
Hearing the news, Saburo Koizumi, Ye Liang and Chen Benshi were shocked.

Brother Hai just revealed the news on the phone. Unexpectedly, the action was so fast that they didn't even react, and all the goods in their hands were seized. so fast....

Even people like Brother Hai have no way to get the news.

Doesn’t that mean!

This is the city, not the district.

It's over.

Ye Liang's expression changed.

Chen Benshi slumped on the chair.

Saburo Koizumi gritted his teeth and said:"I don't believe it. I don't believe there is no way. I will go to the departments of our island country and ask them to protest."

As he said that, he stood up and walked with heavy steps.

Seeing Saburo Koizumi's disappearing back, Chen Benshi and Ye Liang shook their heads helplessly.

This year.

This is not the poverty-stricken China we had thirty years ago.

At that time, let alone a foreign trade company of this size, even an ordinary island citizen would receive very high courtesy in the land of China.

But now that China is stronger, these days are gone forever.


The afternoon sun was very warm, and Su Can slept under two coconut trees. These two coconut trees were not very tall, but dwarf varieties, only about three meters high.

A hammock was tied between two coconut trees, and the sunlight shone through the leaves of the coconut trees. In Yazhou in winter, the sunlight was not hot, but rather warm.

In addition, this place is close to the seaside, and the sea breeze blows by, which in turn dissipates the heat of the sun. This kind of sunshine shines on this person, so warm that he does not feel like he is being exposed to the sun at all.

Su Can was lying on the hammock. This was a very common hammock in Hainan. It was not a big brand. The only thing that was a little special was that Su Can's face was covered with a hat.

Time passed bit by bit.

Starting from several nearby security posts, Zhong Mingqiang and Huang Xiaowei gradually came to the hammock.

The two stood and waited without any unnecessary whispering.


Su Can yawned and made a sound.

He was already awake.

Feeling the hat on his head, Su Can put the hat down. Suddenly, a dazzling sunlight shone down from the void. Su Can couldn't help but close his eyes..

I blinked a few times before I got used to the dazzling sunlight.


The sunlight didn't come down directly, otherwise Su Can's eyes would be hurt.

He blinked and felt the two people standing next to him out of the corner of his eye. Su Can slowly turned his head and looked over, and immediately saw Zhong Mingqiang and Huang Xiaowei.

Zhong Mingqiang stood upright, but Huang Xiaowei lowered his head and looked dejected.

If the people under him saw his boss like this, they would be shocked and dumbfounded. His rich boss, who ranks at the top of the rich list, has always been high-spirited.

I have never seen such a sad boss.

What happened?


Su Can's voice sounded slowly.

"Third brother!"

Huang Xiaowei heard this, raised his head, looked at Su Can, and said quickly.

Su Can slowly got up from the hammock without speaking, but walked towards a stone chair next to the hammock. Next to the stone chair, there was a A longan tree several meters high.

In this season, the leaves are not very strong.

Sitting under the stone chair, the sun can still shine through the leaves.

Seeing Su Can sit down, Huang Xiaowei and Zhong Mingqiang quickly followed, and in A security guard next to him saw Su Can walking over there, and immediately picked up a bottle of purified water and put it in front of Su Can.

Su Can opened the bottle of purified water. As soon as he got up, he would drink a large glass of water. Everyone knows about his living habits.Gulu........

Su Can drank most of it in one gulp.

"Say it! Who did this!"

Su Can capped the bottle of pure water and said in a light voice.

"Third brother!"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Huang Xiaowei quickly said with a cry:"I really didn't do this, I have already put the products from Spoke Island, no, I have already put them from All food items in the island country have completely declined."

"It's not my decision to put these foods on the company's shelves. This kind of thing is left to some of my purchasing departments."

"If I had known that it was from the Spoke Island, I would have taken those things off the shelves long ago, why would I have waited until today!"

He died unjustly.

As the person in charge of such a huge company, if he had to keep an eye on the procurement of such products, then he wouldn't be able to finish it every day!

That would require someone. Some departments are responsible for it.

There are dozens of departments in the company, and each one is responsible for the same thing. As the boss, he is just a co-ordinator and cannot do it himself.

In those TV shows, there are things that the overbearing president does personally.

Those are all fake.

Big The boss can indeed go to the lowest level and watch, but he will not personally ask everything.......

Didn’t they teach those people in detail one by one?

"Do you still feel that you have been wronged and wronged?"

Su Can looked at Huang Xiaowei with a cold face.

Hearing Su Can's words, Huang Xiaowei was frightened to death. He had been with Su Can for so many years. It can be said that among those people back then, he was the earliest one. Individual.

Even Zhong Mingqiang was not earlier than him.

Back then, when Lu Guoqiang was following Su Can, he brought two people with him. These two people were him and Zhang Qiang. Strictly speaking, this was earlier than Old Man Li..

You know, Old Man Li was older than Zhong Mingqiang, so even if he didn't follow Su Can like Zhong Mingqiang and hold the position of An (Liao Hao) Bao.

However, he also followed Su Can for many years. , are the first group of people who are responsible for understanding Su Can.

If the third brother curses, they are not afraid.

Because it means that the third brother still regards you as one of their own, but once the tone is cold, you sound like you are very polite. It’s like that.

Then it’s over.

If you’re no longer one of our own, can you still hang out with the third brother?

I can’t take on the responsibility anymore.........

Huang Xiaowei's face changed drastically, and he said quickly:"Third brother, no, that's not what I meant. As the person in charge of the company, I must be fully responsible for what happened to the people under my subsidiaries."

He didn't dare to refute, and directly told everyone The responsibility is all on him. If the third brother is disappointed with him, it will really be over.

"Talk about the people!"

Su Can slowly opened the bottle of pure water again and took a sip. He had just gotten up. He was used to drinking more water. He put down the water bottle and said in a gloomy voice...

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