her within the Wanxiang Group.

And some people were spreading the news that Mu Tiansheng deliberately let it go..The secretary must not be able to figure out why he did this.

But Li Jianjia knew


The secretary didn't dare to refute. She knew Li Jianjia's character. She immediately turned around, stepped up her long legs, and left Li Jianjia's office.

At the same time, in the president's office ,

"Fun, fun!

A hint of sarcasm appeared at the corner of Xu Yan's mouth, and she said,"Mu Tiansheng, do you think you have been pretending for so many years and no one knows you did it on purpose?""

"He claims to be Sima Yi, and whoever he wants to practice to live longer will be his in the future."


She smiled disdainfully and said,"These days, things have changed a long time ago.""

For Mu Tiansheng.........

Nor was she ignorant.

Before becoming the Wanxiang Group, Mr. Zhang had told her in advance that she must be careful about Mu Tiansheng. He was not as simple as he appeared.

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