That person's low profile is known to everyone who knows that person's existence.

Too low-key....

Over the years, his wealth has been very terrifying, but there has never been any news that he is the top rich man.

Not even a little bit of news came out. even.

Even if you investigate, you won't be able to find out that he has served as a member of the board of directors of that large company, and there is no news about it.

On the contrary, this person served as the legal person of a company in the mainland. However, this company was very low-key and appeared to be a small enterprise.

So small that I can hardly believe it.

He doesn't like high-profile people. If he accepts so many applications at once and invites hundreds of people, he will definitely not like it.

Moreover, not everyone among these hundreds of people knows him.

Because many people knew that the heads of big families such as the five major families in Xiangjiang were attending, they wanted to have some contact with these people through this banquet.

Or maybe it’s to please those people, that’s why I applied........

They have absolutely no idea that rich people like Li Chaoren actually applied to participate because that person agreed to participate.

What if someone accidentally bumped into this person?

So! 440 As the host of this banquet, Mr. Mu felt that when that person got angry, he would definitely not be able to calm down his anger easily.

Maybe, he will be angered.

At this point, Mr. Mu doesn’t want to do those unnecessary things.

"Mr. Namu, in addition to these rich people, there are now dozens of media outlets that have applied to us. All regular media outlets in Hong Kong want to participate."

The secretary then asked another question and said:"There are even some media from Nanyang who have sent applications to participate in tonight's banquet."

"Do you need to kick out a few and buy most of them?"


For such a big thing, with so many top tycoons, the media must be like sharks smelling blood, swarming in.

These tycoons are traffic, hot spots, and news.........

Normally, one person can be on the front page of their media. Now that there are so many rich people, if they publish it, it will definitely attract people.

How can these media survive!

"Say no to all media! Mr.

Mu said decisively in a cold voice.


The secretary was shocked and dumbfounded.

He was a little doubtful. Did he hear wrongly? What did Mr. Mu say?


He must have heard wrongly.

Mr. Mu actually refused all media to participate. How is this possible?

If these media Participated, and when the time comes to publicize the news, there will be so many rich people. For Mr. Mu, that is a very good reputation!

Because this shows Mr. Mu’s ability.

Being able to hold a banquet and entertain so many people The rich man, the connections, and the charm are so huge. How could he do it without these?

And now, Mr. Mu actually refuses?

Doesn't that mean that he gave up the opportunity for external publicity? It can be said that there are few good opportunities in the history of Xiangjiang. If

Mr. Mu doesn’t talk about making history, that’s about it.

He actually gave up on his own initiative........

What an opportunity for exposure! give up!

What a pity

"That’s right, reject all media!"

There was no pity in Mr. Mu's eyes, but he said very decisively.

"Mr. Mu, this is a great exposure opportunity!"

The secretary is a little pity

"Reject it!"

Mr. Mu repeated. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Of course he knew that this was the best opportunity for exposure. Such a banquet, with media publicity, for him, that It is definitely an unprecedented exposure opportunity.

It will cause shock not only in Hong Kong, but even around the world.

But now, he has to give up.

Because that person is too low-key, and he doesn't want to be disturbed by too many people's attention. Not to mention the media. Once a media (ccdb) reporter appears at the scene, that person will definitely attract the attention of those reporters.

Of course, it is not because of that person’s handsome appearance.........

It's because, as long as that person attends tonight's banquet, the media and the top richest people on the rich list will all focus on that person.

He even sat next to that person and actively gathered around him.

Think about it!

He was surrounded by the top few, top ten, and top tens of rich people on the rich list, and this person was a new face in the eyes of the media. None of them and the media had ever seen this person.

So, aren’t the media shocked? Not curious?

This is simply shocking news, and as long as it is reported, it will be enough to cause a sensation in the world.

Oh no!

It doesn’t even need to be so exaggerated. There are so many people surrounding it. As long as Bill, the richest man in the world, is surrounded by himself, this news can cause a sensation in the world.

Not to mention, they belong to so many rich people.

Mr. Su is always a very low-key person. If the media is involved, doesn't it mean that he, surnamed Mu, wants to expose Mr. Su?

Do it!

Is that to become an enemy of Mr. Su?

Mr. Mu is not stupid.......

Naturally, I know that this cannot be done.

So he will definitely not allow those media to be included.

"In addition, you should arrange for people to be responsible for security issues within two hundred meters around the banquet venue, and do not allow paparazzi and media to appear in those places."

Mr. Mu thought for a moment and reminded:"In order to prevent someone from taking risks, you should say hello to the people responsible for managing the news and ask them to say hello to these media."

"If anyone in the media dares to make some desperate moves tonight, I will keep a close eye on them in the future."

At the end of the sentence, there was a hint of chill in Mr. Mu's tone.

Once Mr. Su's identity is exposed, it will be over!

That will be him, but the first one.

He does not want such a thing to happen, so for those media , he must say hello in advance and warn the media.

As for the paparazzi, these lawless people are used to it.


The warning is useless........

Therefore, we could only arrange security personnel to patrol and perform security work near the banquet, and these people were not allowed to get close to the banquet.

As long as any photos of Mr. Su are circulated after tonight, it will be a disservice to his surname Mu.

Although this matter is a good thing for him.

But when something like that happened, it turned from good to bad.

What will be the consequences for him?

It just depends on how Mr. Su will deal with him!

Mr. Mu knows in his heart that this is a double-edged sword. If it is successfully held, he will receive unprecedented rewards..

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