"Sue me?"

When Yu Qi heard Zhong Mingqiang's words, he was slightly startled, and then his eyes flashed, as if he had heard a big joke, and he suppressed a smile on his face.

Then he couldn't help laughing.


Yu Qi laughed and said," Sue me?" It makes me laugh so hard, brothers, someone actually said they want to sue me?"


After hearing what Yu Qi said, the thugs brought by Yu Qi couldn't help laughing.

"Is this person a fool?"

"Sue our seventh master? This is not afraid of death!"

"In this area, our seventh master is the king of law. Anyone who dares to sue our seventh master will now have his family ruined and his wife and children scattered."

"Brothers, there are really some who are not afraid of death!"

"Sue me, Master Qi? I remember the last time I sued our seventh master was half a year ago. This man used to be able to run, but now he can barely walk without crawling."

"Old man, do you want to die?"

"Don't even look at how powerful the backstage behind our seventh master is. You actually dare to sue our seventh master. Old man, you are looking for death."

"Not only are you seeking death, but you are also bringing disaster to your children."

The thugs laughed.

Some even threatened Zhong Mingqiang's daughter.

They were unscrupulous and seemed to do this often. They were not bragging and making people feel scared, but they had really done it.

Zhong Mingqiang's eyes were revealed. A trace of murderous intent.

For him, his children are the absolute bottom line. Yu Qi and others not only endanger him, but also threaten his children.

That offends his negative scale.

Even if Yu Qi and others People, in front of him, were all incompetent minions. They had no ability to deal with his children.

However, for Zhong Mingqiang, that was a big taboo.

Yu Qi and others were completely angered Zhong Mingqiang

"So, many people have been persecuted by you over the years?"Zhong Mingqiang suppressed his anger and scolded him coldly.

"That is not called persecution."

Yu Qi said disdainfully:"That's called letting them recognize the reality clearly."

"OK, OK, OK!"Zhong Mingqiang showed an extremely angry expression, as if he was dizzy with anger from Yu Qi, and shouted:"I don't believe it, the district can't understand you, I went to the city"


Yu Qi curled his lips and said,"Do you think I'm just someone in the area?""

"It seems like you have an amazing background!"

Zhong Mingqiang continued to dig holes.

"snort! Yu Qi snorted coldly and said:"Old man, you have no chance to see what my background is like. If you don't sign a contract to sell this manor to me today, you can't even think of walking out of here.""

"Did you buy and sell by force? Zhong

Mingqiang said angrily

"That's right!"

Yu Qi said coldly:"Now I have changed my mind. I originally thought I would give you half a million yuan in compensation, but now I plan to buy it for one yuan."

One dollar?

This is a direct robbery."

"Old man, you have completely angered Master Qi. This is called seeking death."

"That's right, there was originally a compensation of 500,000 yuan for you, but you actually lost the 500,000 yuan yourself. Now sign a sales contract with us immediately."

"What a fool, you dare not even listen to Master Qi’s words"

"Five hundred thousand is gone!"

"Old man, if I were you, I would probably regret it so much that my intestines would be green!"

"you do not say? Now there is not even a penny of compensation. This old man probably feels regretful in his heart now."

"Come on, come on, sign the contract now."

As Yu Qi's voice fell, the thugs around him began to take action.

When they were ridiculing Zhong Mingqiang, these thugs slowly walked towards Zhong Mingqiang. One of them took out a A document was obtained.

They wanted to directly force Zhong Ming to buy and sell at this time.

"You'd better sign obediently, otherwise, we'll be rude to you."One of the thugs has already arrived in front of Zhong Mingqiang. With a fierce look on his face, he grabbed Zhong Mingqiang's arm with both hands, trying to control Zhong Mingqiang and force Zhong Mingqiang to sign. Zhong Mingqiang turned sideways to avoid his grasping hand.

"Huh! Old man, your hands and feet are still very flexible!"

Seeing Zhong Mingqiang dodge, the thug's face showed a hint of surprise, and then his eyes turned vicious and he said:"In this case, I will teach you a lesson!"


He raised his palm and slapped Zhong Mingqiang hard. The slap was as big as a cattail leaf fan, blowing with strong wind.

Zhong Mingqiang pushed back and dodged sideways.

"How dare you hide!"

Seeing Zhong Mingqiang dodge, the thug's eyes were stunned, and then he felt that he had been dodged by Zhong Mingqiang three times.

And Zhong Mingqiang looked to be in his sixties.

At such an age, he was beaten by him He escaped. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He couldn’t keep up his face anymore

"Huang Mao, what’s the matter with you? Why can’t you even hit an old man?"

"yes! Can you do it?"

"If not, let me do it. Even an old man can't deal with it. You are such a waste."

"If it works, it's okay, if it doesn't work, it's okay. What do you mean by saying you dare to hide! Huang Mao, if you can't do it, any of us can go up alone"

"Yes, Huang Mao"

"Don't keep Master Qi waiting too long."

The thugs who came around saw the yellow hair of Zhong Mingqiang and missed one after another. They couldn't help but started to ridicule one by one.

"Damn you!

Huang Mao was completely angered and shouted:"I'll beat you to death, you damn old man.""

Immediately, he rushed directly towards Zhong Mingqiang, raised his leg, and kicked Zhong Mingqiang's abdomen with his particularly thick foot.

Looking at his burly figure, Zhong Mingqiang looked like he was sixty years old. The old man, if kicked like this, would probably be knocked to pieces.

But at this time, Zhong Mingqiang stood still, as if he was frightened.

Seeing Zhong Mingqiang being frightened, Huang Mao showed an excited look on his face , feeling that the next moment, he was going to kick Zhong Mingqiang hard.

However, when his foot was about to kick Zhong Mingqiang's abdomen, Zhong Mingqiang suddenly stepped sideways.


Huang Mao was stunned. He didn't believe how Zhong Mingqiang reacted so quickly.

In anger, he waved his hand to hit him down.

However, Zhong Mingqiang's waist and horse were in one, and one whip leg went up, just facing Huang Mao's crotch. , when he kicked it, the bottom was wide open and there was no protection.


Zhong Mingqiang whipped his whip leg and hit Huang Mao's crotch hard. He only heard a bang sound, and the whip leg whipped Huang Mao away.

Then, there was a click, like the sound of a chicken flying and an egg beating, and the sound of the eggshell breaking. Ring


Huang Mao made a sound like killing a pig, flew out and fell to the ground, covering his thighs with his hands, howling in pain...

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