"this? Is this a dream?"

Su Hong couldn't believe that that person actually called him.

How is this possible?...

He has saved this phone number for more than ten years.

Every time he changes his mobile phone, he will save this phone number first, but over the years, the number of times he has contacted this number can only be counted on one hand.

Not to mention, call him from this phone number. this moment!

Su Hong only felt like he was in a dream, a bit unreal.

"Fifth Master! What's wrong?"

"Fifth Grandpa? what's going on?"

"Fifth Master?"

The juniors from Sujia Village around him looked at Su Hong in confusion.........

In their opinion, Su Hong is a big shot. As the wishes of the Sujia Village Strategy Implementation Meeting, Su Hong's status is not simple.

He even went to participate in the"487" conference held at the beginning of the year in Yanjing City.

In Qilu.

Many people will be very polite to him when they see him.

But at this moment, this big shot in their eyes looked at a caller ID, and his hands started to tremble with excitement.

What happened. they were shocked

"I! Su

Hong came back to his senses, took a deep breath, and said,"You guys wait where you are for a moment while I take the phone number.""


After hearing Su Hong's words, although they had doubts in their hearts, they did not dare to ask why. Instead, they walked to the side one after another.

Seeing that there was no one around, Su Hong let out a long breath........

He pressed answer

"Fifth brother!"

The voice from the other side sounded.

Su Hong said excitedly:"Mr. Su, don't call me Fifth Brother, just call me Su Hong."

In terms of seniority, he is indeed the same generation as Su Can, and he is also older than Su Can. It is not an exaggeration for Su Can to call him fifth brother.

However, Su Hong did not dare to accept it. Ah!

If you suffer this, your life will be shortened.

Those young people of the younger generation don’t know how Sujia Village has reached the scale it is today. They think it is the contribution of their generation.

However, Su Hong personally I have personally experienced the rise of Sujiacun, and watched Sujiacun reach its current status step by step.

Back then, Sujiacun was poor and had nothing.........

No one knows how to do business.

If Su Can hadn't been there to help and provide so many resources, how could their Sujia Village become the number one village in China today?

No chance at all.

It's a pity that when Su Can was helping Sujiacun, he asked them to hide this matter and not tell it, and he couldn't tell the descendants casually.

Unless it reaches a certain height, such as becoming a member of the strategy execution meeting.

This made them feel deeply ashamed.

Su Can has helped so much, but they can't even tell them.

"Ha ha! Hearing Su

Hong's words, Su Can laughed loudly and said calmly:"According to seniority and age, you are my fifth brother, Su Can. You can afford to call you fifth brother.""

Su Can knew what Su Hong was thinking, but he didn't care about the disparity in status.

For the people in Sujiacun........

They all belong to one of his ancestors. Although to avoid having too much influence, Su Can and other members of the Su family have hardly returned to Sujia Village a few times.

However, they still regard Sujiacun as one of their own. no way!

It's not that they don't want to go back, but with the status and status of the Su family, if they return to Sujia Village, it will bring a lot of trouble to the local city and even Qilu.

The trouble is, how will the other party receive them? (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The old man, as well as Father Su, Uncle Su Can, and Su Wen, have such high status, how are they going to be received by the local princes?

And what about Su Can!

With so many industries under their control, if they wanted to develop the economy and attract investment, they had no one to turn to but Su Can! Su Can is back. How can he not pay a visit?

It is estimated that when the Su family returns, a huge crowd will come, including people from major cities and Qilu Province, and those in charge will come.........

Therefore, Su Can and the Su family seldom went back to avoid the impact.

Even if you go back!

It was also Su Can who returned once in a while without notifying anyone. After arriving, he had a meal and chatted with everyone, waiting for the people in Qilu to know the news.

Su Can has left

"Fifth brother, I have something, please help me."

Su Can said with a smile.

"Mr. Su, you are just being polite when you say this. If you have anything to do, just give it to me, let alone me. Our entire Sujia Village will do our best to do it. 0.."

Su Hong said with a guarantee.

When Su Can heard this, he felt happy in his heart.

It can be seen from this sentence that Su Hong really remembers the friendship back then. but!

In Sujiacun, not everyone may think like Su Hong. After so many years, Sujiacun has become stronger and stronger.

There are also some people whose minds have long since changed.........

However, Su Can didn't care either.

As for Sujia Village, he just asked Su Can to help because this village was the old man's hometown, and the old man couldn't bear to see the villagers living in such poverty, so he asked Su Can to help and see if there was anything he could do.

Su Can just hugged and helped casually.

This matter, for him.

It’s really nothing.

After all, the business he does with Sujia Village is an industry under his banner. If he doesn't do this kind of industry, someone will do it.

It is possible that most of the profits went to foreigners.

Su Can just did it casually.

With such casual planning, he created two listed companies doing business with Sujiacun, both of which have market values ​​of three to four billion US dollars.

Su Can didn't care either.

This market value is not even a small target for Su Can.

However, Su Can was still very happy with Su Hong's attitude.........

"Fifth brother, it’s not a big deal, he’s a kid who I think is a good person. He’s from Hebei Province. He goes to Qindao University in Qilu. Something happened. If you have a 5.4, call him to check it out."

Su Can squinted his eyes and smiled slightly.

"This matter is simple. You send me the name and photo of the student, and I will do it immediately." Su Hong said with assurance.

Although he didn't know what the relationship between the kid and the college student Su Can mentioned was to him.


Su Can spoke. He had to handle this matter beautifully and couldn't let these things happen. , becoming unsightly, these are absolutely not allowed.

You know, for so many years, he has never seen Su Can ask him, or the entire Sujia Village, to do anything for Su Can.

And now!

This is considered first time........

If this thing goes wrong, I am afraid that after he dies and sees his ancestors, they will all beat him to death. What kind of thing is this?

Can't you handle such a small thing?.

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