In about twenty minutes, Wang Haoran was finally finished.

[Ding, the host replaces the verification information successfully, and gets 900 villain points, Lin Chen's protagonist halo -45, and host villain halo +45! 】

The account that Lin Chen applied for as "Qiu Qianwei" has become Wang Haoran's, but the account password has not changed.

Any article published by Lin Chen on "Global Discovery" with this account will be attributed to Wang Haoran's identity.

"So much news..."

Wang Haoran checked the system message that he had just received, and was immediately shocked.

Qiu Qianwei can still be jealous with the computer...

On the side, Qiu Qianwei practiced for a while and felt it was almost done. And Wang Haoran's attention at this time was not on the computer.

Upon seeing this, Qiu Qianwei immediately showed the dance she had practiced in this short period of time.

After Wang Haoran finished reading, she was a little confused.

The feeling Qiu Qianwei gave him has always been very dignified and elegant, with noble temperament.

However, such a dignified and elegant person suddenly danced a little cheesy.

Wang Haoran couldn't react for a while.

"Did I dance badly?" Qiu Qianwei asked nervously after seeing Wang Haoran's expression.

"It's not terrible, but have you forgotten your identity? You are an international pianist. If someone sees you dancing such a vulgar dance, that's it?" Wang Haoran reminded.

"I've never skipped it before, I just watched Douyin go to school, so I jumped in front of you, I...I thought you would like it," Qiu Qianwei is like a kid who has made a mistake." I will never dance such a cheesy dance again."

"Actually, I don't like it either, but I was surprised by you just now." Wang Haoran suddenly smiled.

"Really?" Qiu Qianwei smiled, "Then I will learn more, and I will show it to you later?"

"If you are idle, you can learn it, but for now, let's do something serious."

"The lights...turn off the lights..."


Wang Haoran has gained 2000 villain points and 100 halo points.

Looking at the property panel, the villain's point has reached 14,800, which is very rich.

Immediately, he took the time to use perspective to see Lin Chen who was hiding and writing.

In this more than an hour, Lin Chen has already finished writing the scientific thesis articles and started to contribute to the "Global Discovery" website.

Wang Haoran couldn't see the level of scientific papers, he could only see that it was a scientific paper in the direction of marine biology research.

But since it is a pending approval, it is definitely not easy to think about it.

Wang Haoran has plenty of villains, and naturally he is unwilling to be left behind.

Although Lin Chen's vest was stolen, if he didn't really have a solid level of scientific knowledge, sooner or later he would wear it in front of Ji Shuiyao.

Wang Haoran opened the system store and began to look for what he needed.

After a minute or two, he finally found it.

However, this exchanged system product is not a direct skill blessing, but a form of template blessing.

Each template corresponds to a famous scientist in history.

To redeem a scientist template, it costs 1500 villain points.

After the exchange, all science-related knowledge of this scientist will be directly poured into Wang Haoran's consciousness.

Judging from that piece of marine biology paper, Lin Chen must have exchanged the template of a famous marine biologist in history.

Wang Haoran does not need to exchange the same type of template as Lin Chen for the time being.

After all, Lin Chen's thesis results will all belong to him.

Naturally, there is no need for him to make another move.

Wang Haoran looked at many scientist templates for a while, and finally chose Fleming template.

This is a bacteriologist, biochemist and microbiologist. He was the first great scientist who discovered penicillin, and later improved it with friends, and successfully applied it in medical treatment.

This is of epoch-making significance, because the discovery of penicillin ended the era when infectious diseases could not be treated.

In short, this is a great scientist.

After exchanging the Fleming template, Wang Haoran also obtained all the scientific knowledge of the scientist.

Wang Haoran directly went from a scientific novice to a top scientist.

However, the knowledge reserve is there, and the unknown reputation is still lacking.

Lin Chen provided a good method.

Published scientific papers in the world's leading scientific journals.

Wang Haoran took action immediately, and spent an hour writing a biochemistry-oriented paper, and published it in "Global Discovery".

Look at the time, it's almost 12 o'clock in the evening.

Wang Haoran put Ji Shuiyao's computer back in place, and then slipped directly back into his cabin.


The next morning.

A lively discussion sounded on the deck of the scientific research ship.

The cause is all because of a front-page article on marine biology in Global Discovery.

As an avid scientist, Ji Shuiyao pays close attention to authoritative websites such as Global Discovery almost every day.

When she woke up this morning, after seeing this front-page article on the website, she only felt shocked.

As a result, she immediately notified her research colleagues around her.

After looking at it, colleagues also showed the same emotions as Qiu Qianwei.

"In today's world, there are not many scientists who have deep research on marine biology. I don't know who the author of this paper is."

"No matter who it is, it must be a foreign country. After all, no one in China has such in-depth research on marine biology."

"Maybe it's not from abroad, look at the pseudonym of the author of this published article."

"Linxiaobao! Translated, isn't it just Lin Xiaobao? This pen name doesn't look like a foreign one."

"Yeah, don't you say I haven't found it yet."

There was a lot of discussion.

Hearing the surrounding voices, Ji Shuiyao also moved in her heart and glanced at the pen name more.

She hadn't noticed before, after being mentioned by a colleague, she immediately realized that this pen name does not seem to be taken by a foreigner.

For articles submitted to "Global Discovery", no matter what language is used, the final form of expression on the website is uniformly translated into foreign languages.

The translation of linxiaobao is mostly "Lin Xiaobao".

"Where is this Lin Xiaobao sacred? Why have you never heard of this person in the field of marine biology?" Someone asked curiously.

"It doesn't have to be an old scholar, it may be an emerging scientific researcher, who has a flash of inspiration and has performed above the level," Ji Shuiyao immediately judged.

At this point, she has a great say, because similar situations have also appeared in her.

But that was all a year ago.

In the past year, she has written many articles and voted for "Global Discovery", but none of them can be on the front page of the website.

"Hey, another front page article appeared!"

A scientific researcher who was using a computer to follow the contents of the "Global Discovery" website suddenly exclaimed.

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