Huang Dawei's face showed a look of horror, and he said angrily:"Impossible, absolutely impossible, she is carrying my child, it is mine!"

As soon as these words came out, his expression changed.


Huang Xiaomei was stunned and looked at her elder brother

"Brother, you, did you really go behind your sister-in-law’s back and find a woman outside, and she is a woman from an island country?"

Huang Zhengwei was also dumbfounded.

Huang Dawei's move was undoubtedly a showdown. He really had a woman in the island country, and this woman was pregnant with a child. But according to the words of his second brother Huang Xiaowei, it was not the eldest brother's. The child belongs to another man.

The eldest brother has become an honest man.

They did not expect that the eldest brother, who seems to have an honest personality, would actually be such a person.


"Bang! Huang

Dawei watched his two younger brothers and sisters talking like this,"Zero 47". He knew that he had been exposed. His expression remained unchanged, he looked at Huang Xiaowei and said coldly:"Are you checking me?""

"If you don't want others to know, don't do it unless you do it yourself. Huang

Xiaowei shook his head.

Huang Dawei gritted his teeth and said fiercely:"As a man, I am so successful. Isn't it normal for me to do this?""

Huang Xiaowei looked at his elder brother Huang Dawei, who looked like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water, and said calmly:"Yes, it is your choice how you do this kind of thing, but you are so stupid that you were deceived by those island people. , be an honest person, accept the benefits from those island people, and then return them back.

Huang Dawei argued:"I did not take any benefits from the islanders." Huang Xiaowei smiled and said:"

Brother, why are you still struggling now? I gave you a chance at the beginning. If you admit it properly, I don't need to tell you about that woman, but you can't see the coffin." Tears, as for the benefits you received"

"You feel? Can no one find out?"

"Now, I give you one last chance to surrender! I will handle this woman's affairs well, and I won't let her lie to you so much and let it go so easily."

"Surrendering yourself is your last resort. Huang

Xiaowei said coldly.

Surrender yourself........

Huang Xiaomei and Huang Zhengwei's expressions changed.

"Second brother!"

Huang Xiaomei spoke.

Huang Zhengwei said quickly:"Here, the eldest brother surrenders. If he pays 10 million US dollars, he will probably go to jail for a long time."

Although what happened to their eldest brother made them feel shameful, but that was their eldest brother. In the face of family ties, they still hope that they can reduce their eldest brother's guilt.

"What, you want me to surrender and go to jail?"

Huang Dawei was dumbfounded. He didn't expect that Huang Xiaowei would be so cruel.

"That's right!"

Huang Xiaowei nodded, then looked at his younger siblings Huang Zhengwei and Huang Xiaomei, and said,"Do you think I'm a little cruel to my eldest brother?"

"Aren't the things he did cruel enough? Knowing that those things are so harmful, they actually put them in a Jianor supermarket."

"Now, if he doesn't go to jail and doesn't bear the responsibility for these crimes, our Huang family will have to bear all this."

The third brother gave him a chance to deal with this matter........

If he didn't handle it well and really let his eldest brother Huang Dawei go, he believed that the third brother would never let him pass easily after he found out.

By that time, it wasn't just Huang Dawei who was finished.

But they are the Huang family.

The entire Huang family will face the possibility of destruction.

In the eyes of the third brother, there is no sand in his eyes.

Seeing Huang Xiaowei's determination, Huang Dawei was frightened and said quickly:"Second brother, brother, I know I was wrong. Please plead with Mr. Su and spare brother!"

Seeing that Huang Xiaowei was unkind and wanted to send him to jail, he Scared too

"Second brother, how about you ask for mercy from Mr. Su?"

Huang Xiaomei couldn't help but speak.

Huang Zhengwei took a deep breath and said:"Second brother, if Mr. Su is too arrogant, I have a way to prevent the eldest brother from being punished too seriously."

As a top lawyer, of course he has this ability. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) The problem is!

The person who wants his elder brother to suffer the consequences cannot be too strong. If the other party is strong If it reaches that absolute point. No matter how powerful he is, it's useless....... not to mention!

The Huang family is not a small family. Under operation, maybe it can be done

"Brother, please!"

Huang Dawei begged for mercy with a cry.

Huang Xiaowei shook his head and said:"Brother, if I had known earlier, why would I do it in the first place?"

From the behavior of elder brother Huang Dawei just now, Huang Xiaowei can see that elder brother is crying crocodile tears, and he is not really repentant.....

Just like many prisoners, before they were caught, many of them acted arrogantly and bullied many people. Do you think they felt any remorse at that time?


After being caught, they knew that they would go to jail for a long time, or even face the death penalty. Only when he faced those severe punishments did he feel afraid.

They are afraid of being punished rather than truly repentant.

His elder brother Huang Dawei is like that too........

"Second brother!"

Huang Xiaomei and Huang Zhengwei pleaded.

"Third child, fourth child! Huang

Xiaowei looked at his younger sister Huang Xiaomei and younger brother Huang Zhengwei with a faint look, and said in a deep voice:"Do you think I am ruthless and unwilling to let my eldest brother go?""

"It was he himself who committed the serious crime of dragging down the Huang family. How is Third Brother's conduct? Although you are not close to Third Brother, you have also heard about the relationship between some families and Third Brother."

"Look at those of us princes working under Third Brother, whether it’s me, Wang Er, Zhang Qiang, Lu Guoqiang or those people"

"Look at them, that person's children, how dare they go down the wrong path?"

"Why don't you dare to leave?

Huang Xiaowei said coldly:"That's because when we worked under Third Brother, we were warned a long time ago. Once someone makes a big mistake, and we see it, we don't help correct it, but help hide it." If so, then we people will be guilty of the same crime"

"Therefore, over the years, I have been so strict with the children of our brothers and sisters, including my own children."

"That's because they can be uneducated and ignorant, but they can't go the wrong way."

In that circle, there are many people who have been ruined.

Especially ten years ago.

Huang Xiaowei has seen too many things that the second and third generations of rich people did after they suddenly became rich. Even he saw those things. , wishing to kill those people.

Seeing those, he was even grateful for the warning Su Can gave them.

If it weren't for these warnings, maybe.........

The children of people like them will also take that path, because the status is there, and the family background does not reach that level.

If the elderly pamper their children so much and leave them alone, they are harming them!.

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