
When Gu Dazhang heard this, his voice was slightly surprised.

Xu Jue agreed? Is anyone else afraid to agree?

Who is it?

Is it the president of Qindao University?

It shouldn't be him. Although that person is a few years younger than him, but now At this age, he is already about to retire from Qindao University.

When he retires, he does not just retreat to the second line. He retires more thoroughly than he did......

Generally speaking, when such people are approaching retirement, they don't want to cause trouble. They hope that their workplace will be safe and stable before they leave, so as to avoid problems.

Who is that?

Gu Dazhang was confused.

Hearing the surprise in Gu Dazhang's tone, Xu Jue was happy and snickered secretly in his heart. He said,"Mr. Gu, Xiao Dafa seems to be telling you some things selectively."


Gu Dazhang's tone was impatient.

Xu Jue smiled secretly.

In order to avoid this disaster, Xiao Dafa actually didn't tell Gu Dazhang the whole truth. Gu Dazhang didn't even know that Mr. Su was here. No wonder Gu Dazhang dared to be so arrogant.

Xiao Dafa. Xiao Dafa!

You are really a talent.

Xu Jue praised Xiao Dafa in his heart. Anyone who has a confidant like Xiao Dafa will be cheated sooner or later in his life.

650 Obviously, Gu Dazhang is going to be cheated......

"Xiao Xu, what do you mean?"

Gu Dazhang didn't hear Xu Jue's immediate reply. He felt something bad in his heart and said quickly

"I don't mean anything!"

Xu Jue said calmly:"Mr. Gu, Xiao Dafa uses his power to suppress others, and the person he bullies is Mr. Su Hong's junior in Sujia Village. He probably didn't hide this from you."


Xu Jue paused deliberately.

He did not speak directly, but paused for a long time. This made Gu Dazhang on the phone, hearing Xu Jue's pause, wishing he could rush to Qindao University and beat Xu Jue hard.

This Damn, you actually stopped at the critical moment.

Just when he was about to speak, Xu Jue slowly spoke and said,"Xiao Dafa definitely didn't tell you that Mr. Su came to your door today."

"He came to our Qindao University just to support Zhang Xiaole so that we can handle this matter fairly and justly."

"And now!

Xu Jue smiled and said,"Mr. Su is right next to me.""

"You asked me to agree to let Xiao Dafa go, let Xiao Dafa leave Qindao University, go to another school safely, and resume his position as deputy dean."

"We at Qindao University may be able to agree, but Mr. Gu, how about you talk to Sujiacun and Mr. Su and see if they agree?"

Old dog........

Do you dare?

When Xu Jue said these words, he felt a breath of bad breath coming out of his heart and felt extremely relieved.

You, Gu Dazhang, have relied on your old age and have been relegated to the second line, still acting as if you are superior in front of yourself. Now you are facing Sujiacun and Su Hong.

How dare you be so condescending?

Dare to rely on your old age and betray your old age?

Not to mention the current Gu Dazhang, even before Gu Dazhang retired, when he was still in that position, he would not have dared to rely on his old age in front of Su Hong in Sujia Village.

He dares?

Even if you give him ten courages, he won't dare. If you eat the heart of a bear, he won't even dare to have the courage of a leopard.

"What! Su, Su Hong is next to you."

Gu Dazhang shouted in shock, his tone full of shock.........

Obviously, he didn't know that Su Hong was at Qindao University, because when Xiao Dafa called for help, he evaded the important points and said a lot.

However, Su Hong would never dare to say anything when he was here at Qindao University.

The real owner is here.

Do you dare to call me?

What's more, compared with Su Hong's status, Gu Dazhang's status is far behind. Let alone him, even when he was still in the position, their top leader was among the top ten big shots in the province. How dare you put on such a big show in front of Su Hong.

That's all on an equal footing.

Even, to some extent, one has to treat Su Honglue with respect.

Who is Su Hong?

And behind Su Hong is Sujia Village.

The most frightening thing is that the Su family in Beijing (ccag) City came out of Sujia Village. Although this Su family has separated from Sujia Village, it seems to have no relationship.

But, those are the old man’s hometown.........

What's more, there has always been a legend that the reason why Sujiacun has reached its current status is not due to Sujiacun itself.

The Su family in the capital is said to have been of great help.

These are only when Gu Dazhang has reached a certain level and is from Qilu's side that he can know so much information.

It would be almost impossible for anyone else to know that much. (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He panicked

"That's right! Mr. Su is right next to me. From Mr. Su arriving at Qindao University to now, he has always been by my side."Xu Jue said calmly, his tone neither surprised nor happy.

However, his heart had already blossomed with joy.

Especially after seeing Gu Dazhang hearing Su Hong's name, his whole tone changed and he became timid and a little timid. I became afraid.

Instead of the arrogant look I had just now.

It’s so ridiculous.........

It's really one thing that brings down another thing


Gu Dazhang swallowed, not knowing how to speak. He didn't even dare to hang up the phone immediately, because he felt that Su Hong might already know.

However, he soon got verification

"Mr. Gu!"

Su Hong couldn't help it. He also had a bad temper. Otherwise, he wouldn't have become a prominent figure in Sujia Village, facing people from all sides.

If he didn't have such a temper, he would have been eaten by all forces. Damn it.

It can be said that

Su Hong is the God of War in Sujia Village.

This is why there are several old people in the Sujia Village Strategy Implementation Meeting, but Su Hong has received the most honors on the surface. He has also received various awards. Interview with the big shots.......

Because he is the official person in charge of Sujia Village

"Do you want to use your power to bully my junior and expel him from Qindao University?"Su Hong was not used to Gu Dazhang and spoke directly.

"Su, Su Hong!"

Gu Dazhang heard Su Hong's voice.

He had also dealt with Su Hong. Compared with his status, how could he not have dealt with people from Sujiacun?

In addition, Sujiacun's subsidiaries were so Many enterprises.

When Gu Dazhang was attracting investment, he also approached Sujiacun several times.

"What, you look down on me? Su

Hong cursed and said:"You Gu Dazhang is very good. The people under your command dare to take action against my juniors. Are you planning to declare war on me, Su Hong?""

"I, Su Hong, am here to tell you that even without using my connections in Sujiacun, I, Su Hong, can completely crush you, Mr. Gu, with one hand."

He got angry.........

Even ten cows couldn't stop it. certainly!

When Su Can said something, Su Hong immediately listened obediently..

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