Is that John?

Zeng Nianbei rubbed his eyes, a little unbelievable.

Is this man Qiang Bo?

How can it be....

Isn't Qiang Bo a shareholder of a security company in Xiangjiang with a net worth of tens of billions? How can such a rich man do something like opening doors for others?

This looks like a big butler.

How can it be!

At this moment, he was a little stunned by shock.

Who on earth can let a rich man with a net worth of tens of billions do the job of opening a door?

Zeng Nianbei was curious.

The car door slowly opened.

Zeng Nianbei saw a man with a strong aura walking out, and this man looked to be in his early thirties, about the same as himself. Zeng Nianbei was dumbfounded again. this?

Why is he a young man?

"Third brother!"

At this moment, Lu Guoqiang said.

Third brother........

When Zeng Nianbei heard this, his head almost exploded.

He wondered if he had heard wrongly. This man who looked to be the same age as himself was actually the third brother Wang Erlu, the richest man, and they had just mentioned.

Is that Mr. Su?

How is it possible? There are so many of them?

"Third brother!"

At this time, Wang Er spoke.

Zhang Qiang also said:"Third brother, long time no see!"

"Third brother!"

"Mr. Su"

"elder brother!"

"Third brother! Happy Spring Festival."

Voices rang out one after another, all calling the young man. Some of them called him Third Brother like Lu Guoqiang and Wang Er, while some called him Mr. Su. , and there were those who called Brother.

Zeng Nianbei discovered that the person who called Brother was Li Dong, and the people who called Mr. Su were Xu Hengtai and Murray, and the rest were called Third Brother.


Why are they all shouting differently?

"Guoqiang, long time no see!"

Immediately afterwards, Zeng Nianbei was shocked to see that Mr. Su walked next to the richest man Lu, reached out and patted the richest man Lu gently on the shoulder, appearing to be very close, and said slowly.



Zeng Nianbei Bei swallowed in shock. Such actions were usually done by elders to juniors, or bosses to subordinates!

That was the richest man in Lu!

This Mr. Su was too trusting.

However, Lu Guoqiang had a look on his face He looked very useful, showed a happy smile, and said:"Third brother, yes! We haven't seen each other for months." this........

Zeng Nianbei felt that his three views had collapsed again. He didn't know how many times his three views had collapsed today, making him doubt his life countless times.

"Wang Er, you have gained a lot of weight. You need to lose weight!"

Su Can looked at Wang Er and saw that Wang Er had gained weight again. He shook his head slightly and stretched out his hand to pat Wang Er's belly.

Wang Er smiled with a big belly and said,"Third brother, I can't help it, I just taste good. , just like this one, we can only try our best to lose weight."

Su Can rolled his eyes at him, and then looked at the others one after another.

They were all acquaintances.

"Zhang Qiang, I heard that you acquired another foreign logistics company!"

"Third brother, I just bought it"

"Li Dong, you boy, take good care of your business."

"Brother, I will"

"Xiaojun, you should pay more attention to those mines!"

"Third brother, please don’t worry, I won’t let you down."

"Murray, on Weibo, don’t worry!"

"Thank you, Third Brother. I hope they continue to do it so I can earn more."........(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Su Can looked at the people around him, and one after another, Su Can greeted them one after another. These people were all princes under his command.

Any person who comes out and manages a company with assets exceeding RMB 100 billion will start out. and.

Basically, they are all real industries.

Among these people, except for Xu Hengtai and Murray and his time break, the others have followed him from the beginning and have followed him for many years.

As for Li Dong, he is his cousin and a member of his family.

After Su Can said hello to the others, he looked through everyone and looked at Zeng Huaqiang, who was standing at the end. He did not stand next to the others, nor did he fight for it.

It's because he knows his identity and status.

With this little identity and status here, how can he compete with Lu Guoqiang and Wang Er for his position? This man is a person who knows how to advance and retreat.

Su Can is also very satisfied.

Some of his properties in Qiongzhou were taken care of by Zeng Huaqiang. Over the years, there have been no problems. This man is very reliable.

Su Can is also very satisfied.......

Moreover, Zeng Huaqiang is not that ambitious and is careful and diligent in doing things.

"Huaqiang, why did you run to the back and not say hello when you saw me?"

Su Can smiled and looked through the crowd to Zeng Huaqiang.

Seeing Su Can's gaze, the others stepped aside one after another, as if forming a road, and opposite them were Zeng Huaqiang and his son.

Zeng Huaqiang heard Su Can's eyes suddenly turned red at these words.

"Mr. Su, didn’t I see everyone greeting you, thinking about coming up to you later?"Zeng Huaqiang said excitedly.

He knows.

In today's environment, with so many top tycoons, Mr. Su singled him out and had such a conversation with him, which is a great concern for him.

And for him To me, that is a good thing.

Mr. Su's attitude will definitely attract the attention of others.

Sure enough!

He vaguely saw that after Mr. Su said this, the richest man in Lu and Wang Er and others looked at him. There was a slight change in his eyes.

Others may have remembered him in the past. That was because he was also a person working under Mr. Su. He was Zhong Mingqiang’s cousin and had this relationship.

However, his strength was too weak.........

He didn't catch the eyes of those people at all. If they remembered him, it would only give Mr. Su and his cousin Zhong Mingqiang face, and after today.

Those rich people may have some changes towards him.

Zeng Nianbei, who was next to Zeng Huaqiang, was slightly surprised in his heart. His father really knew this Mr. Su, and he seemed to be very familiar with him!

Oh my God!

When did the old man meet such an awesome person?

That's right!

This man is definitely a top big shot.

Zeng Nianbei was shocked.

In his opinion, the richest man in Lu, Wang Er, and others could be made to wait in the yard, and when they saw the other party arriving, they immediately swarmed up to greet Gong.

What was even more shocking was that the richest man Lu looked honored when he was patted on the shoulder.

All this shows one thing........

That is, the identity of the other party is absolutely terrifying.

My old man knows such a big shot, but I have never heard him talk about it, nor have I seen him take me to see the world.

Are you your own biological child?

At the same time, he also realized why his father said today that he would bring him to see the world. This was no way to see the world! It was like seeing the whole universe!.

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