"Mr. Xu, someone is asking you from below."

"Mr. Chen, so is yours!"

"I have mine too!"

"Damn it, are these people stupid? Ask us what we do!"

"Damn it, if the old man hadn't warned me not to make any noise today, would I have been able to stay here for most of the day?"

"is not that right!"


"No way, after learning that so many big shots have applied to attend Mr. Mu’s banquet tonight, my old man is afraid that if I go out to play, I bump into some big shot, and our family will be destroyed as well."

"My dad said the same thing!"

"Who allowed things like that to happen to Anjia a few months ago?"

"is not that right! The An family is more powerful than the family like us, not to mention that the An family has such a relationship with the Xu family. What has become of the former eldest son of the An family now?"

"It's"Seven or Eighty-Three". Even the Xu family can't be saved. This is not a trivial matter."

"Among the five major families in Xiangjiang, only the top three families can definitely defeat the Xu family, and the Bao family is even worse! Not even the Xu family can be saved!"

These young men continued to complain one by one.

These people are not ordinary people.

Anyone here, even if his family does not own a listed company, or his family must be a social celebrity for several generations. That kind of.

This status is not low.

Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to get together.

Usually, they drive around the streets of Hong Kong, pick up girls everywhere, and even get drunk and argue and fight with others. This is commonplace.

Anyway, Many ordinary people in Xiangjiang are envious of their bright and luxurious life.

But today, they are collectively grounded.

But no one dares to make trouble.

This time, they can see that their parents are really moving. It's really popular. If people like them dare to disobey, it will be terrible.

Although they are arrogant, they are not stupid......

They can be arrogant outside, but if they don't behave well at home, once their source of income is cut off, they will be finished.

Without money, who takes them seriously?

"It's a pity that although I can't go out today, it would be great to go to the banquet hosted by Mr. Mu"

"Mr. Xu, your family didn’t get an invitation either?"

"No ah!"

"What, Mr. Xu’s family doesn’t have one either, I thought it was just my family!"

"Neither does your home?"

"Neither does my home!"

"So does my family!"


"No way! Among us, none of our families can get the invitation letter. Although our families are not among the top families in Xiangjiang, some of our families either have listed companies or have elders who are celebrities.!"


At this time, these young men were all dumbfounded........

They made an inadvertent complaint and discovered that among them, none of the families had received an invitation from Mr. Mu.

You know, the identities of these people are not simple!

Among them, some people's family net worths are as high as 5 to 6 billion, and the market value of their family's listed companies can reach more than 30 billion.

If you put it like this anywhere in the world, it wouldn't be considered a small company.

That kind of people!

There is no invitation letter?

What exactly is going on!

All these young men and women were confused.

"Could it be!"

Someone muttered


The others couldn't help but take a breath when they thought about it, because they all thought of something in an instant and couldn't help being shocked.

They were all frightened........

Is their family's class too low?

This is an idea in all of their minds.

If it were at another banquet or something like that, they would definitely think it was nonsense and impossible.

To know.

Even a few years ago, the wedding of the eldest grandson of that special family in Xiangjiang was of such high standard that all the big families like them were invited.

We all went to participate, and we could even bring our families.

How high a specification is that?

And now.

They knew very well that the standards of tonight's banquet were much higher than they had imagined, because many big shots were exposed and had applied with Mr. Mu's people.

Many of the richest men in Asia have extended invitations. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The wealth of some families is even as great as Li Chaoren's.

These people are here, and even the Internet giants with Meili Jian, no one is weaker than the five major families in Xiangjiang.

Even, like Bill.

Even more so, people from some big ancient families....

The young men and women thought about such a high-level banquet, and it seemed that a family like theirs was indeed not worthy of participating.

It's natural that there is no invitation letter.........


Someone had a wry smile on his face

"We are really sitting in a well looking at the sky."

"It seems that we are grounded today and are not allowed to go out and play for fear of offending something. This seems to be the right thing for us."

"Now that I think about it, it seems like this"

"That's right!"


"I finally understand"

"If any of these people offends us, we won’t be able to live with it."

"More than that!"

"I'm afraid that something like An Jia will happen. The one who used to be so high-spirited has now fallen. Instead, the unpopular An Jia got another chance."

"Yes, that's it."

They were speechless for a moment.


Many people looked at the comments of fans on their social platforms and immediately turned off their mobile phones to stay out of sight.

As night falls.

Xiangjiang night arrived.

Because it is winter now, even in Xiangjiang in the subtropical region, the night comes earlier than usual. If it is summer, it may not get dark until eight o'clock.

But now, it's past six o'clock and it's already dark. at this time.

As night falls in Hong Kong, it attracts the attention of many people, especially on a street in Central, a road on Avenue 3.6 is blocked.

Only some special vehicles, or some cars with registered license plates, can drive inside.

And at the intersection where the road is closed.

Some media reporters were holding cameras one by one, just like carrying long guns and short cannons, and they were constantly taking pictures of the cars slowly approaching the street.

"look! That's the Zheng family's car!"

Suddenly, someone among the reporters made a voice.......

"Click! Click!"

Countless flashlights flashed brightly. These lenses were all aimed at the slowly approaching motorcade. The reporters shouted loudly.

"Mr. Zheng, Mr. Zheng!"

"Mr. Zheng, please accept the interview!"

"Mr. Zheng, how many big shots are here tonight?"

"Please wait!"

"Mr. Zheng"

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