“How much can we gain by investing 50 billion yuan this time?”

Su Yu thought about it and asked.

After hearing Su Yu’s question, the three vice presidents began to analyze and discuss again, and Su Yu waited patiently.

Ten minutes later, Luo Yun spoke:

“Boss, according to the analysis of the three of us, this time is special, the price of WTI crude oil futures may fall to single digits, about $5 per barrel.”

“We invested 50 billion Xia Guoyuan, which is equivalent to 7.4 billion US dollars, and after Citigroup’s leverage ratio of 1 to 10, there is 74 billion US dollars, assuming that at today’s price of 42 US dollars per contract, we can get about 1.719 billion contracts.”

“We take a short position, and when the WTI crude oil futures 2010 contract falls to a price of $5, we can reap about $65,190.48 million.”

“After deducting the principal amount of $7.4 billion, and deducting Citigroup’s fees and commissions, there is still a profit of about $57.5 billion.”

Luo Yun said at the end, his face full of excitement.

Including Xu Anguo and Xue Xia, they were very excited.

If the investment is successful, it will really make a profit!

A profit of 57.5 billion US dollars, equivalent to 388 billion Xia Guoyuan!

It is equivalent to earning the richest man in Xia Country with one investment!

Su Yu was also secretly frightened, 57.5 billion US dollars, and this is still a conservative estimate.

Xu Anguo, Luoyun and Xue Xia did not know that crude oil futures would crash, and the price of crude oil futures fell to negative territory, and finally fell to -$37.63 at the end.

In this way, the three vice presidents also underestimated at least $70 billion in revenue, or about $60 billion in profit.

That is, if Su Yu himself calculates according to the crude oil futures price given by the god-level investment system, the investment income is about 135 billion US dollars.

This is the net worth of the richest man in the world!

And this is still the first stage of investment, the second stage WTI crude oil futures October contract will skyrocket back, that is another tens of billions of dollars of gains.

This made Su Yu have an unreal feeling.

Doesn’t it mean that after this investment in crude oil futures, he can earn a huge super wealth of about 200 billion US dollars?

It’s scary!

If that’s the case, wouldn’t he be able to accomplish a small goal this year?!

At that time, Su Yu, who has a personal wealth of more than 200 billion US dollars, I am afraid that there are not many richers than him in the world.

In addition to the oil royal family in the Middle East, the top ten chaebols of the bald eagle country, the top chaebols of neon, and the top chaebols of Europe, these hidden terrorist forces.

Thinking of the revenue of up to 200 billion US dollars, even with Su Yu’s city government, he couldn’t help but get excited.

He took a few deep breaths, calmed the excitement in his heart, and secretly told himself that you are someone who has seen big scenes.

This is also true.

He also has a trillion-dollar super gold mine, the Deshan Gold Mine, which is a huge wealth of more than 150 billion US dollars.

He also has artificial intelligence in his hands, which can enter tens of trillions of Xia Guoyuan, that is, ten trillion US dollars of supermarkets.

In addition, he will also get a complete top-level graphene preparation technology, which is another trillion Xia Guoyuan market, and it is still a monopoly.

Take one of these out at will, and the owner can directly become the richest man in the world.

And Su Yu has not just one, but a whole three.

In addition to these three projects, Su Yu’s biggest capital is still a god-level investment system.

With it, Su Yu dared to say in Fang Bingbing’s interview that the short-term small goal was the richest man in the world.

Su Yu looked at the three vice presidents and said in a deep voice: “In that case, then implement this investment plan according to this plan.” ”

“Okay, Mr. Su.” The three vice presidents responded.

“Lao Xu, Lao Xue, you go to arrange first, gather all the employees on leave, and start entering the market in the early morning tomorrow morning, and when the investment is entered, leave some people on duty, and other employees can take a holiday.”

“During this crude oil futures investment, the working hours are temporarily reversed.” Su Yu ordered.


After Xu Anguo and Xue Xia answered, they went out to act.

Luo Yun sat in place without moving, and the boss must have left him alone.

“Lao Luo, I have a task for you.” Su Yu said with a smile.

“Boss, please say.” Luo Yun said immediately.

“That’s right, in the past few days, I went to the imperial capital, walked around the Palace Museum and the Badaling Great Wall, and found that the environment for the restoration of cultural relics in the Forbidden City was very difficult, and this traditional craft and craftsmanship were not inherited, so after discussing with their vice president Zhang Yunhai, I decided to donate 100 million yuan every year to help the Palace Museum restore cultural relics.”

Su Yu told Luo Yun about the conversation with Dean Zhang in the Palace Museum, and then said: “There is also the Badaling Great Wall, there are still many unrepaired city walls and towers, I plan to set up a Great Wall protection and maintenance company, invest in the restoration of the remaining Badaling Great Wall, and protect it.” ”

“This requires a large amount of money, we can’t do it for nothing, you can negotiate with the other side, after repairing it and opening it into a tourist area, how much profit share we collect every year, etc., at least to ensure that we can return the capital.” Su Yu said slowly.

The task given by the system is estimated to take a year or two to complete, so Su Yu is not in a hurry.

“Just these two things, your main energy is focused on this, crude oil futures investment has Lao Xu and Lao Xue is enough.” Su Yu said.

“Boss, promise to complete the task.”

Rhode Yun assured with a pat on his chest.

Although he doesn’t know why his boss is so patriotic, his duty is to do the best thing his boss commands.


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