This role is her opportunity to rise from a domestic star to an international star.

Once she succeeds and the box office is stable, her status will be stable, and she will suddenly transcend the ranks of domestic female stars.

It can also be said that he has completely established a foothold in the film industry.


Now the role is gone.


Wen Lili yelled in her heart.

Of course she didn't dare to do anything to Tianxia Film and Television. Tianxia Film and Television had a very strong background, which was well known in the entertainment industry.

If she dares to offend Tianxia Film and Television, her financial backer father Lao Jin will not be able to protect her.

"Sister Han! Wen

Lili said quickly:"Please help me make an appointment with Director Ma. I would like to treat her to a meal tomorrow evening. The place will be at the Erlang River Restaurant.""

Erlang River Restaurant?

The manager, who was called Sister Han, immediately understood what Wen Lili was going to do.

Use a beauty trap!

Because this restaurant, in the entertainment industry, everyone knows very well what it is. 22, the private room inside is a private room for eating. However

, the private room is very large and has a sofa area.

More importantly, the security here is very complete. The boss will invite people to make surprise inspections every month. Are there any bugs secretly installed in the private rooms in this hotel?

Another point is that the waiters inside will not disturb you unless you call them.

Once upon a time........

There was a female star who was dining with a coal boss. The two of them ate alone for two hours. When they came out, the female star's walking posture was abnormal.

Since then, this hotel has spread such meaning in this circle.

If a man and a woman in this circle eat alone in this restaurant, it means that the other person is willing to spend the night with you.

Sister Han, why don’t you understand?

"I'll contact Director Ma later! Sister

Han said quickly

"Jingle Bell!"

At this moment, Wen Lili suddenly heard Sister Han's cell phone ringing. As Wen Lili's manager, Sister Han is more than just a mobile phone.

Moreover, she is not just one person, she has a team.

"Xiao Li, please answer this call."

Sister Han's voice sounded

"Jingle Bell!"

Then, another phone rang, and as these two phones rang, the phone numbers one after another also rang.........

Wen Lili heard so many calls from the other side, and she had a bad feeling in her heart. She originally wanted to hang up the phone, but at this moment, she didn't.

"Sister Han, please answer other phone numbers first and don’t hang up on me!"

Wen Lili said

"Okay, I'll answer the other phone number first!"

Sister Han didn't object and directly answered other calls.

"What? Director Zhang, didn’t we agree that the heroine will be our Lili? Why have you changed so suddenly?"

Sister Han's voice came from the phone.

Wen Lili's face changed again.

Director Zhang?

This Director Zhang is going to make an epic blockbuster recently, which will be on CCTV. The investment is as high as 100 million. This is an investment of 100 million in 11 years. TV series!

This investment, not to mention unique, is also very high.

Originally, she was the heroine of this drama, but now even the role of this drama is going to change?

What's going on?

These How come things happened together all of a sudden.

Wen Lili was stunned.........

However, the phone rang with bad news one after another.

"Mr. Guo, didn’t you invite our sister Li to be the guest of the variety show for the twelfth episode of your variety show? Why did it suddenly change again?"

"Director Li, didn’t you agree to invite our sister Li to the New Year’s Day party?"

"What? Commercial show canceled? Didn't you agree? You have paid the deposit. If the event is cancelled, will we not refund the deposit?"

"What? Want to withdraw? We will not refund the deposit, it is stated in the contract"

"Impossible, there is no scandal in our sister Li!"

"Read Weibo?"

Word after word came from the other end of the phone. When

Wen Lili heard these voices, her face became gloomy. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


Immediately afterwards, Sister Han's voice came, saying:"Oh no, hurry up and check Weibo. Something big has happened. You seem to have been named by the tax department.""


Wen Lili was horrified, and she quickly picked up another mobile phone.

As a big star, of course she has more than just one mobile phone. To them, these mobile phones are nothing. They usually use the latest ones. It ’s just that in this life, there is Su Can. Huatong Patent Company, owned by Su Can, built the Xiaomi mobile phone, which replaced the Pingguo mobile phone and became the best mobile phone.

Big stars like them use They were all Xiaomi mobile phones.

After hearing what Sister Han said, Wen Lili also panicked, because the entertainment industry is very strict now. Once an actor gets into trouble, such as pornography, gambling, drugs, etc., they will be banned.

Tax evasion Too........

In Su Can's previous life, such strictness only gradually became so strict after a few years.

And this life.

With Su Can's presence, after Su Can said a few words, Su Can's eldest brother Su Wen mentioned such a sentence in a certain meeting room.

This matter has become a foregone conclusion.

Last year, a female celebrity was completely banned for tax evasion, and this female celebrity was not an ordinary person. 170 is a first-line female star who has been popular for more than ten years and is a big movie star.

Still of no use, it was blocked.

Of course Wen Lili knew about her tax problems, because she was doing the same.


Wen Lili opened Weibo and immediately saw a Weibo post that had become a hot search topic

"Based on reports from relevant personnel, the tax department will conduct tax inspections on celebrity Wen Lili and several others. Once illegal activities are discovered, they will be severely punished."

A short Weibo, but it revealed disturbing content.

As the saying goes, the shorter the word, the bigger the matter..........

As soon as this Weibo post was posted, it immediately attracted the attention of countless netizens

"Something big happened to Wen Lili?"

"What big thing happened? You anti-fans, look at this, this is just an audit, there is no evidence yet! Our sister must be fine"

"That’s it, that’s it! What kind of whistleblower, if I find out, I will definitely scold him to death!"

"This is because we don’t like our sister!"

"yes! Wen Lili is such a great star! Why bully her like this?"

"That’s it!"

"Ha ha! You idiot fans, do you think the official would have issued such an official tweet if they had no evidence? If you send it out now, the evidence will already be sufficient."

"The shorter the word, the bigger the problem!".

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