"Yo! Isn't this Young Master Zeng?"

The person opposite saw Zeng Huaqiang, his eyes showed a hint of joy, and he smiled and said:"Master Zeng, why did you come to Mingxuan Residence alone today?"

"Leng Ye!"

Zeng Nianbei snorted coldly.

The person in front of him is called Leng Ye. He is from Yazhou. His family is engaged in real estate business and is quite powerful. The Leng family once competed with the Zeng family for a piece of land in Yazhou. Later, The Zeng family paid a slightly higher price and got it.

The two families also forged a feud.

Later, the two sides often clashed. So did he and Leng Ye.

The two belonged to different circles in Qiongzhou. They once went to a club to play , both sides took a fancy to a woman, and when they were fighting for the woman, they fought hard.

Later, there were many people on their side, but they beat Leng Ye and the others violently, leaving Leng Ye in the hospital for a while.

The hatred between the two sides of"Zero 50" is not a small one......

Especially the business of their respective families. If they can kill each other, they will never be merciful.

"I didn’t expect that Mr. Zeng would still remember this little person like me?"

Leng Ye said with a sarcastic smile.

"Ono, do you know him?"

A young man next to Leng Ye spoke.

This man was about thirty years old. He looked at Zeng Huaqiang with some displeasure in his eyes. He seemed to have a good relationship with Leng Ye, but this man should not be from Qiongzhou.

In this circle , everyone knows about his relationship with Leng Ye, and the relationship between the Zeng family and the Leng family. When he asked this question, he seemed to be from outside.


Hearing the words of the young man next to him, Leng Ye said with a smile:"We know each other, and we have a grudge. This Young Master Zeng's father is the person in charge of Huaqiang Group."

Huaqiang Group........

Hearing these words, the young man frowned slightly.

"It was the Huaqiang Group that was competing with Uncle Tang for that piece of land!"

Leng Ye revealed the news.

"Are you Zeng Huaqiang’s son?"

The young man's eyes suddenly turned cold, and there was a hint of ruthlessness in his eyes. He looked at Zeng Nianbei.

Zeng Nianbei paused.

He also knew the identity of this person from Leng Ye. This person should be The son of Tang Dahua, the head of Dahua Real Estate, the Zeng family is indeed fighting for a piece of land. The main competitor is Dahua Group. This Dahua Group is not a local company in Qiongzhou, but comes from other provinces and is very powerful.

This is much more powerful than their Huaqiang Group.

The relationship between the two parties is currently a competitive relationship.

What is the identity of the other person?

Zeng Nianbei feels something is wrong........

"That's right! He is Zeng Huaqiang's son. Leng

Ye fanned the flames and said:"Young Master Zeng is known as Yecheng. There is nothing he can't do in Yecheng. Who dares to offend him? Once you get to Yecheng, you can't leave Yecheng.""

"so smart?"

Another man who had been silent spoke up. There seemed to be a hint of sarcasm in his gaze. He looked at Zeng Huaqiang and said sarcastically:"I didn't expect that there would be someone more arrogant than me."

When Zeng Nianbei heard this, he thought that this young man was a psycho.

What could be more arrogant and domineering?

Is he sick ?

"Mr. Zhu, a person from a small place, a frog in a well, has never seen the big world. In front of you, Mr. Zhu, a person like him is nothing!"

Leng Ye continued to fan the flames and said

"Then I want to see what people who are more arrogant than me are like."

Zhu Xiaoyun suddenly became interested. He looked at Zeng Nianbei with fierce eyes. His body bulged slightly, like a hedgehog about to explode. He smiled and said:"Boy, let me give you a chance. Show me how arrogant you are."

"are you crazy!"

Seeing Zhu Xiaoyun like that, Nianbei couldn't help but cursed. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He felt that the person in front of him was a bit sick.

He was just that kind of neurotic pervert.........


When Tang Xiaojie heard this, he couldn't help laughing and said,"Sure enough, this person is crazy enough. I have seen so many people, but no one dares to scold Mr. Zhu. Leng Ye immediately took the opportunity to say:"

Look, I didn't lie!" This Young Master Zeng is really extremely arrogant, not just ordinary arrogance."

"Brother Jie, what happened!"

"Master Zhu!"

"Brother Ye, what happened?"

At this moment, several figures suddenly came over. Those people saw Tang Xiaojie, Leng Ye and Zhu Xiaoyun surrounding Zeng Nianbei, and they immediately came over and asked.

Zeng Nianbei also saw those people. He knew all the people, they were from Leng Ye's circle, and he had nothing to do with their circle, but the families of these people were not as good as the Zeng family...

"Someone is scolding Mr. Zhu!"

Leng Ye said.

"What, who dares to scold Mr. Zhu and seek death?"

"kill him!"

"You have become so bold that you dare to scold Master Zhu. Don’t you want to live anymore?"

The people immediately roared loudly.

Leng Ye sarcastically said:"Of course it is our Young Master Zeng Nianbei. In Qiongzhou, besides our Young Master Zeng, who else dares to be so awesome?"

"Is he a fool?"

"It's that fool Zeng Nianbei!"

"he came!"

Those people immediately gathered around.

When Zeng Nianbei saw it, he felt something was wrong in his heart. He took a step forward, trying to pass through these people and leave towards Luhuitou's private room........

"stop! Leng

Ye stood up, deliberately stood in front of Zeng Nianbei, and sneered:"Zeng Nianbei, you scolded Mr. Zhu and just want to walk away like this?""

Tang Xiaojie also sarcastically said:"This is the first time I have seen such an awesome person. He scolded someone and left immediately, and he also scolded Mr. Zhu."

"How do you want to solve it?"

Zeng Nianbei knew that the matter was not that simple.

Because he saw that the new people saw Leng Ye stopping him, and they immediately surrounded the outside and blocked the gap.

Behind him It's an elevator. It's blocked on the left and right sides. It's impossible to get through. You can only get through after a thorough solution.

"How to deal with it? Tang

Xiaojie said with a smile:"4.5 It is Mr. Zhu who you offended. How to solve it? Of course, it will make Mr. Zhu happy. Only by letting you go can it be completely solved.""

"That's right!"

Leng Ye nodded and said.

Others also followed suit.

Mr. Zhu........

Zeng Nianbei looked at Zhu Xiaoyun. Until now, he had no idea who Zhu Xiaoyun was, but Tang Xiaojie and Leng Ye both looked at each other as Mr. Zhu.

This seemingly perverted young man, no matter what, his family strength far exceeds that of Tang Xiaojie's Dahua Group.

The market value of Dahua Group has reached nearly 10 billion, which makes Tang Xiaojie willing to stay behind. It must be at least several times more powerful than the Tang family.

There is even another path, where there are big shots with powerful backgrounds in the family..

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