Hong Kong.

Vientiane Group.....

Xu Yan hung up the phone, with a solemn look in her eyes.

"What does Mr. Su mean?"

Her face became more and more gloomy.

This call was made by Zhong Mingqiang.

Others don't know what Zhong Mingqiang represents, but Xu Yan can not know what this call represents?

This is what it represents. Mr. Su’s meaning represents Mr. Su’s will

"Mr. Su actually did not agree and asked Li Jianjia to return to Yanjing City quickly and take charge of all the business in Yanjing City, but asked him to stay in Xiangjiang."

Xu Yan was a little confused.

She then whispered:"It stands to reason that after Li Jianjia reports her duties, she should return to Yanjing City and take charge of the original business!"

"But this time!"

She was confused........

This time Mr. Su didn't do this.

To know.

Li Jianjia's identity is not as simple as the senior vice president of Wanxiang Group. She is also the daughter-in-law of Mr. Su and the wife of Mr. Su's son.

And his son Su Zeming lives in Yanjing City.

If Li Jianjia is here, doesn't it mean that the young couple will be separated? this method!

Definitely not normal behavior for a father-in-law.

Aren't you afraid that the distance between the two people will cause conflicts and affect the relationship? not to mention.

The Su family and the Li family are large families who are married together. If there is an emotional conflict or even divorce, it will be a big loss for the Su family.

It is impossible for Mr. Su not to see this. a little more........

That was about a year after Li Jianjia gave birth to a child. The child was only about one year old now, so the mother of the child was asked to stay away from the child for a long time.


This weekend was a normal holiday and she went back to Yanjing City to be with her child. It would take several days before she could see her child, right?

Mr. Su does this?

What is it for?

Xu Yan was a little confused about Su Can's purpose.

In order to let Li Jianjia return to Yanjing City so as not to stay in Xiangjiang, she did something to Mr. Gong, which made her status in the Vientiane Group rise.

Her plan was very secretive, and no one knew her purpose.

However, it failed now.

Su Can did not agree.

At this level, especially when this person is Su Can's daughter-in-law, Su Can also asked Li Jianjia to participate in the meeting of this project. How could she be qualified to not let Li Jianjia participate? so.......

If she wants to send Li Jianjia back to Yanjing City, she must first not use force. If she uses force, then doing so would be too deliberate.

This is Su Can's daughter-in-law after all.

It's not like she doesn't know this identity. this way.

Su Can will definitely be suspicious.

If her purpose is discovered during the investigation, she will be finished.

Xu Yan knew what she was doing, and if she was discovered, what consequences would she face? How terrible that would be.

She knows this very well

"Could it be that Mr. Su discovered my purpose?"

Xu Yan was suddenly startled.

She thought, could it really be like this?

She was discovered by Mr. Su.........

So, Mr. Su asked Li Jianjia to come over and supervise him?


Xu Yan then denied the idea and whispered:"If Mr. Su discovers my purpose, then he will arrange for someone to come over and take over the Wanxiang Group.""

"I don't believe that Mr. Su knew my purpose, so he remained indifferent and continued like this."

What does he want?

Therefore, Xu Yan doesn't feel that her purpose has been exposed and Su Can knows it. Got it.

Can she still stay here safely?


This is impossible

"Could it be that Mr. Su just wanted his son and daughter-in-law to make some achievements in the Wanxiang Group, so that in the future, everyone would stop talking about it, and thus successfully inherit the Wanxiang Group?"

Xu Yan squinted her eyes and thought for a moment, and found that among all the excuses and reasons, this one seems to be the most tenable. The others... seem!

None of them are reasonable!

Is this really the case?.........

"If that's the case!"

Xu Yan's eyes suddenly lit up and she said excitedly:"Mr. Su gave me a sleeping pillow so that I can successfully complete my purpose."

"but. She then said vigilantly:"This has to make Li Jianjia look embarrassed. Otherwise, if I perform too well, wouldn't I be stealing the chicken but losing the rice?""

She was also a little worried.

Li Jianjia was not as weak as she had imagined. On the contrary, Li Jianjia, who came from a big family, was extremely powerful. In the meeting two days ago, Li Jianjia saw every move and responded. It can be seen from her counterattack that Li Jianjia is not an easy person.

If she doesn't do it well, it will be more than just stealing the chicken and losing the rice!

I'm afraid!

She will have to make a wedding dress for her.

You have to be careful. cautious

"It seems that I have to make a careful plan to figure out how to set up a trap for Li Jianjia to jump into this trap and damage her reputation."

Xu Yan thought about it and felt that the best way was to make Li Jianjia's operation go wrong, which would cause huge losses.

When the time comes,........

She turned the tide. In comparison, Li Jianjia would appear extremely incompetent, which in turn made her extremely powerful.

Just have to do this

"Plan well!"

Xu Yan's eyes were full of conspiracy.

At the same time, in Li Jianjia's office.

She has been working here for the past two days, controlling the mainland branch of Vientiane Group from a distance in Xiangjiang, like this Large companies actually have their own rules and regulations for a long time.

Except for some extremely big things that require the person in charge to typeset them, if there are no big things, in fact, everyone can follow the steps step by step for many things, and there will be no big problems.

This is Many top big companies in the world are like this.

Like Guigu.

For those giants, even if the person in charge of the company resigns, it doesn't matter. After two days of resignation, he can be replaced by another one. Anyway, they are all professional managers.

These are not big problems.

The same is true for Wanxiang Group........

Therefore, Li Jianjia is here, and there is no problem with the Wanxiang Group in Yanjing City.

At this time, Li Jianjia was answering the phone. It was a call from her man, Su Zeming.

"Forehead! Li

Jianjia said in surprise:"Dad asked me to stay in Xiangjiang for a while and let me participate in the new project of Vientiane Group. He waited until the end or the middle period before returning to Yanjing City?""

Listening to what her husband Su Zeming said on the phone, Li Jianjia was a little puzzled.


What is his father-in-law doing?

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