"Hello beauty, my name is Ye Qiu, Ye Qiu's Ye Qiu, Ye Qiu's Qiu."

The man called "Xiaoye" by the neighbors came next to Song Zhenyu, and when he saw the rental advertisement in her hands, he spoke.

Song Zhenyu was stunned, and subconsciously hung up the phone.

And as the call ended, the cheerful cell phone ringing from Ye Qiu's body stopped immediately.

Song Zhenyu immediately confirmed Ye Qiu's identity, and immediately smiled politely: "Hello, I'm here to rent a house. The advertisement says that an interview is needed. I want to ask, do I meet your requirements for tenants?"

"Single?" Ye Qiu asked.

"Huh? Well, I..."

"Okay, you passed the interview," Ye Qiu replied before Song Zhenyu could finish.

"Ah, it's that simple?" Song Zhenyu was stunned.

"Yes, it's that simple." Ye Qiu smiled and nodded, and looked up and down Song Zhenyu, very satisfied.

His so-called interview actually requires only one single beauty.

Ye Qiu was not short of money, and on the contrary, he was very rich. He was just tired of the life of licking blood, so he was ready to retire and live a quiet and leisurely life.

Of course, when he said he was retiring, Ye Qiu was not very old, he was only 26 years old.

His dead parents left a property.

After Ye Qiu came back, he renovated this old-fashioned residential building.

There are about 21 suites in the entire residential building, and besides Ye Qiu himself, there are also 20 tenants.

Ye Qiu had already made up his mind to recruit all the beautiful and beautiful tenants.

So far, Song Zhenyu is the first one.

Moreover, her conditions were too in line with Ye Qiu's requirements, she was simply the beauty of the beauties.

After hearing Ye Qiu's agreement, Song Zhenyu became a little nervous.

There is a male landlord in front of him, and the other party's rent is still so cheap, it is almost the same as inverted posting, and the key is to ask if he is single...All these are brought together, if Song Zhenyu is not worried, it is impossible.

"Beauty, don't be nervous, I'm not a bad person, you can ask the neighbors around you, and if you are really worried, I can go to the bureau to file with you."

Seeing Song Zhenyu's hesitation, Ye Qiu said again.

"Okay, then do it," Song Zhenyu felt relieved after hearing this.

She really didn't have much money on hand, and the options for renting were really limited, and the quiet environment and cheap rent met her requirements, so she naturally didn't want to miss it.

"Should I go in and take a look at the house now?" Ye Qiu asked.

"I have already seen the photos in the advertisement, so I don't need to read them. Are you free now, Mr. Ye?" Song Zhenyu said.

"I'm free," Ye Qiu nodded, seeing that Song Zhenyu still had some doubts, so he said directly: "There is a bureau near here, let's go and file the record first."

"Good!" Song Zhenyu quickly agreed.

Twenty minutes later, the two came out of the bureau for the record.

"Mr. Ye, thank you so much. When is it convenient for you to move in?" Song Zhenyu asked.

Ye Qiu said, "You can do it anytime."

Song Zhenyu was overjoyed and hurriedly said: "That's great, I'll go and bring the salute over immediately."

Ye Qiu was naturally very happy, and immediately said, "Where is your salute, I will go with you and help you move it over."

"This, this is too much trouble for you." Song Zhenyu said.

"No trouble, no trouble," Ye Qiu waved his hand indifferently.

"Then...then thank you!" Song Zhenyu thought for a while, and immediately agreed.

She recently met a dude boy yesterday. The boy was a stalker who wanted to find her to get to know her by contact information, and said that if she didn't give it to the other party, she would wait every day on her way back to the bedroom.

And Song Zhenyu must go back to the dormitory to get his luggage. Although it is during class now, it is inevitable that the boy is waiting halfway.

It would be entangled, it would be a good idea to bring the landlord Ye Qiu.

After the discussion, Song Zhenyubian and Ye Qiu set off and rushed to a female dormitory on the Qingling campus.


"The number you dialed is empty, please check before dialing..."

Listening to the voice on the phone, Wang Haoran also took the phone away from his ear and hung up directly.

The number he dialed out belonged to Song Zhenyu. It was clearly accessible more than two months ago, and Song Zhenyu was still in use, but now it has become an empty number.

This makes Wang Haoran a little puzzled.

Because even in the case of arrears, it is absolutely impossible for a number to become empty in less than three months.

Unless, it is actively cancelled.

But why did Song Zhenyu do this?

With this question, Wang Haoran contacted the other teachers of Shuize Middle School again, and immediately learned that Song Zhenyu had resigned and did not know where he had gone.

After hanging up the phone again, Wang Haoran immediately remembered what Wen Jing had said.

Did Mrs. Song really come to Qingling University?

"You guys come here." Thinking about this, Wang Haoran also said to Liu Hua, Wei Zhihang and several other classmates.

Several people heard the words, as if they heard orders, and hurriedly walked over.

Because of the existence of the super villain aura, Wang Haoran has a strong deterrent to these little villain characters.

Liu Hua, Wei Zhihang, and several other classmates were all little villains who liked to do things, and they all became Wang Haoran's younger brothers inadvertently.

"Boss, what's the matter?" Liu Hua took the lead and asked aloud.

"Where is Lu Ming?" Wang Haoran noticed that there was one missing person, and did not see him during the class just now.

"The third child skipped class to pick up girls and didn't come." Liu Hua said.

"Pick up girls?" Wang Haoran frowned.

"Yes, Lu Ming saw a super-upright beautiful woman in school yesterday, and her soul was taken away. No, today she skipped class to find a beautiful woman." Liu Hua said.

It seems that the plot is coming again...

When Wang Haoran heard it, his heart moved.

As a little villain character, Lu Ming's subjective actions are likely to trigger the plot, especially when he actively pursues beautiful women, most of them are hatred by the protagonist.

The only question is which protagonist's hatred is being pulled.

Thought flashed, Wang Haoran directly dialed Lu Ming.

"The third child, has the beauty been soaked up yet?" Wang Haoran asked directly after the call was connected.

"No, it's been a long time, no one has waited yet." Lu Ming complained.

That is, I have not been slapped in the face by the protagonist, maybe I can catch up!

Hearing Lu Ming's words, Wang Haoran immediately judged the situation in his heart, and immediately asked: "Where, I and everyone will find you and support you." If it is a supporting actress, then forget it, you are free. If it's the heroine, then I'm sorry, let me go all out, this is mine.

"Really? That's great, thank you boss, I am..." Lu Ming immediately reported where he was.


Wang Haoran hung up and greeted Liu Hua and others. Seven or eight people walked out of the classroom mightily.

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