Hearing Jiang Yu's name, Sun Wenyao, who was sitting in the driver's seat, was attracted by Zhao Chuxiu's shouting, quickly turned off the car, pulled the handbrake, leaned over to the co-pilot, and asked, "Chuxiu, Jiang Yu is sending out questionnaires, you are not wrong, right?"

Zhao Chuxiu pointed to the person who sent the questionnaire and said, "Isn't it Jiang Yu who sent the questionnaire?

Sun Wenyao stared at this person, and when he saw the side face, he was sure that it was Jiang Yu.

Sun Wenyao was extremely surprised, and his voice was full of disbelief: "No, it's really Jiang Yu, why is he sending out questionnaires?"

"Right, I remember that Zheng Yumin and the others seemed to have said in the group before, Jiang Yu is mixing very well now, and his high worth is terrifying, I should be right?"

"That's right, I still remember Zheng Yumin saying that Jiang Yu has a villa and a sports car, how could he be reduced to sending out questionnaires here now?

"I don't know, I'll go ask Yumin!"

While speaking, Zhao Chuxiu took out his mobile phone, took a few photos of Jiang Yu sending questionnaires, and then sent them to the private group of several of his people.

Zhao Chuxiu also sent Zheng Yumin and attached the message: Yumin, didn't you say that Jiang Yu is mixing very well now and has a very successful career? Why did he fall to the point of handing out questionnaires at the entrance of the shopping mall? Are you making a mistake?

At this time, Zheng Yumin was tidying up her house, because after being temporarily kicked out last time, she was temporarily going to settle and could only rent a very comfortable place.

I've recently found a new house, and I'm busy preparing to move.

"I'm going to move again, I'm tired to death, and Jiang Yu is to blame for being stingy. Some time ago, Wang Yuanbai and a few others asked him to borrow money, and he actually borrowed them all, so he didn't borrow me, which is hateful. "

Just when he was complaining, Zheng Yumin happened to receive a message on his mobile phone.

Zheng Yumin stopped cleaning up, took out his mobile phone and looked at the news.

Zheng Yumin, who was still feeling very tired, immediately became energetic, looked at the picture sent on his mobile phone, and immediately enlarged it, and found that it was really Jiang Yu.

"No, isn't Jiang Yu worth 100 billion? How could he have fallen to the point of sending out questionnaires? This thing has changed too quickly, right?"

Looking at the photos on the phone, Zheng Yumin always felt that this scene was not very real, so he immediately initiated a video call to Zhao Chuxiu.

After Zhao Chuxiu connected, Zheng Yumin immediately asked: "Chuxiu, where did you get this photo, it can't be the photo of the questionnaire when Jiang Yu University was doing his graduation thesis." "

"How come, this is what I just shot, if you don't believe it, just see it yourself, isn't that Jiang Yu?"

Zhao Chuxiu specially shone the front camera in the direction of Jiang Yu.

Although the distance is a bit far, I can still vaguely see Jiang Yu's appearance and the location, location, and color of the clothes sent on the photo are exactly the same, which is right.

"No, it's really Jiang Yu!" Zheng Yumin opened his mouth wide, looking incredulous.

"What's not, I still want to ask you, didn't you say that Jiang Yu is worth tens of billions? How could he have fallen to this point, what kind of work is he doing now?"

"I didn't know that Jiang Yu was worth such a high value before. Zheng Yumin was confused.

But confusion is confusion, at this time Zheng Yumin was extremely relieved: you deserve it, let you not lend me money before, this is retribution. Now that you're poor, I'm relieved.

As soon as Zheng Yumin finished speaking, someone took the initiative to invite two people to join the group chat.

Because at this time, the photos of Zhao Chuxiu's hair have already caused an uproar in the small group of several of them.

The two ended their video call with each other and joined the group video chat.

Zhao Chuxiu did a live broadcast to the people in the group and filmed Jiang Yu doing the questionnaire.

Originally, the eight or nine people in the group were a little unconvinced, but when they really saw Jiang Yu doing the questionnaire, they all felt incredible.

Xia Gumeng broke the silence of the group chat: "It seems that what those friends in my financial circle said is true, Jiang Yu is really just the spokesperson of some consortia on the surface, and now it seems that Jiang Yu has no value, so he was kicked out." "

Zheng Yumin immediately became interested and asked, "There is also this kind of thing, Xia Gumeng, why have you never heard of it?"

"This was originally some chasing after the wind and shadows, and it has not been confirmed, so most of the people in my circle of friends listened to it and didn't take it seriously. But now this situation seems to be abnormal, Jiang Yu can't really have such a high value, so those rumors are not unfounded. "

"I said, how can anyone make so much money just after graduation? But in this way, Jiang Yu is quite pitiful. As a spokesperson for such a large consortium, he will be reduced to the point of sending out questionnaires, so that he can give him a million annual salary and a reward. "

"What's this, Jiang Yu was valuable before, so those consortia can make Jiang Yu live a little nourished, give him a luxury car, and give him a mansion. Now that Jiang Yu has no value, he naturally wants to kick it away, so Jiang Yu can only make money to support his family with his own ability. "

"It's really embarrassing, Jiang Yu is a graduate student of our Huaqing University, and his grades were first-class and top when he was in school, what he did not do well, he was so downtrodden that he did a questionnaire, it was really a shame for us to do the questionnaire. "

"You can't say that, Jiang Yu has good grades, but it's just that our major is relatively strong. He has now been swept away by such a large consortium, and other companies in the financial circle may be reluctant to recruit Jiang Yu, so Jiang Yu can't find a suitable job. I can't find a suitable one for a short time, in order to survive, it makes sense to send a questionnaire, after all, he has done such a part-time job before, and practice makes perfect. "

"That's right, it's quite suitable for Jiang Yu to do a questionnaire, plus Jiang Yu is handsome, maybe the girl will be more willing to help him do the questionnaire. "

Eight or nine people were talking and laughing, and the conversation was very enthusiastic.

However, Zheng Yumin felt that just chatting in the group was not too enjoyable, so he asked: "By the way, Chu Xiu, where is Jiang Yu sending the questionnaire now, the questionnaire is generally rarely willing to help write it, as a classmate, it just so happens that I am free now, go and help Jiang Yu fill it out." You tell me the location!"

"I'm here at the Second Mall of the Imperial Capital right now. "

"I happen to be closer to that side, wait for me, I'll be there in 20 minutes. "

"I'm going, I'm going. I didn't go to the last class reunion, and I missed Jiang Yu a lot. After graduating from college with Jiang Yu, I haven't seen each other for more than two years, and it's rare to see my old classmates again, so I took this opportunity to meet them. "


The people in the group moved one by one, even if some people had more important things in their hands, they would rather go back and stay up late and work overtime, but they had to put down the things they were doing and rush to the second shopping mall. _

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