"Ichiro Yanagi is lecherous, and there are only women in his head. I only believe half of what he said." Chizuru together.

The others in the room exchanged looks after hearing the words, and none of them spoke first, they were all hesitant.

Chizuru Shinichi continued:

"I just secretly sprinkled a kind of tracking powder on Yanagyu Ichiro's body, so that you can know his approximate location. If his words are true, then there must be a trace of the next move."

Hearing this, the hesitation on everyone's face disappeared.

The Smith from Country M said:

"In other words, if this dwarf sneaked into the city secretly, he might have reported the news to Ye Wuhen. If he stays away from the imperial capital, then he can believe it."

Smith said what everyone was thinking, and everyone nodded.

Everyone held their temper and waited. After a while, the monk from Tianzhu asked:

"Miss Chizuru, where is Ichiro Yanagi?"

"I'm already fifty miles away from the imperial capital city, and now I suddenly stop somewhere, I don't know what I'm doing." Chizuru Shinichi perceived it carefully and replied.

"What are you waiting for, call him back quickly." Smith urged.

The others have no opinion.

There is no one-size-fits-all solution to Wu Xingtian. For the time being, the only countermeasure is to make trouble in the imperial capital and let Wu Xingtian fight fire everywhere, but there is no way to kill Wu Xingtian.

Because under normal circumstances, everyone rushed forward, and there was no certainty that Wu Xingtian could be killed.

All I was thinking about was the constant troubles, and it was exhausted to the limit of Wu Xingtian.

However, everyone was afraid that Wu Xingtian would be wiped out in one fell swoop during this period.

Everyone naturally didn't want to give up this opportunity brought by Ichiro Yanagi.

After seeing everyone's reaction, Chizuru Shinichi contacted Ichiro Yanagi with his mobile phone.

After the call was placed, it took a long time before the call was answered.

However, the voice did not belong to Yagyu Ichiro, but a woman.

And this sound shocked the eyelids of the people present.

But soon, it took it for granted.

"Come back to the stronghold immediately." Chizuru Zhen joined.

"Master Chizuru, I'm busy, let's talk about it when I'm done." Yanagi Ichiro's voice replied.

"I want you to come back to the base immediately." Chizuru Shinichi's words contained some commands.

"Master Chizuru, I can't stop now, let's wait until I finish my work." Amidst the strange voice of the woman, Ichiro Yanagi's words were mixed.

"You like women so much, I'll find ten or eight for you when I look back, and I will come back to the stronghold right now." Chizuru together.

"Ordinary women, I'm not interested, unless Qianhe-sama you can let me..."

During the call, Ichiro Yanagi's wretched voice came, but Chizuru was interrupted by Shinichi Chizuru with a cold voice before he finished speaking.

"Do you want to die?!"

"Hey, Lord Chizuru, I was joking. Okay, I'll be back soon." Wang Haoran agreed with Chizuru after beeping with Chizuru for a while in accordance with the virtues of Ichiro Yanagi.

Wang Haoran hangs up the call.

At the same time, she stopped scratching the itch of the beauty beside her.

"Beauty, thank you for your cooperation." Wang Haoran said to this girl who had taken the initiative to strike up a conversation with him just now on the street.

His current appearance is not Yagyu Ichiro, but his original appearance.

Just a casual smile, the beauty was fascinated.

"Handsome man, did you just make a show for others to listen to? Actually you can...you don't need to make a show." The girl blushed.

"You are so enthusiastic, I am very touched, but I really have something to do, goodbye." Wang Haoran waved his hand and quickly left here.

This girl wanted to catch up, but couldn't catch up.

After Wang Haoran left the girl's field of vision, he turned into Ichiro Yanagi's wretched appearance and returned to the stronghold slowly.

With a look of joy afterwards, he walked into the discussion room in the stronghold.

Chizuru Shinichi and others are all waiting here.

"Yagyu, you are too slow." Chizuru Shinichi waited for a long time and was a little impatient. After seeing Ichiro Yanagi appear, he verbally rebuked him.

"That woman looks pretty, so I slow down a bit. If the object is Chizuru-sama, it will definitely end in an instant..." Yanagi Ichiro was frivolous, but as he spoke, he suddenly caught a glimpse of Chizuru's eyes. Murderous, this did not continue.

"Everyone discussed it, and unanimously decided to trust you." Chizuru together.

"So?" Wang Haoran asked.

"According to your plan." Chizuru together.

"I thought for a while, this matter is still risky, or forget it. Wu Xingtian's deadline is approaching anyway, and it won't take long for him to survive." Wang Haoran said with appetite.

"Don't talk nonsense, let you do it, you do it. According to the plan you said before, let Ye Wuhen poison, we find the opportunity to sneak into the city, and when Ye Wuhen succeeds, we will kill Wu Xingtian together. ." Chizuru together.

"There is one more thing, that is, after Ye Wuhen succeeds, Liu Shengjun will kill Ye Wuhen before we will act." Tianzhu's monk interrupted.

"I agree." The Jiaozhi Tianban powerhouse echoed.

"So coquettish women, it's so cruel that you want to make people die." Yanagi Ichiro said playfully.

"Liu Sheng, aren't there few women who died tortured by you? Not bad this Ye Wuhen." Chizuru together.

This is a very important reason why she hates Ichiro Yanagi.

"This Ye Wuhen I haven't fully enjoyed myself yet, but I can't bear to kill her." Wang Haoran said.

"In order to make everyone feel at ease, you must kill Ye Wuhen before moving into the sky. As for the loss you suffered, I will compensate you." Chizuru together.

"How does Master Qianhe plan to compensate?" Wang Haoran looked very interested.

"Of course...satisfying what you have always thought of me." Chizuru Shinichi looked at him with wintry eyes.

"Master Qianhe, are you true?" Wang Haoran looked suspicious.

"With so many people present, everyone can testify." Chizuru together.

Smith and others immediately expressed their opinions in order to make Yagyu Ichiro do what everyone thought.

Wang Haoran is not a fool, of course knows that Chizuru Shinichi is a stopgap measure.

After the matter was over, Chizuru Shinichi absolutely turned his face, don't even think about touching her with a finger.

But according to Ichiro Yanagi's character, he would really be fooled.

Yagyu Ichiro had no brains at all, thinking about things also used the lower, half, and body.

"Okay, that's it. After Ye Wuhen successfully poisoned, I killed Ye Wuhen, and then everyone besieged Wu Xingtian, and then killed Wu Xingtian!" Wang Haoran said excitedly.

Hearing his description, Chizuru Shinichi and others also showed some strong expectations.

Everyone continued to discuss the detailed plan, then opened the champagne, and started to celebrate in advance.

Afterwards, each returned to where he should go temporarily.

Read more @ mtlarchive.com. Chinese MTL novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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