Of course, Wang Haoran would not agree easily. After thinking about it, he suddenly said: "I am going to PJ Island for vacation tomorrow."

PJ Island is a world-famous tropical tourist destination and a good place for vacation and tourism.

Upon hearing this, Ji Shuiyao hurriedly asked, "How long will it take?"

Wang Haoran shrugged and said, "I don't know, it depends on my mood."

After looking down for a few seconds, Ji Shuiyao looked up and said with a smile: "It's a coincidence. I'm just about to study the marine ecological environment over there. How about we walking together?"

"This..." Wang Haoran's face was full of hesitation.

"Don't worry, I won't disturb you on vacation, so just take me with me, please?" Ji Shuiyao, who was rigid and serious, showed a rare expression of coquetry.

"Well, then," Wang Haoran ‘reluctantly’ agreed, secretly amused.

When the two go on vacation abroad, there are too many opportunities to get along.

With such a good opportunity, if the raw rice is immature, then he will be the villain in vain.


At the same moment, Chopin's hometown, BL.

Bu Feiyan inspected the hotel where he had stayed in the Glory Art Festival, and finally found out who the ‘scumbag’ was.

She left the hotel and was about to return to Yan Country to find trouble with that scumbag.

However, on the way to the airport, she was taken carelessly by the taxi driver to a mountain road in the outskirts.

An ambush international killer team immediately launched an attack on Bu Feiyan.

There were so many opponents, but Bu Feiyan was defeated, and they retreated from the battle and hid in a cave.

Following the terrain of the cave, Bu Feiyan didn't have any life crisis for a while.

But outside the cave, someone was guarding it.

And inside the cave is a dead end, and there is no food and water.

Facing such a desperate situation, Bu Feiyan felt sad in his heart, but did not give up. After taking a break, he planned to have a life and death battle with the other party.

Even if she died, she had to pull a few backs!

Outside the cave.

"Hey, if we can kill the first female judge on the female assassin list, our poisonous scorpion assassin group's ranking on the assassin group might be able to jump from fourth to third."

"That female judge was so beautiful and killed her directly. Isn't it too wasteful?"

"The taste of the first female killer must be very wonderful, I must taste it."

"Everyone thinks, let's wait in line, and the captain will come first."


A group of men stood at the entrance of the cave, with evil smiles on their faces, and they talked wildly.

However, the captain of the scorpion killer group did not participate in the discussion, but was looking at some photos.

These photos were given by the employer.

The photos taken are of two men who were killed. The two men were exactly the two who had been dealt with by Bu Feiyan in the alley a few days ago.

These two were the chief and deputy chiefs of a gang. After their deaths, the most prestigious people in the gang fought for the position of the chief, so there was a dispute.

After discussion, everyone unanimously decided that whoever can avenge the former leader first can take the position of the new leader.

Several people who were vying for the position investigated one after another, and it was discovered that it was the first female killer and the female judge.

After receiving this news, several people who were vying for positions began to take action.

This poisonous scorpion killer group was hired by one of the people in the fight for 300 million, with the purpose of killing Feiyan.

Now, their task is about to be completed, and they are expected to collect 300 million in their pockets.

However, the captain of this poisonous scorpion killer group is Yan Guo, very cautious.

While guarding the prey, he picked up the information given by his employer and looked at it.

In these photos, the wooden warehouse of one of the deceased caught his attention.

I saw this broken wooden warehouse body, deeply embedded by a shredded tile.

From the depth of embedding, one can imagine how terrifying the strength of that tile is.

The captain of the poisonous scorpion group has also practiced internal strength, and is considered to be a master of the field.

According to his estimation, this tile should have been hit with a finger, and it would take at least 40 or even 50 years of internal strength to cause such destructive power.

From the situation of fighting with the female judge just now, he can judge that the female judge's internal strength is about 18 years.

Obviously, this tile was definitely not shot by the female judge.

In the photo, one of the deceased had his heart on the right and had two wounds on his body, one on the left chest and one on the neck.

With the skill of a female judge, there is absolutely no need for two swords to solve a person.

Then the matter is obvious. At the first blow, this person should not have died.

He took out his weapon and wanted to kill the female judge.

However, the top master was present and knocked out his weapon.

The female judge now has the opportunity to make a second cut.

When the thought reached here, a thick cloud of sorrow suddenly appeared on the face of the poisonous scorpion.

In his opinion, the super master who helped the female judge must have a very cordial relationship with the female judge. Otherwise, why would it happen to appear and save the female judge.

The female judge is now a turtle in the urn, it is not too difficult to kill her, at most losing some companions.

But after killing her, it will inevitably arouse the monstrous anger of that top master.

A super master with 50 years of skill can almost be described as Land Superman, and ordinary thermal weapons can't deal with it.

If he had known that there was such a super master behind the female judge, he would never come to this muddy water.

But fortunately, when fighting against the female judge, neither side was hurt, and there was still room for maneuver.

"Captain, let's go into the cave, take down the female judge, and let the captain try it first!"

Someone in the killer group was impatient with waiting, so he proposed.

"Try Nima!" The captain slapped it directly, making the little brother dizzy.

The surrounding players were a little confused about the situation for a while.

"Female judge, what happened just now was a misunderstanding, please don't take it to heart, please come out and see," the captain said loudly to the cave.

"Little trick, I want to lie to me, stop dreaming," Bu Feiyan's angry but disdainful voice came from the cave.

"We got the goal wrong, now we really want to make amends to you," the captain was serious.

"Apologize? Then you give my grandma three knocks."

"Okay," the captain agreed directly, and said to the surrounding team members, "all to my knees and kowtow to admit my mistakes."

The captain took the lead, and a dozen people all knelt outside the cave, kowtow.

Bu Feiyan is hidden in the dark of the cave, so you can see some scenes outside the cave.

After seeing this weird scene, I couldn't help being stunned.

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