Metropolis: I Can Inherit Wealth

Chapter 235 : A genius boy turned out! ! !

At the same time, Longteng Group once again attracted the attention of the world because of the holographic projection technology.

[The new technology in the future has been opened, are you ready? 】——"US News"【The world's forever expander... Dragon from the East! 1-"Time"

[Shocked, the changes brought about by holographic projection will lead human beings to the starry sky. 】——"Headline"

[Longteng has not stagnated, and is still moving forward. The real starting point of the world is not in the future, but in the east. 】——"British Post"

[The world's top director Cameron brings a holographic visual feast with "Avatar 2", a new world movie box office record will appear, after all, no one can break the peak of the win. 1-"Hollywood Broadcasting"

Longteng Group became popular without any publicity, not only in the "370" science and technology circles, but all the fans who knew Kameilong knew about Longteng Group.

Came out.

With the soaring reputation and increasing attention, some unknown news has gradually been dug. As a result of the cooperation with Longteng, the market value of Disney has soared, and it has become the first stock in the entertainment industry in a short time.

At this time, Lin Feng, as the protagonist, was not disturbed by the outside world at all. "Buzzing!"

At this moment, the mobile phone on the table rang suddenly, and the number on it was the CEO of Longteng Group Jiang Feng.

"Hey! What's the matter?"

Lin Feng answered the phone, and Jiang Feng on the other side said in a hurry: "Chief Child Affairs Officer! I have to tell you something!"


Lin Feng frowned slightly, it didn't sound like a good thing.

"Just at the press conference yesterday, due to the high exposure of our group, many people captured your figure and compared it with previous press conferences."

Hearing this, Lin Feng had already guessed it. "My identity is revealed!"


Wei Feng on the other end of the phone was stunned: "Chairman, do you know everything?"

"This matter will be exposed sooner or later. It makes no difference if it is announced earlier or later!

Lin Feng never thought of hiding his identity forever. After all, as wealth accumulates more and more, his strength becomes stronger and stronger, and sooner or later he will be censored by others. Those invincible funds will become the focus of media and personal attention.

Unless he is no longer in business, he no longer continues to accumulate wealth.

This is obviously impossible.

[Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for completing the main mission-Shocking the World, affecting more than one billion people. ]

[Reward for one chance to inherit wealth!


Hearing the system prompt, Lin Feng couldn't help being stunned, really deliberately cutting the flowers out of bloom, unintentionally inserting willows into shades.

Originally, he was still thinking about how to complete this main task, but he didn't know how to complete it by accidentally exposing it, which made him dumbfounded.

[Does the host use wealth inheritance opportunities? 】


Without the slightest hesitation, Lin Feng nodded immediately.

After a while.

[Ding Congratulations to the host for successfully inheriting the wealth of the Otherworld Zhenyu Empire and obtaining junior robot development! 】

Development! 】

[Detecting that the host has intermediate artificial intelligence, this skill is automatically upgraded to an intermediate robot!

Lin Feng couldn't help being ecstatic looking at this thing he inherited.

Elementary robots are just born tools, but intermediate robots are different. They are similar to small animals to a certain extent and have their own thinking ability.

It looks like Xiongda's existence is really extraordinary.

"Chairman, shall we come out to clarify the rumors?"

At this moment, Jiang Feng, who was opposite the phone, continued to ask.

"Directly release the true information, but all assets other than Longteng Group must be covered up."

After thinking for a while, Lin Feng ordered.


Faced with this kind of disposal, Jiang Feng didn't seem to be surprised.

Usually young people in their early 20s have achieved this kind of achievement, naturally ecstatic, but Lin Feng is different, from beginning to end, he is more like an old fox who has been in business for many years.

Even talking to an old fox like Li Jiacheng doesn't let him down, what else can make him messy?

"Let the storm come harder!"

His eyes were shining brightly, and Lin Feng's expression was extremely high-pitched.

Now that the accident has happened, let the accident turn into a surprise, thoroughly stir up his fame all over the world, and make China a household name no matter how bad it is.

Sometimes, fame is just the best umbrella.

The national college entrance examination liberal arts perfect score, the 18-year-old stocks gained hundreds of billions of dollars, the acquisition of the old domestic mobile phone giant Jinli, and the founding of Longteng Group.

At the age of 19, he successively developed Tamron's smartphone operating system, Neo X mobile phone, and Kaitian ONE tablet computer.

At the age of 20, he developed an artificial intelligence mobile phone housekeeper, silicon crystal battery and now holographic projection.

His existence is no less than that of Einstein's living.


Jiang Feng on the other end of the phone thought about it carefully, he was dumbfounded, and even the hand holding the phone was trembling.

If he didn't collect the materials carefully, he would never know that the chairman of the board had so many shocking identities.

No wonder he can start Longteng Group!

It's no wonder that he doesn't change his color and heartbeat in the face of a veteran commercial hero!

Lin Feng, who is smart since he was a child, is not a man of the world, so why not be afraid!

Under such circumstances, once his identity is exposed, the country will have to find someone to protect him tightly.

"The chairman of the board is indeed abnormal! Jiang Feng shook his head, feeling very dry.

In the morning, all news media published news about Lin Feng, the chairman of Longteng Group.

"Shock! The mystery of the identity of Lin Feng, the top scorer in the national college entrance examination for liberal arts-the sole proprietorship of the world giant Longteng Group! 》

"Is it a genius or an evildoer?" All in Lin Feng's unsolved mystery! 》

"The 20-year-old is already the vanguard of the times. Will the post-00s carry the flag in the future?" 》

"Our reporter just came back from the scene. A minute ago, the new China technology giant Longteng Group solemnly announced that Lin Feng, the chairman of the board, is a junior at Yanjing University."-Jiangsu Satellite TV.

"In 2018, the national college entrance examination liberal arts champion, Lin Feng, who was born in Jinling City, Jiangsu Province, won the full score crown. At the beginning of this year, Longteng Group moved its headquarters to Jinling. It is unclear why.

…."Qin Province Broadcasting.

"It is reported that after the college entrance examination, Lin Feng, a genius boy, went straight to the stock market and made hundreds of billions of dollars in profits through speculation in soybeans and gold."

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