Da Fei said coldly:"I will immediately contact the two entertainment companies under me. Any TV series in which Wen Lili participates will immediately stop filming and kick the person out."

"A large number of theaters under my umbrella will also ban this person. As long as this person stars in the movie, all the upcoming movies will be blocked, and the movies that are currently being released will be removed from the shelves immediately."

Wang Er said with a smile.

As the largest real estate developer in the country, Wang Er followed the WandaZou model given by Su Can in his previous life. Commercial centers and residences were tightly bound together.....

At the same time, cinema lines are also developed.

It can be said.

The theater chain owned by Wang Ershou is the largest theater chain in the country, occupying more than 20% of the large screens in the entertainment industry.

If he wants to block someone.

This person might be able to make it in the TV and music circles.

But, in the film industry.

Absolutely dead.

If 20% of the big screens are blocked, then the movie will be almost doomed, and the market share will shrink a lot in one fell swoop.

"I also have some theater chains under my control. Although they are not big, they still occupy 5% of the big screen, and I can block a wave of them."Da Fei's eyes lit up.

His two entertainment companies, especially Tianxia Film and Television, are not only entertainment companies in the mainland, but also have theater chains. They are one of the top ten theater chains in the mainland.

This alone can be banned..........

"Let me see if any of the companies under my control have signed contracts with this Wen Lili for advertising endorsements, and I will have them terminate the contract immediately. Li

Dong thought for a moment and said

"That's right, as a celebrity, this person must have many endorsement contracts. We have so many companies and partners, so we can contact them. As long as this woman is the spokesperson, the contract will be terminated immediately."

Zhang Qiang said with his eyes brightening.

Xu Zhengmao smiled and said:"Why terminate the contract? If you terminate the contract now, wouldn't that give Wen Lili a big advantage?"

"Lao Xu?"

Lu Guoqiang looked at Xu Zhengmao.

Xu Zhengmao showed a smirk on his face and said:"The celebrities signed by our companies as spokespersons have a clause in it. If the artist has any illegal scandal, then the contract will Not only will it be automatically lifted, they will also have to compensate us for our losses."

"Lao Xu is right!"

Zhang Qiang's eyes lit up.

Da Fei squinted his eyes and smiled:"That's right! This kind of celebrities, especially this kind of people, are basically doing tax evasion and even laundering money for others."

"But usually, there are some forces behind her that are influencing her, and there is no more powerful force to intervene. If she is investigating her work and management situation, as well as tax issues, one check will be accurate."

"This alone is too much to eat and carry around. Da

Fei said excitedly


Hearing Da Fei's words, others looked at him one after another.


Da Fei felt the strange look in everyone's eyes. He coughed dryly and said:"Before setting up those entertainment companies, Mr. Su warned me that I will definitely not let his people do this."

"However, within a certain reasonable range, I am definitely doing things like tax avoidance. They are all legal and reasonable, and there is no problem."

"This Wen Lili, I am sure that she will not be like the company under our control."

Da Fei explained.

As far as he knows, there are not many people in this entertainment circle who are so clean.

"Let me find someone to check on her tax issues!"

Wang Er spoke.

The others nodded slightly........

Compared with them, Wang Er is not an ordinary businessman. He comes from a big family in Yanjing City. His strength is not weak, and he is almost at the level of a first-class big family.

This kind of thing.

There is no need to use the power of the family at all, just find a family vassal family or something like that and it will be done.

"In addition to Wen Lili, there are several people behind her. Among these people, two are from the entertainment industry, the other three are businessmen, and one manages the Internet."

Wang Er immediately picked up several people behind Wen Lili.

"Tiankun Group?"

"Wencai Group?"

"Yali Group?"

"Zhang Xiaoheng?"

"Li Xiaofei?"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After hearing these names, everyone else started talking.

"These two people in the entertainment industry, I’ll have them banned! Da Fei was the first to speak and said:"What a great director, I blocked him immediately.""

What kind of director or something like that?"........

In his eyes, that was nothing.

Xu Zhengmao smiled and said:"As for the remaining companies, let's see if any of these companies can cooperate with us."

"If so, then we will completely stop cooperating with these companies and bankrupt them without leaving any leeway."

He's also a little murderous.

"This thing is simple"

"Just a few small companies"

"The highest market value is 10 to 20 billion"

"In the whole of China, there are few companies whose business is not related to the business of us people, especially the bigger the company, the less likely it is."

"Yes, we can join forces and bring them down"

"It doesn't even take much effort"

"This thing is too simple"

"I immediately called my people and asked if there was such a company."

Others spoke one after another

"Which person is left?"

Zhang Qiang added the last sentence and said.

Hearing this sentence, they all looked at Wang Er, because although this person has no money, he is a person from another path. They can never deal with that person openly. People.

This is a taboo........

Moreover, even if you have to deal with it, you have to do it secretly.

Doing so will not work in a short period of time.

Among them, only Wang Er fits the bill.

Wang Er thought for a moment and said:"We have all got the news. Think about it, can the third brother not know the person behind Wen Lili?"

"I think, maybe within today, or even within a few hours, this person will be controlled, so don’t worry about this person."

"On the contrary, the status of the remaining people is too low. The third brother is too lazy to take action and will definitely not do it. Ming Qiang may call us when the time comes."

"Therefore, those of us just need to worry about the remaining five people."

Wang Er said with a smile.

As a person in that circle, and someone who has played with Su Can since childhood.

Wang Er is very familiar with Su Can's temper.

He is a person who can't get rid of the sand in his eyes, even the people around him If he did what that person did, the third brother would definitely kill his relatives out of justice.

Now that the third brother knew about the existence of this person, how could he not take action?

I'm afraid.........

While they were chatting, the third brother had already taken action.

Wang Er's guess was correct. While they were chatting, Zhong Mingqiang followed Su Can's instructions and made a phone call back to Yanjing City.

That day, someone from Yanjing City made a call.

Several people headed towards that person's home..

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