Long Kun didn't know why this happened.


His Tiankun Group has suffered such a major blow.

Who did he offend?

Long Kun was naturally not qualified to know. Even in the end, the Tiankun Group collapsed and he was imprisoned for being suspected of some crimes. He didn't know what happened.

Even in the eyes of ordinary people, he is a big shot. even.....

In the entire Magic City, with his wealth, he can be among the top 100 richest people, but he still has no qualifications to know.

As for Su Can, his level is too low.

Just because, with his help, Wen Lili became so arrogant and domineering, and she even harmed Su Can, this was the price he needed to pay.

That's right!

This is the price of being involved.

As for these costs, Long Kun has been punishing people like this over the years, but now, he doesn't know until his death that he will also encounter such a day.

At this time, Wen Lili left that high-end community.

As soon as her car left, several upright people in black suits suddenly walked into the community. soon!

There was a knock on the door of the room where Wen Lili and the old man were just now. The old man opened the door and saw the people outside the door and announced his door.

The old man collapsed to the ground in fear, his face full of despair.

At this time, Wen Lili knew nothing.

At this time, she was going to fly to the Magic City.

Magic City is a good place.........

She has a financial sponsor dad over there, and this financial sponsor dad is also a rich man in Shanghai, and has given Wen Lili a lot of help in terms of resources.

Tonight, in addition to spending time with her father, the financial sponsor.

Wen Lili also wanted to discuss cooperation with the TV station there, because a TV series she starred in was bought by Shanghai TV Station and will be broadcast tonight.

She went to Shanghai to participate in the recording of a variety show to promote the new drama.

And this show.

The reason why it was bought by Shanghai TV Station at a high price is because the person in charge of buying this TV series is a friend of Wen Lili's father.

Everyone, it’s just mutual benefit.

Wen Lili sat in the car, feeling very beautiful.

Even though, within one day, she was hovering between two men, even the man was older than her father, Wen Lili didn't care at all.

Just groveling in front of two men. what is this!

At the most, she was hovering between four men in one day. She didn't feel disgusted, but had a perverted feeling in her heart.

To know.

She only faced these wealthy fathers, but outside, in front of those fans, she was an image of an extremely pure and beautiful girl.

The goddess in the dreams of countless fans, the goddess who wants to kneel and lick her.

Facing so many fans........

She was very satisfied that she could still make so much money. even.

Outside the circle, there are also suitors from wealthy businessmen who have small assets and a net worth of over 100 million, but Wen Lili never cares about those people.

In front of those people, she behaved like an incomparable lady, knowledgeable, sensible, and generous.

They are just spare tires.

Before he was abandoned by those wealthy fathers, these people were just spare tires.

When Wen Lili was excited in her heart, suddenly her cell phone rang. She picked it up and saw that it was a call from her agent.

Of course she couldn't be seen by her agent when she was accompanying her father. within this circle. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Many people have been ruined by their agents. but!

Wen Lili was very skillful. After the agent followed her, she used her fathers who were financial backers to frame the agent's husband.

Finally, the agent was dragged into the water.........

She holds ugly information about the agent and his wife, and if the other party ever thinks of betrayal, she will threaten them with it.

Wen Lili pressed the answer button:"Sister Yue, don't rush me. We are on our way to the airport. We must arrive at the airport before the plane takes off.""

"No, Lili!"

The agent's urgent voice sounded, saying:"Something big has happened."

"Something big happened? What's the big deal?"

Wen Lili said nonchalantly.

What big thing could happen?

In the entertainment industry, she didn't dare to say that she could cover the sky with one hand, but if the resources of those funder fathers were used, few people would dare to offend her.

Especially The funder dad just now is on the Internet.

There is no platform to dare to promote her scandal, but this funder dad said hello, so when those fans see her information on the Internet, they are all good and pure. Goddess.

Who would have thought that it would be so dirty down there!

Of course she doesn't care.........

"It's from the Magic City TV station. They just called and said that the person in charge of purchasing our TV series has a problem and has been arrested. Therefore, the purchase contract of our TV series does not count. They need to check it before they can watch it. , this TV series will not be broadcast."

The agent said hurriedly

"What? What did you say?"

Wen Lili was so shocked that she almost stood up. Thinking that this was here, she sat down, took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in her heart, and said loudly:"The problem with that person is that person's fault. Our TV series, It's our TV series"

"Now, the ads have been put out, and people have been paid to promote them. It has even been promoted that the first and second episodes of the TV series will be broadcast tonight."

"Now, the broadcast is actually suspended. Isn’t that a slap in my face? If we have nothing to do, we will be scolded by those unscrupulous media and black fans."

"No, absolutely not allowed to do this!"

Wen Lili was angry.

As a star, once you have some public activities and suddenly cancel them, it will definitely have a great impact on the star's reputation.

Many people think that you should not do this. It's happened!

Even if it's not your fault, it will have a great impact. Many crews or some movies that want to come into contact with you will pause and watch in an instant. There is not only one star in the entertainment industry. Once you are here If others don't consider it, a replacement female star will come up soon.

The time for a female star to be popular is only a few years. At most, it can be three to five years.........

Five years later, unless there is support from the movie box office, a new generation of female stars will appear and replace your original position.

How could Wen Lili allow such a thing to happen?


The agent said with a wry smile:"Modu TV is very tough on this matter, and will even investigate the relationship between our company and that person to see if there are any interest issues.""

"Do they dare?"

Wen Lili became anxious and shouted loudly.

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