"The woman from Zuoqiu's family is very savage, how can we move her."

After hearing his father's words, Ning Aoxue couldn't help but shook her head.

"I know this naturally. I was just joking." Father Ning said.

The speaker is unintentional, but the listener is intentional.

Wang Haoran had already had no hope of stopping the martial arts meeting of the top ten families, but after hearing what Ning's father said, some hopes rekindled.

He is almost capable of dealing with the protagonist, but dealing with women is definitely a strong point, not to mention the addition of unreasonable auras.

"How is the relationship between the Ning family and the Zuoqiu family?" Wang Haoran asked Ning Aoxue.

"Do you want to go to Zuoqiu's house?" Ning Aoxue understood.

Wang Haoran nodded, "Yes."

Father Ning answered: "The Ning family and Zuoqiu's family are just superficial friends. Aoxue and the woman from Zuoqiu's family even have a little holiday. I'm afraid I can't take you to Zuoqiu's family and persuade Zuoqiu's family.

"It doesn't matter, I just need to know where to find the granddaughter of the old man Zuoqiu you mentioned." Wang Haoran said.

Ning Aoxue did not answer immediately, but subconsciously looked at the sky outside, only to see that the sky was clear and vigorous, and then she replied to Wang Haoran:

"Look at the weather outside, it shouldn't rain tomorrow. Old man Zuoqiu and his granddaughter have a habit of doing exercises in Cangzhou Park early in the morning when it's fine. You can find them there."

Wang Haoran secretly wrote down, and then asked: "What is the name of the old man Zuoqiu's granddaughter? What does it look like?"

"Call Zuoqiu Luoyan." Ning Aoxue responded to half of the question, then paused for a while before continuing:

"I'll go with you tomorrow morning."

When Qingling was in Qingling, there were not many opportunities for the two to contact each other in private. After finally arriving in Cangzhou, she naturally wanted to spend more time with Wang Haoran.

"Okay." Wang Haoran did not object naturally, and then muttered the name'Zuoqiu Luoyan'.

Because of this name, he thought of Zuoqiu Chenyu.

One sinking fish, one falling wild goose?

Is this a coincidence, or is it related?

Wang Haoran secretly guessed.

After the discussion, Ning Aoxue personally took care of one of the best guest rooms and came out to let Wang Haoran stay.

Early the next morning.

Ning Aoxue came to the guest room to find Wang Haoran, and took him to Cangzhou Park.

Ning's family is not far from Cangzhou Park. The two of them walked to Cangzhou Park in less than ten minutes.

Cangzhou martial arts, martial arts practitioners can be seen everywhere in the park.

The age span is huge, from children under ten to elderly people in their 70s or 80s.

Ning Aoxue wore a light blue long skirt, the blue silk naturally fell down to her slender waist, and her face was slightly pinkish, making her already delicate facial features more bright and moving.

A little cinnabar at the center of the eyebrows adds some unique mysterious charm to it.

Ning Aoxue is definitely the No. 1 figure in Cangzhou, regardless of his appearance and martial arts talent, he is almost the best in Cangzhou.

In particular, the Ning family announced not long ago that Ning Aoxue will step into the Great Master of Huajin within a year or two, and his father directly gave the position of the Ning family’s paternal head to Ning Aoxue.

This made Ning Aoxue's limelight even more temporary.

But when the Ning family announced this, Ning Aoxue went to Qingling and did not show up.

At this time, Ning Aoxue suddenly appeared in front of the people, which also caused a sensation.

Many people frequently look sideways.

Some young martial arts men looked at Ning Aoxue and their eyes were full of admiration and admiration, while most of the women were envious and jealous.

Wang Haoran, who was next to Ning Aoxue, also received much attention for this.

Everyone is wondering who this person is, who can walk shoulder to shoulder with Ning Aoxue.

And judging by their behavior, they seem to be quite familiar.

However, even so, no one provokes or taunts Wang Haoran, saying that he is not worthy of Ning Aoxue or the like.

Instead, everyone felt that Wang Haoran and Ning Aoxue were right.

After all, Wang Haoran is not the protagonist. The plot of being ridiculed and pretending to be a face-slapped face really has nothing to do with him.

In this regard, Wang Haoran is quite happy.

Who is so full that it’s okay to be ridiculed and ridiculed?

As long as the protagonist will like this.

Wang Haoran still prefers the feeling of being respected wherever he goes.

Ning Aoxue didn't squint, ignored the gazes around her, her face seemed calm, but she couldn't help but feel happy in her heart.

This kind of joy didn't come from receiving everyone's attention, but everyone seemed to misunderstand her and Wang Haoran's relationship.

Ning Aoxue was not the kind of talkative person, everyone misunderstood it, she would not explain it at all.

Not long after, she took Wang Haoran to a very quiet place in the park.

Because this is the place where Zuoqiu grandfather and granddaughter often practice exercises, ordinary people don't dare to bother at all.

Those who come to the park to practice exercises will deliberately avoid this place.

"Sit down for a while, they should be coming soon." Ning Aoxue gestured towards the bench not far away, and said to Wang Haoran.

Wang Haoran nodded, and sat on the bench with Ning Aoxue and waited.

Not long after, a pair of grandparents and granddaughters came slowly.

Wang Haoran's vision was far, and he immediately took a closer look.

I saw that the old man had all white hair, but he looked energetic and didn't have the feeling of desolation.

The girl next to her looked thirteen or fourteen-year-old, exquisite and cute, and extremely charming.

"They are here." Ning Aoxue reminded.

After hearing this, Wang Haoran was also completely certain that the girl was Zuoqiu Luoyan.

But he couldn't help but be puzzled.

Before that, he thought Zuoqiu Chenyu and Zuoqiu Luoyan were related, maybe they were twin sisters or something.

But the age of the two sides seems to be a little bit different.

Zuoqiu Chenyu is almost twenty-five years old, and Zuoqiu Luoyan looks only thirteen or fourteen years old.

How could there be such twins?

"Don't look at that Zuoqiu Luoyan is so young, actually four or five years older than me." Ning Aoxue said abruptly.

Wang Haoran raised her brows, looked at Ning Aoxue in surprise, and then carefully looked at Zuoqiu Luoyan who was not far away.

Ning Aoxue is nearly twenty years old, and Zuoqiu Luoyan is four or five years older than her. Then Zuoqiu Luoyan is about the same age as Zuoqiu Chenyu?

It seems that these two people should be related.

Moreover, after Wang Haoran looked deeply, he found that Zuoqiu Luoyan had a slightly reduced version of Zuoqiu Chenyu's sense of sight.

Maybe it's really possible that they are twins.

After judging this, Wang Haoran couldn't help but feel happy.

He was regretful before, so how can there be no twin heroines with so many protagonists? This is the standard configuration of Hou Gong.

Now, isn't it coming?

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