Metropolis: I Can Inherit Wealth

Chapter 210 : Always progressing, never surpassed

Following the consistent style of Longteng Group, CE0 Jiang Feng quickly explained all the information of Nirvana S with a simple, direct and clear description.

Immediately afterwards, we entered the most core part of the press conference-Q&A.

"I think that countless people around the world should have a lot of doubts about the newly launched products of our group. Now I invite you to ask questions on their behalf.

"Hello, President Jiang, I am a reporter from the Phoenix News. After your company's Nieliang S goes public, will the smart butler be removed from the shelves? Will the silicon crystal battery technology be fully open to the society?" An eye lady wearing a black OL costume I couldn't wait to ask-

Over time, all eyes were on Jiang Feng, and these two issues were precisely the issues that were most concerned by everyone present.

Because the biggest advantage of Longteng Group's crushing of mobile phone companies in the same "2297" industry lies in artificial intelligence. If the smart housekeeper has been blocked, then it will always be in a leading position.

So far, in addition to the wyvern system, Longteng Group has also provided services to domestic systems such as the Hongmeng system, the Flyme system, and the MIUI system.

Pangu-Smartphone Butler is also allowed to be recorded on domestic mobile phones such as Warwick, Biaozu, and Rice, but the fit is slightly poor, and it is not as good as Nirvana X.

If Pangu-Smartphone Manager is completely removed from the shelves after Niele S goes on sale, then there will be no chance for other mobile phones to compete, and Longteng will naturally be able to achieve the effect of monopoly.

After all, during the time when Pangu-Smart Phone Butler was launched, countless people around the world fell in love with artificial intelligence, and chatting with their butler from time to time, nonsense, this is the most casual way to relax.

The service fee of only 188 yuan per year is simply the price of cabbage for high-tech, which is deeply supported and loved by countless people.

"Ha! You are so witty, you asked two questions at once."

In response to everyone's gaze, Jiang Feng didn't have the slightest fear. Instead, he smiled and said, "Here I can assure you that Pangu-Smart Butler will never be removed from the shelves."

"We, Longteng Group, are not only a mobile phone manufacturer, but also a high-tech enterprise with a sense of industry responsibility. The biggest goal is to guide the common development of the industry."

"As long as it is a company that benefits the people, we welcome them to come and cooperate."

As the CEO of Longteng Group, Jiang Feng's slickness is not inferior to Ma Huateng, Liu Weidong and others.

As for the smart phone butler, the Longteng Group has never thought about taking it off the shelves, because the Longteng Group has never competed with the world by one thing.

What's more, allowing other companies to load Pangu, the smart phone butler, is equivalent to installing Anzi inside other companies.

Not only can you make money, but you can also collect information about your opponents and constantly improve yourself. Why not do it? "I think everyone is more concerned about the silicon crystal battery technology. This is a high-tech that changes the world's energy storage pattern. We can share it, but the premise is to ensure that the group does not lose money. At this time, Jiang Feng ended with an ambiguous sentence, causing The commotion at the scene.

For now, the biggest advantage of the mobile phones produced by Longteng Group is artificial intelligence and silicon crystal batteries, but everyone has contributed all of them, which is incredible! "Fuck, the posture of the strong is really not something that mortals can understand."

"This wave of greatness forced me to persuade."

"Come on, I just leave the technology to you, you can't learn it, what an invincible Longteng Group is too open and bright!"

These remarks not only caused waves in the hearts of countless reporters at the scene, but also caused discussions among countless online audiences. Undoubtedly, Longteng's operation has indeed won word of mouth. A truly outstanding person has never been afraid of others surpassing himself, because he has been on the way forward and has never been surpassed. Only oneself can beat oneself!

"Boss, I don't understand why

In a corner of the audience, Mo Xinya looked at Lin Feng with a puzzled look. It was clearly a technology developed by Longteng Group, but it had to be shared with others.

Isn't this simply lowering your advantage? She really couldn't figure it out.


Lin Feng couldn’t help laughing, “Why don’t you hand over two things that are not on the table? Our group has better technology.

"If you can use these inferior products in exchange for a great leap forward in the country's mobile phone industry and win the support and trust of countless people, why not do it?"

When he got the holographic projection technology, Longteng Group was destined to become the world's largest mobile phone manufacturer. What could be more shocking than image projection?

Moreover, the most fearful thing about China since ancient times is to eat alone.

As the saying goes, being alone is not as good as others. If even national enterprises such as rice, Warwick, and Caizu fail, then only the Longteng Group will stand in the world, which is not in the interest of the general public. Only with the help of two technologies such as smart housekeeping and silicon crystal batteries, and establishing a network of interests with the rice, Warwick, and Cai clan, can we go further in the future.

"Our battery company has invested tens of billions in expansion. If we only supply our own group, even half of the production line will be enough.

Inadvertently, Lin Feng explained: "If we can open up the global market with the help of silicon cells, it will be another banner that my country will set up in the world of science and technology.

If it is supplied to the battery industry across the country and even the world, at least billions of silicon crystal cells can be produced every month, netting hundreds of billions of dollars in net profit after deducting costs.

Longteng Battery Company alone has become an unmatched unicorn.

Hearing this, Mo Xinya nodded thoughtfully: "I understand what the 4.0 boss means."

"Let your horizons open. Now is just the beginning. The future is the sea of ​​stars. The era is changing and win-win is the real road."

With a torch, Lin Feng said in a deep voice: "Today, if we want to grow completely, we can only interweave our own network in all aspects."

Using some technology that is not important to him, in exchange for development time and opportunities, it is simply not to lose money.

At the same time, the press conference has entered the final stage. Jiang Feng answered dozens of questions one after another, and the media across the country and even the world got the news they wanted.

Before the end of the game, there is already a Wang Yang on the Internet, and the waves are rolling in the thousand layers...

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