After hearing Tianjizi's words, Mu Nanzhi's calm and watery face showed a solemn color.

She knew that her senior brother was almost completely omitted. After hearing the blood and light disaster, she was convinced that she did not catch the flash of wretched color.

If there is a disaster of blood and light, then this Qingling seems to be terrible.

"Junior sister, don't be nervous, although there is a disaster of blood and light, but there is no worry about life." Tianjizi smiled after seeing Mu Nanzhi's expression, and hurriedly relieved.

The solemnity on Mu Nanzhi's face did not disappear, "No worries about his life? Then can I understand that it may cause disability?"

Tianjizi was stunned, then smiled, trying to tell the truth, but the words came to his mouth and suddenly stopped.

He and this junior sister met for a long time, and they settled in the imperial capital, and they often had contact with each other.

In his mind, it is better to treat Mu Nanzhi as a younger sister than to treat Mu Nanzhi as a younger sister.

Tianjizi still cared about Mu Nanzhi.

Mu Nanzhi is only twenty. It was supposed to be the time when the blossoms were blooming, but he was old-fashioned and didn't care about the feelings of men and women at all.

Not to mention that the imperial capital Caijun suspected that Mu Nanzhi had a problem, even his senior brother suspected it.

Tianjizi is worried about this.

Just now, he happened to count that Mu Nanzhi had a ‘blood disaster’.

This is actually a good thing for Mu Nanzhi.

Although this "Blood and Light Disaster" may be a bit rushed and will catch Mu Nanzhi by surprise, the result seems to be good.

But Mu Nanzhi himself definitely couldn't accept it.

If you speak frankly with her, where will she go?

Thinking like this, Tianjizi turned his thoughts and smiled like an old father, and said:

"Junior sister, don't worry, if you go to Qingling, you will definitely come back unscathed."

This is true.

He did not deceive Mu Nanzhi. This "blood and light disaster" did not hurt, and he would naturally come back unscathed.

At that time, the younger sister asked, she also had every reason to explain it.

No, then the younger sister will be grateful to herself.

Tianjizi thought secretly.

When Mu Nanzhi heard the words, he was even more puzzled, "Since there has been a ‘blood and light disaster,’ why can he come back unscathed?"

"The secret of heaven must not be revealed." Tianjizi threw out an unfathomable word in response to Mu Nanzhi's doubts, and then said painfully:

"Junior sister, there is no danger for you to go to Qingling, so you can rest assured. You never think that Senior Brother will harm you?"

After Mu Nanzhi listened, the solemnity on his face slowly disappeared.

She still knew how Tianjizi treated her.

She also never believed that the brother would harm herself.

Even if the brother wants to hurt himself, he can't fortune it for himself, so why do you want to do so?

Moreover, Mu Nanzhi also wanted to go to Qingling.

She originally had a close friend in the imperial capital, that is the little doctor Xianbian Suwen from the Medical Immortal Valley.

However, after Bian Suwen went to Qingling some time ago, he stayed in Qingling and didn't return to the imperial capital.

Asked her what the reason was, but she also kept silent.

Mu Nanzhi was very curious. This time I went to Qingling to see it in person. Bian Su asked whether he was reading Qingling's landscape or something else, so he didn't return to the emperor's capital.

I just ignore myself, my best friend.

It's too much.

"When will Junior Sister leave?" Tianjizi was observing his words and feelings, and immediately saw that Mu Nanzhi was at ease, so he couldn't help asking.

"A few days later." Mu Nanzhi was not in a hurry.

Tianjizi is anxious. Because if Mu Nanzhi delays for a few more days, he will not fulfill the calculation of the hexagram.

Finally, with such an opportunity, Tianjizi really didn't want Mu Nanzhi to miss it.

"It's not too late, let's set off as soon as possible." Tianjizi suggested.

Mu Nanzhi looked at him suspiciously.

Tianjizi's expression remained unchanged and explained: "Master doesn't know how long he will stay in Qingling. If he goes late, he might not meet him."

The suspicion in Mu Nanzhi's pupils disappeared, and he lightly tapped his chin: "I will leave tomorrow morning."

When Tianjizi heard it, he was determined to toast and drank a big sip of tea.

Although the tea is cold, Tianjizi feels it tastes very good, exclaiming:

"Good tea!"

The next day.

Mu Nanzhi took the luggage and got on the plane to leave the imperial capital for Qingling.

A few hours later, the plane landed.

Mu Nanzhi set foot on the land of Qingling and walked out of the airport slowly.

Because Qin Fan's affairs caused a huge disturbance on the Internet, those with good things also exposed Qin Fan's address.

After Mu Nanzhi left the airport, he hit a car and headed for the destination.

After a while, he came to the outside of a single-family mansion.

However, there are many people around the mansion.

Most of them are young men and women, most of whom take out their mobile phones and broadcast live.

Mu Nanzhi looked at it for a while, and soon understood that this is an internet celebrity on some short video apps.

They are here to catch Qin Fan's heat.

After all, Qin Fan is indeed very popular online now.

Although this kind of "fire" is a bit weird.

Outside Qin Fan's single-family mansion, it has become a place for Internet celebrities to check in.

Even, everyone gave Qin Fan a ‘famous title’-Brother Craft.

Because Qin Fan's craftsmanship is indeed quite diverse, many craftsmen who focus on craftsmanship are shocked.

It turns out... It turns out that it can still be like this?

The reason is purely because Qin Fan was idle and bored in the mountains.

Seeing the many people around him, Mu Nanzhi was naturally inconvenient to go in and find Qin Fan.

After stopping for a few minutes, he left.

Plan to come back at another time.

She followed the road and left, ready to find a hotel to stay.

When walking, pass by Qingling Teachers College.

Shao Wanwan, who had entered the postgraduate entrance examination of the Teachers College, happened to pass by and saw Mu Nanzhi.

Shao Wanwan's evil eyes showed an unkind look.

She and Bian Suwen had a grudge.

And this Mu Nanzhi and Bian Suwen had a very good friendship, so they had some conflicts with her.

It can be regarded as a grudge.

"When you were in the imperial capital, you were covered by so many bigwigs, I can't do anything with you. I actually came to Qingling? If I didn't teach you a little lesson, wouldn't it be a waste of opportunity?" Shao Wanwan is bad. Thinking about it.

In order to pretend to be a student, Shao Wanwan's dress is completely different from the usual enchanting, and the evil demon temperament is even more restrained.

In addition, there were many pedestrians on the side of the road after a certain distance, and Mu Nanzhi did not notice Shao Wanwan.

Shao Wanwan followed Mu Nanzhi.

Mu Nanzhi found a hotel to settle down, and after resting for a while, he headed to Qingling Mountain.

Mu Nanzhi has a habit, that is, whenever he goes to a place, he will visit the famous local mountains and rivers to test Fengshui.

To some extent, this is an occupational disease.

The most prestigious mountain in Qingling is Qingling Mountain.

Before Mu Nanzhi came to Qingling, he checked.

It is said that Qingling Mountain is surrounded by mountains and water, with beautiful scenery.

On Qingling Mountain, there is also a huge cemetery.

Director Mu Nanzhi is related to this.

She would like to visit in person to see if Qingling Mountain is really a treasure of the house.

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