Metropolis: I Can Inherit Wealth

Chapter 145 : In East Asia, let the Ministry of Commerce take action

"Chairman, where is the time for the press conference?"

Jiang Feng, CEO of Longteng Group, paused before asking.

"Huh? I remember Lixia in a few days, right?"

After pondering for a while, Lin Feng said lightly: "In ancient times, there was a day of Meng Xia, heaven and earth began to cross, everything is beautiful, it is the beginning of summer, everything is prosperous."

"Kaitian-Tablet PC is the first step for our group to expand into new fields in the new year. It is like Lixia and is developing vigorously."

In China, the choice of a good day is very important for doing anything.

Although this is a bit too feudal and superstition, everyone still hopes that by choosing such a day, they can pin their heart's high hopes for "kaitian".

Of course, the senior management of Longteng Group is still full of confidence in "Kaitian", which is based on Tamron.

The top tablet computer developed by the "May 13" smartphone operating system.

Whether it is listed in advance or listed on time, it will not affect the further development of the group.

There are always people in this world who have a lot of money and never measure what they buy. Just like them.

"Can we take advantage of Nirvana X's popularity in Xiangjiang to further build momentum for the sky?"

Longteng Group COO——Yu Lei's eyes shined with Rong Zhi's light.

As the No. 1 domestic mobile phone brand in the past, Yu Lei, the former vice president of marketing at Jinli Company, has a very precise control of the market, even precise enough to be closely linked to sales.

Otherwise, how can Jinli successfully occupy the Indian market under his operation when Jinli was sluggish.

This is why Lin Feng appointed Yu Lei, the former vice president of Jinli, as C00- of Longteng Group.

Chief Operating Officer-the reason for the position.

Facts have proved that under the operation of Yu Lei, Niyyao X has achieved brilliant results like no one before and no one in the future. The first day sales exceeded 100 million, and the annual sales were 1 billion, and most of them were domestic sales.

"You said it well, just do it!"

Lin Feng nodded. In fact, in Longteng Group, no one is better at marketing and publicity matters than Yu Lei.


Yu Lei replied immediately.

"Chairman, there are many new problems in our promotion in East Asia and Southeast Asia."

Suddenly, Longteng Group CEO Jiang Feng said in a deep voice: "Regardless of whether it is in East Asian countries or in Southeast Asia, local protectionism is extremely prevalent."

"Especially in Dongying and Goryeo, their products can be imported and exported to our country unscrupulously, and they continue to compete for the market, but once our products enter them, they will be tortured in every way."

"So far, the Korea branch and the Dongying branch are still in a difficult situation. Not to mention the formal sales, even the daily operations of the branch have been severely hindered."

The status quo of local protectionism is common all over the world, just like the United States. Almost all markets belong to their own world and no one is allowed to invade.

The top three Internet companies in the world are all from the United States. Among them, the first is GOOG, the second is Yamaxun, and the third is FACE. At the same time, APPIe, the world's number one mobile phone manufacturer, is also a U.S. company. A unique behemoth, the product has swept the world.

Regarding the smartphone operating system, whether it is Android or APPle; that is the culmination of the civilization born from Ligu, and one-half of the world's mobile phones are equipped with Android.

The same goes for Dongying and Goryeo. Goryeo has four stars, Dongying has Sony, and the competitor Longteng Group. If you want Nirvana X and wyvern-Tamron smartphone operating system to enter their home country, how easy is it?

Even if Dongying and Gaoli are willing, is it possible that Miguo, as their master, is willing to watch them lose these two major markets?

Therefore, the obstacles that the Longteng Group has encountered in its entry into East Asia are all due to the sniping of the local forces in the United States, Dongying and Goryeo, and no one wants to lose their interests.

"Are they sniping us from a frontal angle?"

The pupils shrank slightly, Lin Feng asked meaningfully.

China is also a member of the WTO. Local protectionism can exist, but countries cannot directly deal with China's local companies, otherwise it will form a vicious treatment. Once things get to this point, it is not just a small competition between a few companies, but a large-scale trade war between the United States and China.

If you do not allow my electronic products to enter your market, then your agricultural products should also not enter, to see who can carry it. "That's not true."

Jiang Feng said with a bit of a headache: "For Dongying and Korea, the sales license of our products has not been implemented for a long time, so that it is difficult for the flagship store to open."

"The Southeast Asian side is the intersection of black forces. I don't know who took the initiative and invited underground figures from Tanluo and other places to make troubles everywhere in our Longteng branch."

As a manufacturer of mobile devices, Longteng Group must obtain local sales permits, or approval procedures, if its products want to go on sale.

If there is no such thing, it is equivalent to saying that it is operating without a license, and it is more likely to be regarded as trafficking in'parallel imports'.

"These guys really value our Dragon Teng, regardless of black or white, all 18 martial arts greeted us.

Hearing this, Lin Feng's mouth was slightly raised, and a trace of disdain appeared in his eyes.

"On the East Asian side, whether it is Dongying or Korea, let the Ministry of Commerce come forward to inform."

"Longteng Group pays so many taxes for the country every year, the Ministry of Commerce can't just watch us being bullied outside!"

China’s Dragon Group headquarters includes Dragon Technology, Dragon Mobile Phone, Dragon Game, Dragon Machinery, and Dragon Computer. The copyright of the novel resources belongs to the original author. The text is only for personal study and trial reading. Please delete it within 24 hours after downloading. Please support the subscription of genuine novels and refuse to piracy!

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Five 2.3 branch companies respectively formed the group framework, which subdivided the existing Niele X, Tamron smart phone operating system, industrial equipment, and Kaitian tablet computers.

With the addition of the five branches alone, the tax paid last year exceeded tens of billions, and the weight is almost the same as that of rice.

I would like to ask, if the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China can't solve this small matter, does it still have a face to look at Longteng Group?

Besides, Longteng Group is now rushing out of the mainland, heading towards Hong Kong, East Asia, Southeast Asia, and opening up the Asian market. This is also to enter the world.

If Longteng Group can become a world-class company, it will take a long time to completely break the gap that China has no global companies with huge influence in the world. It is naturally impossible for the upper level to watch them helplessly. ,

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