When Zhang Leda and the others were still observing the appearance and smelling the smell, Gao Xinwan and a few people had already drunk the glass of wine in their hands.

"Do you still want it?"


Gao Xinwan and the four of them nodded, because this wine was really good to drink.

Jiang Yu divided the rest of the bottle of wine equally among the four of them.

A few people knew that this was the last glass of wine, so they were not in a hurry to drink it, waiting for Zhang Leda and a few of them to give an answer to this bottle of wine.

After observing the good condition, Zhang Leda and the four of them also took a sip: "This wine is indeed very smooth, completely different from the white wine I have drunk before, but how do I feel that the color, aroma, and taste are so special." "

The four of them were very embarrassed, and fell into contemplation, no matter how they thought, it was not the same as the theoretical knowledge in their minds.

"Could this be DHZ wine?"

"Or is this the wine of Dufei Winery?"


A few people pondered in their hearts, and their minds began to think about the winery that produced the top white wines.

Before I knew it, ten minutes had passed, and several people still hadn't said the answer.

"Heh, at this level, I thought it was amazing. Jiang Yu felt that he really looked down on them.

Jiang Yu was not in a hurry to urge, and sat opposite them, waiting very patiently for them to give an answer.

Jiang Yu himself tasted this glass of wine and felt quite surprised: "People like me who don't like to drink alcohol think it tastes good." "

Jiang Yu was very patient, but Gao Xinwan and the others waited a little impatiently: "Are the tasters so troublesome?"

"The last time Jiang Yu gave the answer, it was very fast, why are they so grinding this time?"

Gao Xinwan complained in her heart, but she didn't bother and continued to wait.

While continuing to wait, the four of them drank the second glass of wine in the wine glass, and began to take out their mobile phones to play boredly.

"How can this be, how can it be impossible to find any inspiration?" Zhang Leda and the four of them were anxious, especially Yu Feijing.

Just now, the three of them thought that the wine Jiang Yu took out was not very good, and even said that the wine they brought was used for the finale, but Jiang Yu's first bottle of wine made them die of embarrassment, which was really embarrassing.

Half an hour passed.

"It's not good yet. Gao Xinwan and the four of them were beside them, and they felt that their stomachs began to growl, and they felt that they could not continue to remain silent and not speak.

"Zhang Leda, haven't you identified it yet? It's been half an hour, you won't have to delay for an hour, will you, then the five bottles of wine prepared by Jiang Yu tonight can't be directly made until midnight, and we can't eat?"

"What, has it been half an hour since I came back from my thoughts, looked at the time on my watch, and found that half an hour had really passed.

"Time flies so fast. The people themselves were startled, and it always felt as if it had only been a few minutes.

Zheng Xilian's reminder made the four of them very embarrassed.

I couldn't taste what kind of wine this wine was for half an hour, and the glass of wine in their hands was basically at the bottom, and they had just tasted several sips in a row, but they still didn't match what they thought in their hearts.

Jiang Yu smiled and said: "Actually, don't worry, you can take your time, anyway, the wine tasting will be held, the main thing to enjoy is the fun of this process." If the four of you are hungry, how about I ask the waiter to bring some food first?"

"No need, let's eat together, of course we have to move together, let's bear with it. "

The implication of Gao Xinwan's words was that they were hungry, so Zhang Leda and the four of them were embarrassed to continue to delay, because several people knew that they really couldn't guess.

Even if you can make up a wine, it is impossible to say the right vintage.

Yu Feijing said: "Jiang Yu, we really can't guess this bottle of wine, you can directly reveal the answer." "

"Okay, it looks like I'm making things difficult for you. "

This sentence made you embarrassed, and the expressions of the four people felt extremely embarrassed.

Jiang Yu tore off the packaging around the wine bottle, revealing the label.

"This is..."Zhang Leda Yu Feijing's eyes immediately widened, "It will actually be the 1787 Dijin Winery noble rotted sweet white wine." "

The four of them all wanted to curse, no wonder they couldn't guess, they felt that the taste did not match the theory in their minds, it turned out to be this super precious antique wine.

This kind of wine is already priceless in the market, and few people have drunk it, so I don't know what it's like to drink this kind of wine at all, and I haven't learned it when I learned to taste wine.

And the most important thing is that Jiang Yu couldn't imagine that Jiang Yu could take it if they were killed.

"What do you say, this is a 1787 Château d'Rind sweet white wine?"

Gao Xinwan and the four of them don't understand, but the year is there, this year is amazing.

"The wine of more than 200 years ago is no wonder it is so mellow and fragrant. "

Gao Xinwan and the four of them couldn't help but look at the wine in their wine glasses, and suddenly they missed the taste just now.

At this time, the eight people couldn't help but glance at each other: "He's crazy, right?"

If it weren't for the fact that the taste just now was indeed unprecedentedly top-notch, they absolutely suspected that this bottle of wine was fake.

It turns out that this bottle of wine is indeed not fake, and the labels and traces on it are real.

It's just a little wine tasting, and they think it's crazy to take this wine out.

If you change them, unless your brain is kicked by a donkey, you will definitely be reluctant.

"Jiang Yu, if you have this wine, you can take it out and sell it to me. What a shame to drink!"

Even if Zhang Leda had just drunk the wine himself, Zhang Leda still felt very distressed, if he continued to collect it, he could brag to as many people as he could.

However, for every bottle of wine that Jiang Yu took out, there were still five bottles at home, so there was nothing to be reluctant to.

"When you come to be a guest, of course you have to bring out good wine, this kind of wine is taken out and sold, how cheesy!"

"What you said... It really makes sense. "

Even if it is tacky to sell this wine, a few people still want to buy it because they don't mind being vulgar.

"Zhang Leda, if this wine is sold for sale, how much will it cost?" Shao Anqing asked curiously.

Because he thinks that the price of this wine of more than 20 years is definitely not cheap!

"When this wine was sold for 700,000 yuan in 06, this is still the price for face. If you take it to auction, you don't know how much it will cost. I don't know how many bottles of this wine still exist on the market, and they all have a price. It's easy to sell a million casually. "

If one million can be bought, Zhang Leda immediately swiped the card and bought it.

For a small circle of wine collectors, there is such a good bottle of wine, which can brag for a long time.

One million can be exchanged for many people's envious, jealous and hateful eyes, this is definitely not the experience that buying an expensive sports car can bring, "A million bottles of wine!"

This number is not particularly large, but Gao Xinwan and a few people feel that just a few bites will cost tens of thousands, even if they are not so extravagant!_

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