Su Yu and the three chatted for a while, and then Zhou Qinggao was about to pull Su Yu into the group, a group of penguins.

For prestige and penguin, Su Yu expressed his preference for prestige.

Weixin has a variety of concise versions of the chat page, only the chat history is deleted, it is done, unlike the penguin like a bunch of fancy functions, all kinds of signs, for fear that others do not know how close the relationship is.

It can be said that prestige is a necessary chat tool for good men, and you can delete the chat history after chatting smoothly, and you don’t have to be afraid to check the post.

Su Yu found that the class group is called [Mocai Guojin 201 Class Group], which is probably the 220th class of Banking and International Finance of Modu University of Finance and Economics, and maybe the students majoring in banking and international finance do not like the prefix of banks.

Now there are 40 people in the class, and it seems that there are 22 girls?

“Zhou Qinggao invited Su Yu to join the group chat.”

The students diving in the group were blown up at once.

“Surprised by the big guy?!!”

“Su Yu turned out to be from our class 1!”

“The last person in our class has finally arrived.”

“Male God!”

“Front row onlookers!”

“Big guy 666!”


Su Yu glanced at the group members, there were 41 people in total, one of them should be the head teacher, 22 girls, 18 boys, he was the last to arrive.

“Su Yu: I’m sorry, some things are late, send a few red envelopes to apologize.”

“Zhan Tai Liuli: Sit and wait for the big guy to send red envelopes!”

“Wang Yixuan: Sit and wait +1!”

“Du Hao: Sit and wait +2!”


Su Yu glanced at Wang Yixuan, but he didn’t expect that this old brother was quite fast.

Hey? That Zhan Tai Liuli, who may be the first school flower, actually went in a class with him?

Su Yu opened the red envelope, according to the penguin’s mechanism, the maximum limit of the red envelope is 200 yuan, unless there is a special holiday.

Su Yu selected the red envelope, enter the amount of the red packet: 200, enter the number of red packets: 40, and then click Send.

Since it is a red envelope sent by himself, Su Yu will not go to receive it, so set up forty.

“Fu Xiaolan: Wow, I grabbed 22 pieces, thank you guy!”

“Gu Yiyun: It’s really unlucky, I only robbed 6 Mao 5.”

“Zhao Ruyao: Thank you for the red envelope!”


After Su Yu sent the first red envelope, he sent four more in a row, a total of five 200 yuan red envelopes, worth 1,000 yuan.

“It’s sent, and the lunch money is there!”


“The big guy is so generous and sent a thousand red envelopes!”

“The knee is dedicated to the big guy!”

“It’s such a blessing to be a classmate with the big guy!”

Five 200 yuan red envelopes were quickly collected, and even those who had not spoken silently received the red envelopes.

The total amount of 1,000 yuan red envelopes is divided into forty, and on average, one person also has 25 pieces, of course, this is a desperate red envelope, more may be fifty or sixty, less than a few pieces.

However, no one is dissatisfied, this is the welfare given to them by Su Yu, if they feel that it is not enough, it is simply insatiable.

“I still have business, so I’ll slip away first!” After Su Yu finished speaking, he closed the squad.

“The big guy really comes and goes in a hurry!”

“Send a thousand yuan red envelope at will, Su Yu is really a trench!”

“What is a thousand dollars? This morning, the direct flying creature rose again, up 9.98%, and Su Yu’s net worth increased by several hundred million. ”

“Alas, I don’t understand the world of the big guy!”

“Hehe, after the opening this morning, Directfly Biotech did not directly pull the price limit, so I took the opportunity to buy 500 shares.”

“I’m going, and such good things? Looks like I’m paying more attention. ”

“Real name envy! 500 direct flying creatures, according to Su Yu’s prediction, it is estimated that there is a profit of 20%, that is, about 30,000 yuan. ”


Inside dormitory 306.

Zhou Qinggao saw the information of the class group and couldn’t help but ask: “Brother Yu, the direct flying creature has risen and stopped again?” ”

“Huh? Is the limit up again? I didn’t pay attention! Su Yu replied with a blank look.

The three people in the dormitory all had a constipated expression, yes, you are the big guy, you have the final say.

Stocks worth billions of dollars, you tell me not to pay attention?

Then the three of them saw Su Yu take out his mobile phone and operate step by step, the three of them were not only shaken, could it be that this old man’s heart was really so big?

Su Yu really did not pay attention, in the general direction, at least today’s direct flying creatures will not fall.

After he opened the Western Fortune app, he saw that sure enough, Zhifei Biotech rose by 9.96%, and the current stock price is 309.3 yuan.

That is to say, his wealth increased by another 561 million to 6,186 million.

Su Yu clicked into the direct flying creature, observed its trend, and found that the direct flying creature did not pull the price limit in a short period of time after the opening.

Instead, it continued to rise, and when it rose by about 6.4%, it began to oscillate, and the whole process lasted for 40 minutes, and then suddenly it went straight up and down, and until now it has not broken the board.

So Su Yu roughly counted in his heart, today’s direct flight biological sealing plate is stable, there will be no such a messy mentality as the heaven and floor.

It seems that it will continue to rise the day after tomorrow, but the probability will not rise to the limit, the bookmaker should be in the layout, just waiting for the shareholders to jump in one by one, and then suddenly harvest on Friday.

Because Su Yu predicted that it would rise by 30%-45% this week, many people thought that it would rise throughout the week, and then many investors would get on the car at a high level on Thursday.

Su Yu is very calm in this regard, and will not clarify anything, can only say: investment is risky, enter the market need to be cautious!

He also saw that Zhifei Biotech had issued the “Stock Price Abnormal Fluctuation Announcement” for two consecutive days, and it seems that the company also realized that someone was playing a game.

ps: Brothers, let’s order flowers, monthly pass evaluation tickets to support a wave!!

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