Metropolis: I Can Inherit Wealth

Chapter 244 : To be good at work, you must first sharpen your tools


Taking a deep breath, Lin Feng has integrated all the codes in his mind and immediately shouted, "Xiong Da, run the central server.

Yes, boss!

In an instant, countless mosquito-like source codes appeared on the main screen, quickly assembled and arranged.

Without a moment's hesitation, Lin Feng's hand tapped on the keyboard like lightning, and it took a long time to stop. After the complete computer system appeared on the screen and the preliminary arrangement and combination, Lin Feng was lazy. "Xiong Da, re-optimize this system, all doors are closed, and the source code of Long Chenyi’s computer operating system has reached the most suitable under his control. Only for now, the source code There are still many loopholes in the combined system, so the artificial intelligence of Xiongda is needed to operate it, boss!

After three minutes, the big voice of Xiong was in the office~ It is indeed advanced artificial intelligence. In terms of work efficiency, the current human learning to fly is not comparable to it. It is no wonder that many people in the world are worried that artificial intelligence will rule the world in the future. With such a huge amount of data, countless source code combinations were completed so quickly, which is really shocking [ding! 】

[Congratulations to the host for successfully completing the small goal of life-making a fully autonomous computer operating system and randomly selecting inheritable wealth. 1

[Congratulations to the host for successfully inheriting the wealth of Angus, an engineer from the Otherworld Shaxing Universe Empire, and obtaining laser sensor technology! 】

The sudden system prompt broke Lin Feng's calmness! Damn it! Wowu!

It's another inheritance of the wealth of the engineers of the Otherworld Shaxing Universe Empire. The last time the artificial intelligence was inherited, Lin Feng is a little at a loss now that there are surprises!


In an instant, a flood of memories rushed into Lin Feng's mind with lightning speed. When he reacted, a smile appeared on his face, like a spring breeze.

Sensor-transducer/sensor. At present, this is a detection device that can sense the information being measured, and it is also the primary link to realize automatic detection and automatic control. The presence of sensors can transform the sensed information into electrical signals or other required forms of information output according to certain rules to meet the requirements of information transmission, processing, storage, display, recording, and control.

Therefore, this scientific and technological achievement is widely used in various fields of social development and human life, such as industrial automation, agricultural modernization, aerospace technology, military engineering, robotics, resource development, ocean exploration, environmental monitoring, security, medical diagnosis, transportation Transportation, household appliances, etc.

For example, in order to obtain information from the outside world, people must resort to sensory organs.

The times are advancing, and people’s sense organs alone are far from sufficient in the study of natural phenomena and laws and production activities.

In order to adapt to this situation, a sensor was developed. It can be said that the sensor is an extension of the human facial features, also known as the electrical facial features.

The wealth that Lin Feng has just inherited bears on the otherworld's major achievements in sensors in the Shaxing Empire.

The Saxing Empire has developed thousands of sensor technologies including ultrasonic sensors, acoustic sensors, and large acoustic sensors.

Sensor technology belongs to hardware technology and is of great significance to industry.

The wealth that Lin Feng inherited is precisely the laser sensor technology that is closest to the global level. The product has a maximum measuring distance of 1000 meters, an accuracy of 5mm, high speed, strong resistance to light and electrical interference, miniaturization (10cm in diameter), and low production costs.

At present, laser sensors in the world are generally too large, expensive, and the technology is immature.

The most obvious is reflected in the aspect of autonomous driving. In the driverless car industry, both Baidu, Umbrella Company and Tesla have developed software to the extreme.

But precisely because the most advanced laser sensors are not used in cars, they have not been popularized for a long time.

"Wow! Now I have more bottom."

Lin Feng's eyes were torch, sitting on the chair, with a smile that couldn't stop at the corner of his mouth.

He had previously obtained robotics technology, but if this technology can be added to the laser sensor, the robot is absolutely unparalleled in terms of anthropomorphism.

Moreover, the laser sensor can also be applied to mobile phones, laptops, tablets, and even holographic projectors can be optimized, it is simply a universal tool.

Just ask, how can he not be happy?

It is precisely because of this that Lin Feng decided to officially start research on robots. "Xiong Da, list the design drawings of all humanoid robots in the database."

"Yes, boss."

As soon as the voice fell, tens of thousands of humanoid robot covers appeared on the virtual projection screen, almost filling up the entire desktop space.

Looking at so much data in front of him, Lin Feng is full of black lines, and there are all humanoid robots, of which Transformers are the most.

There must be a lot of components to be applied to such a big war robot, even if it is given to him, he can't make it now!

"Xiong Da, when you select a robot with a normal human size, and you have to match the current level of technology." Frowning, Lin Feng directly ordered.

"Yes, boss."

In an instant, most of the robot covers on the virtual projection screen disappeared, and some new robot covers appeared instead.

Lin Feng doesn't know how many books there are in the entire database, nor is he interested in knowing.

Anyway, the technology has developed to the top level, and all robots will not be produced.

Finally, he searched for it, and probably found a robot with a relatively anthropomorphic appearance and a manufacturing process that can be completed with existing technology.

Of course, the design drawing he got now is from Otherworld, which is quite different from the current global actual application direction.

Therefore, Lin Feng needs to personally write the Chinese character control program to optimize the robot design drawing in line with modern society.

Writing a program can be replaced by Xiong Da, but this actual operation is really inappropriate if there is no assistant, and it is even more inappropriate for other people to come in.

At present, the best way is to develop a robot assistant that can continue to plan and cover up the existence of artificial intelligence-Xiong Da.

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