Between the exchange of cups and cups, the banquet ended quickly.

What is surprising is that at this banquet, Su Can did not express any attitude or say anything else. He just chatted about home affairs with the people sitting next to him.

This is surprising.

Many people are confused.

And at the same time.

This news also reached the ears of some caring people.


"What? Su Can didn't say anything?"

"why is that?"

"Could it be that the banquet he attended was going to do something~?"

"How can it be!"

"Is this news accurate?"

"is that true?"

"What unbelievable news"

"Such a good social place attracted so many people, but Su Can didn't unite these people. What should he do?"

"This is unbelievable"

"What on earth did Su Can want to do? He didn't even have this opportunity to gather the strength of those people. What on earth did he want to do?"

"I suspect there must be some conspiracy here"

"Su Can has never attended such a banquet, and now he suddenly does so without doing anything. Do you dare to believe that such a thing will happen?"

"Continuing to stare at Su Can, I suspect that this is just a deliberate display on the surface to make us people careless. In fact, he may be doing something underneath."

Inside the Skull and Bones meeting room........

Old Locke and others gathered together again.

Su Can's participation in Mr. Mu's banquet was nothing in the eyes of ordinary people. No one knew what it meant.

However, these big families know very well what this means.

They had noticed it long ago.

However, due to their status, they were unable to attend in person and find out what Su Can's true thoughts were at the banquet.

However, they suspected that Su Can took the initiative to participate in the banquet this time, and might be hiding some shocking conspiracy, which might be against them.

So, they all stared.

They hurriedly stayed up all night together, and when the banquet over there was over, it was early morning here, which shocked them beyond measure.

Nothing happened.

At the same time, Europe........

"Su Can didn't do anything?"

"What does this mean?"

"Didn't he take this opportunity to invite some people to join the core organization of our Freemasonry?"

"That's right, how could he do nothing?"

"Last time, the big family we were friendly with wanted to join the Freemasonry, but he blocked them all. It was obvious that he wanted to drag some people to join."

"But, he didn't invite those people?"

"How can this be?"

"The two Li families in Xiangjiang and some big Chinese families in Nanyang are all qualified to join our Freemasonry. Su Can actually didn't invite him?"

"If he invites these people to join, they will be his people, and then he will be able to completely control our Freemasonry."

"What does he want to do?"

"I think Su Can is playing a big game. This game is huge."

"Maybe it's for us!"

"He even gave up the complete control of the Freemasonry, so how terrible is his plan?"

"If so, what about us?"

The remaining core major families of Freemasonry were all frightened by this sentence.

In the past, there were twelve major families of Freemasonry. Later, after Su Can joined, there were as many as thirteen families. of the big family.

This power is not even as good as the Skull and Bones.

They are truly powerful.

And now, the Freemasonry has been destroyed by Su Can. Four major families, one of which was the most powerful Freemasonry in the past. That big family.

That’s the Chairman Met family........

After the four major families were destroyed, only nine major families were left in the Freemasonry. Among these nine major families, two of them were Su Can's die-hard allies.

The remaining six big families joined together to hold a group, for fear that their big families would be destroyed by Su Can again.

They were a little worried that Su Can could really do it.

That's why I dragged some familiar and friendly big families to join the Freemasonry, but I didn't expect that Su Can stopped me. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

People like them don’t have this opportunity at all.

Now they feel panic, not knowing that Su Can wants to deal with them, even if they are the top richest people.

However, after encountering something, it was the same as usual.

That is facing the unknown, and that is the most terrifying thing.

They feel particularly scary now.

They looked at each other, not knowing how to describe it.

And at this time.


After the banquet, Su Can didn't hold back, but took the car directly back to the villa where he lived.

In the villa.......

Su Can sat on the sofa with a cup of hot tea in front of her.

In Hong Kong in December, the weather is not as cold as expected. Sitting in the living room, it is very comfortable, but I just drank a little too much.

After drinking a cup of hot tea, I felt that the alcoholism had dissipated a bit.

Su Can sat leisurely

"Third brother!"

Zhong Mingqiang came over.


Su Can put down the teapot and raised his head to look at Zhong Mingqiang.

"Mr. Xie from Siam, please meet with you, and Mr. Huang and other patriarchs of some big families in Nanyang have sent some invitations to meet you."

Zhong Mingqiang looked at Su Can and said in a low voice

"Their movements were quite fast!"

Su Can's eyes narrowed slightly.

Just after leaving the banquet, these people sent an invitation. It seems that they feel that they have something big that they haven't announced yet. They don't know about it and want to make insinuations.

"They all rejected it!"

Su Can shook his head and said with a smile.

What's the big deal here?.......

Su Can's participation in this banquet tonight is purely to give Mr. Mu face, so that he can get higher support by letting Mr. Mu participate in some subsequent activities.

Because Su Can took the initiative to attend Mr. Mu's dinner party, others would know what Su Can thought about Mr. Mu after seeing it.

When the time comes, if Mr. Mu wants to continue to maintain his original position, some big families will not object, but will support Mr. Mu.

Otherwise, they would be opposing Su Can's opinion.

Do they dare to do this?

Don't dare.

Speaking of Su Can's purpose, this is the only one!

"ah! Rejected all?"

Zhong Mingqiang was startled, looked at Su Can, and said with some shock on his face.

They all refused?

Oh my God........

Any one of those people who comes out will be one of the top ten richest people in their country, and some are even the richest man in the local area.

Reject them all at once?

What a terrible thing that is..

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