Mr. Zhong.

The chief butler under Mr. Su. When he worked as a secretary under Mr. Su, he knew that Mr. Zhong seemed to be the chief butler.

But the status is very high.

Especially among the princes under Mr. Su's banner, their status is very aloof. Even the richest man in the mainland, Lu Guoqiang, does not dare to be condescending to Mr. Zhong.

On the contrary, they are on equal footing.

How dare Murray put on airs!


Zhong Mingqiang's voice came, saying:"Mr. Su's video has appeared on Weibo. Ask your people to delete all the videos. Some marketing accounts that lead the rhythm have their accounts blocked."

"Also investigate, who paid the money to spread this video and make it a hot search. Remember to investigate clearly."


When Murray heard this, he trembled all over. He stood up suddenly and exclaimed in shock:"There is such a thing on Weibo."

"Mr. Zhong, I, I will definitely investigate and punish you severely."

He panicked.

During the years when he served as Mr. Su's secretary, he was all too familiar with Mr. Su's low profile.

At that time, he didn't even understand why someone as rich and powerful as Mr. Su liked to hide behind the scenes. And there is no one standing in front of the stage!

Now, he also doesn’t understand.

However, not understanding is one thing, but he knows very well how low-key a person Mr. Su is, and someone is exposing Mr. Su’s identity.

This matter , or on the Weibo he controls.

It’s over!

He’s done for poor supervision.

After hanging up the phone,

Murray quickly left the office and walked towards the technology department. As he walked, he opened WeChat As expected, he quickly found a topic in the top ten hot searches on the homepage of the blog.

He opened it and took a look.

Sure enough, it was really Mr. Su in this video.

This look almost sent Murray away.

"Damn it! Who is this? He dares to do this. He wants to die, and he wants to drag me along!"Murray just felt his head buzzing.

He couldn't wait to find out the person behind this and kill this person. He wanted to die and got involved with him.

Damn it.

Soon, he came to the technical department

"Let Yan Wei come to me!"

Murray roared and shouted:"Hurry up and take down the ninth hot topic on the search. All these videos have been blocked and are not allowed to be posted. Hurry up."

He was angry.

In such a short period of time, what he just looked at was the tenth hot search, and now it has reached the ninth. What do their Weibo technicians do for a living? They are still adding fuel to the flames.

They are afraid that they will make mistakes. Not enough?


His voice fell, and a staggering figure appeared in front of Murray. This was Weibo's technical director Yan Wei. He looked at Murray, and he quickly said to please:"Mu, Mr. Mu, why are you here! If something happens, just say hello and I will go over and report to you immediately!"

Murray glanced at him coldly and said in a deep voice:"Whether you heard what I just ordered or not, do it quickly. I don't have time to chat with you. If I still do it within two minutes, When you see this topic on the hot search, Yan Wei, get out of here immediately."

When Yan Wei heard this, he was completely dumbfounded.

What happened?

To make the boss so angry?


He didn't hear clearly just now, but now that he heard Murray's words, he was completely frightened. Even though he was the technical director, But he is like this.

Weibo can bring out three or five people at any time. If he does not have his current position as the technical director of Weibo, his quality of life will drop several times.

"Come on, what did Mr. Mu just say? Do it immediately!"

Yan Wei yelled.

Soon, the technicians immediately started operating.

Murray took his mobile phone and scrolled through Weibo. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

A minute later.

He discovered The Weibo he opened disappeared instantly, as if it had been deleted. After he logged out, he reopened it and found that the Weibo was gone.

Then he opened the topic hot search list.

Sure enough, he could no longer see the hot search list. Now that the topic has come


Murray breathed a sigh of relief. After seeing this processing speed, Mr. Su probably wouldn't blame himself for being so slow!

"In the future, on our Weibo, if the video of the person just now appears, or a similar topic, regardless of whether I have given an order, you should immediately suppress the popularity and hot searches, and no hot searches are allowed to appear."

Murray said loudly and coldly.

After speaking, Murray turned and left.

"yes! Mr. Mu! Yan

Wei shouted loudly from behind.

Seeing Murray leave, Yan Wei wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and breathed a sigh of relief. But in his heart, he was confused as to who this person was and asked Mr. Mu to come over in person. They deleted the post and were so anxious, as if they were afraid that if they were delayed for a second, something big would happen?

What on earth is going on?

"Tell me, who is this person?"

"Are we, Mr. Mu, so worried about this?"

"This person's identity is definitely not simple"

"Of course I know it is not simple. I can sit between Mr. Mu and Bill, accompanied by Li Chaoren and Master Qiao Bu. There are also four other big families of the five major families in Xiangjiang on the table. If this identity is simple, this world On, is there anything else simple?"

"Right, is this pretty simple?"

"I mean! This person's identity is not simple as we understand it, but it is beyond common sense!"

170"I think so. You see, even if a scandal involving a wealthy man like Li Chaoren or Bill happened, our boss, Mr. Mu, would not be so anxious and let us delete the post!"

"Huh! It’s true!"

"yes! Although our Weibo is not a giant with a market value of hundreds of billions of dollars, nor is it a giant with a market value of hundreds of billions of Hong Kong dollars, Weibo is not small either!"

"yes! Our market capitalization has exceeded 100 billion, not to mention that in the Mainland, our President Mu’s identity is not simple. Bill and Li Chaoren cannot suppress our President Mu."

"But have you seen it? Did our President Mu do that just now?"


A series of whispers sounded.

After Yan Wei heard it, he frowned slightly. He couldn't figure out who this person was, but he could see President Mu's appearance very clearly just now.

It can make If an Internet tycoon, a rich man on the rich list, is so anxious, then this person must not be a simple person.

What on earth is he?

"alright! Yan

Wei looked at the other people in the technical department and said coldly:"This matter is not something we can discuss, especially in the company. Remember, I don't want to hear anyone discussing this matter in the company again. If Mr. Mu finds out, we won’t be able to live without it."

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