Yamada Yezhu's expression changed slightly, and he quickly bowed deeply to Tanaka Hantora at 90 degrees, and said:"Sir Tanaka, I think too simply, or Mr. Tanaka is far-sighted."

He was afraid in his heart.

Although Yamada was loyal to the Sumitomo Zaibatsu, he was willing to do anything for the Sumitomo Zaibatsu. but....

This doesn't mean that he is willing to throw away his life!

Now he is a retainer of the Sumitomo Zaibatsu. Not only has he become a wealthy class in the island country, but in the island country, they are still the middle and upper class.

Live a life that is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

He has not enjoyed enough of this kind of life. How could he lose his life for the Sumitomo Zaibatsu? These are things Yamada Yezo is unwilling to do.

"Yamada-kun, I wish you could understand my good intentions!"

Tanaka Hantora's face softened.

If Yamada Yezhu insists on taking action and he doesn't agree, this kid will report it to the Sumitomo Zaibatsu, which will be a troublesome matter for him.

After all, Yamada Yezhu is not an ordinary person.

And He is the deputy person in charge of this operation........

"Then Mr. Tanaka, what should we do?"

Yamada Yezhu looked at Tanaka Hantora

"Let our people follow and keep an eye on that person and Zhao Qingqing. Be careful not to be discovered by the security around that person.

Tanaka Hantora narrowed his eyes slightly and said:"Although the security around Zhao Qingqing is average, the security around that person should be top-notch. If they are not careful, they can be easily exposed.""


Yamada Yezhu nodded.

At this time, at the Palace Restaurant,

Su Can, led by Zhang Dahai's sister-in-law, came to the door of private room No. 1. Zhang Dahai's sister-in-law slowly bowed and opened the door of the private room.

"Mr. Su, please!"

Zhang Dahai's sister-in-law said respectfully.

Su Can stepped in, followed by Zhong Mingqiang, and the rest of the security guards stood at the door of the private room.

Entering the private room,

Su Can saw that two people were already sitting in the private room. One is about sixty years old, and the younger one is in his forties.

Both of them look a little fat.........

"Mr. Su"

"Third brother!"

Seeing Su Can come in, the two people stood up immediately. The person who called Su Can Mr. Su was naturally Zhang Dahai. He was the son of Old Man Zhang. After Old Man Zhang was met by Su Can, he saw Old Man Zhang With his cooking skills, Su Can supported the opening of the Imperial Restaurant.

After the restaurant was established, old man Zhang asked Su Can for instructions before bringing his son Zhang Dahai and his daughter-in-law from the countryside to Yanjing City.

Unfortunately, Zhang Dahai When he came to Yanjing City, he saw a lot of the world. Later, he was seduced by a beautiful waitress from the palace restaurant. He divorced his wife. His wife was Zhang Ming's mother, and then he married the waitress, who was the leader of Su Can just now. The cousin of the manager who came in.

Now, old man Zhang has passed away a long time ago. For the sake of old man Zhang, Su Can handed over the management of the palace restaurant to Zhang Dahai.

However, Zhang Dahai does have some ability.........

Otherwise, Su Can would not have let him manage the palace restaurant for so many years.

In addition, the man who called Su Can the third brother was the forty-year-old man. He was Chu Feng. Lu Guoqiang helped Su Can buy the first courtyard house.

When Su Can lived there, Chu Feng was the king of children in that alley, but unfortunately, the conditions at home were not good and his parents died early.

His grandparents, him and his younger sister were left alone. In order to let his younger sister continue to go to school, he came to Su Can when he was a teenager to beg Su Can and help Su Can with things.

Su Can thought that the child was good, so he worked as a busboy in the palace restaurant.

Don't look at this as a waiter.

Around 1981, countless educated youths who had gone to the mountains and countryside came back. Many of them had no jobs, not even odd jobs. How could there be so many job opportunities at that time!

To be able to work in a restaurant, you have to find various connections.

Although Chu Feng didn't read much, he was ingenious and not lazy at work. In addition, Su Can threw him into the palace restaurant.

Old man Zhang took a look and realized that this boy was not much older than his grandson.

So, he accepted Chu Feng as his disciple........

Chu Feng was also talented, and he was better than his old master. After Old Man Zhang retired, he became the chef of the palace restaurant, and he was also diligent.

Su Can thought he was good and rewarded him with some shares in the Imperial Palace Restaurant. Now Chu Feng is the second-in-command in the Imperial Palace Restaurant.

Net worth is also two to three billion. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Not only that, he has also been in charge of many state banquets, and now he is the president of the Catering Association. Chu Feng can be regarded as reaching the pinnacle of his life.

Nowadays, Chu Feng is just a disciple. In the palace restaurant, he will not cook by himself at all, unless it is Su Can, or Su Can's woman or child, he will cook by himself.

When other people, such as the richest man Lu Guoqiang, come over, he can only cook one or two dishes.

Zhang Dahai was a little envious that Chu Feng could call Mr. Su his third brother. In the circle under Mr. Su, this title represented distance and distance.

In that circle, the person called Third Brother is the most trusted by Mr. Su.

And he is not qualified........ no way!

He has to be blamed for this.

Back then, he was timid and shameless, so his father took him to work in the palace restaurant. He was already in his thirties at the time, and was more than ten years older than Su Can.

It's a bit embarrassing to call someone who is more than ten years younger than you as third brother.

If he had been thicker-skinned and shouted like this, Mr. Su wouldn't have minded and would have given him a chance, but he couldn't lose face!

As a result, now, I regret it to death.

Su Can looked at Zhang Dahai and Chu Feng and nodded slightly. He did not let the two people go to the door to greet them. He had already guessed that the two people must be hiding in the private room.

He came to the palace restaurant for dinner. Whenever he was in Yanjing City, no matter where they were, these two people would almost always take the time to come and receive him.

Especially Chu Feng, he wants to come to the palace restaurant and cook for Su Can himself.

Even though he is now called the God of Cooking.......

Countless rich people felt that they had a sense of dignity just because they could eat the dishes he cooked by himself, but in front of his third brother, he didn't show any intention of getting carried away.

What chef?

His family was like that back then. If it weren't for the care of his third brother, his sister Chu Xiuer would have been able to go from elementary school to university and become a graduate student?

This is simply impossible.

In those days, the cost of going to school was too high.


His parents died young, leaving two old people: his grandparents. At that time, it was difficult for their family to have enough to eat, and they ate only three meals a day.

During the holidays, it’s hard to smell meat.

Still want to successfully go to graduate school? joke........

Moreover, in order to support the two of them, his grandparents worked so hard and lacked nutrition. I am afraid that they may not be able to support them as adults..

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