Metropolis: I Can Inherit Wealth

Chapter 221 : Brilliance is no longer, it will only fade away

Early in the morning of the next day, the meeting room of the APPOLE company headquarters in the United States.

The atmosphere at the scene seemed a little weird. More than a dozen directors in suits and ties all focused their attention on the chief CEO Cook.

As capitalists, they are most concerned about the ups and downs of their net worth, but since yesterday, the stock of AP POLE has fallen again and again.

In just one day, 15 billion US dollars have been lost. These directors here have lost a lot of money, and their net worth has shrunk by at least a half.

How can they not be in a hurry

"Hey! Cook, don't you say something?"

In the crowd, a middle-aged white man wearing a blue suit and gold-wire glasses looked straight at Cook and spoke.

This person is Levinson, the current non-executive head of the APPLE company's board of directors, and is currently the longest-serving co-chief director.

Of course, among the holders of the entire APPLE company, Levinson is also the one with the largest share of 18.

It has to be said that Levinson's background is extremely brilliant, from 1972 to the University of Washington with a bachelor's degree, and then to Princeton University in 1977 with a Ph.D. in studentization.

In 1980, joined Gene Technology Company; in 1995, served as CEO of Gene Technology Company

, The company has survived from the verge of bankruptcy to an annual income of 13 billion U.S. dollars and a market value of more than 100 billion U.S. dollars.

Everyone, including Cook, dare not despise him.

Because Levinson's contribution to APPLE is not inferior to that of the leader Qiao, the leader of Qiao highly respected and respected Levinson during his lifetime, and even regarded him as a good teacher and helpful friend.

"Hey, Levinson, as you know, this trip to Huadou was not pleasant, I

Cook was a little hesitant to say something, his face looked very tangled.

"O, FUCK, Cook, we don't want to know how you did this stupid thing, but you probably need to explain why?"

In the meeting room, an elderly man spoke up.

As soon as the voice fell, everyone present looked solemn.

Schuger, the former CEO of Grumman, the world's third largest arms dealer, whether it is the B2 stealth bomber or the Global Hawk UAV, even the Nimitz aircraft carrier is produced by Grumman.

As the former president of such a giant company, no one knows how much money Schuger actually has, or how many shares he owns in APPOLE. But even so, everyone still has the highest awe of this old man.

Cook's face became even more ugly when Shugel spoke.

Although on the surface I am the CEO of APPOLE company, and the person who really controls APPOLE company is the board of directors.

Therefore, neither Cai Wensheng nor Shugel can offend him.

"Gentlemen, I think I should say that when I met with Lin Feng and CEO Wei Feng of Longteng Group, I proposed the acquisition plan.


When everyone heard this, their eyes lit up.

Longteng Group is a powerful company with a number of world-leading technologies. It will not be long before it will be a global giant. If it can be acquired, it will be profitable and harmless.

"I failed!"

Cook waved his hand and said helplessly: "After that, I talked with Longteng Group about the cooperation intention, trying to install their Pangu on the APPLE mobile phone.

For a time, all the important things present focused on Cook.

Former US Vice President Al Gore, current Disney Chairman and CEO Robert, former Avon Group Chairman Zhong Binxian, East BlackRock partner Susan, and former Boeing Chief Financial Officer James This is the most luxurious board lineup.

They listened to each other, not wanting to miss a single detail.

"Longteng Group is not opposed to installing their Pangu-Smartphone Manager in APPLE, but they need our source code, because they cannot install Pangu without the 10s source code.

Cook reported with a black face.

At this time, everyone nodded, did not speak, and motioned for him to continue.

"Currently, our company's business volume in the Greater China region has dropped by 50% compared to last year. If we can't make SIRI break through.

"In other words, we can't do Pangu-Smartphone Butler on the technical level. Apart from cooperation, there is nothing left but perish.

Without the slightest hesitation, Cook explained all the reasons for going to China.

In terms of artificial intelligence, no country or company in the world can compare to the Longteng Group, and Pangu...the existence of mobile phone butlers directly pulls competition into the next century.

At present, all of APPOLE's business is in Dongling. If Longteng Group continues to develop, it is very likely that APPLE will be eliminated. Hearing that, many board members present were all lost in thought.

Even in the world, the Longteng Group is well-known, except for legitimate business practices, they have no way to stop the expansion of the Longteng Group.

After all, not everything can be solved with power. The products sold by 367 people abroad are all registered and produced in their own country, and it is always the interests of the country, not the interests of China. At this point, it is impossible for the employees of the major Longteng branch companies to let them do anything wrong.

Suddenly, the scene fell into dead silence, and they suddenly realized that they had no choice but to take Longteng.

"Never open source code, this is equivalent to holding the handle in someone else's hand." A few minutes later, Shugel said immediately.

The others looked at each other calmly, and didn't say much.

"You guys, I think you understand that the company's next-generation products have been researched out. Without Pangu's help, it would not be able to compete with Nieliang S."

To meet everyone's gaze, Cook said lightly.

But everyone did not speak, one by one may have a plan in his heart, but no one wants to be the first bird.

This meeting ended without end.

No one knew that Shugel, who was the director of APPLE, made a simple and direct choice after leaving the meeting room.

"Hey! I'll give 50 million US dollars to find a few people to take down the chairman of Longteng.

"Yes, sir, I'll make arrangements right away.

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