Metropolis: I Can Inherit Wealth

Chapter 256 : A fan group organized by the three local tyrants

No one can guess the goal of New Manlian, which is to rise again and reshape the giants, but this giant has become a China giant.

Of course, compared to playing the European Cup and the World Cup, the Asian Cup does require some special factors.

Don't think that factors outside the market can't have an impact, on the contrary, the impact is huge.

The reason why the former world-class giants team was so strong in the past few years is very simple, the godfather effect.

Although their strength is very strong, but without godfather, can they be so beautiful?

These are the effects of off-court factors. It is because they have a godfather on them. They get the championship soft, well, referring to the Champions League champions.

There are shady scenes in China football, and these have been revealed, aren't they fighting hard now?

What about Asian football?

The shady scenes in Asian football are also well known to the world. These are off-court factors that Lin Feng cannot solve for the time being.

However, once his team rushes to Asia, he will solve it if it is not exclusive. The local tyrants of the oil countries control the Asian 18th football arena, can't it be broken?

There are many people who are unwilling to do it. If they do it, they will have a lot of trouble and the impact will be huge. There are some people who will not do it easily.

But it does not rule out that Lin Feng will not do it. If he is really miserable, he will become angry. Really everything can be done.

Moreover, after he acquired Manlian, the former top team in the world, countless media rushed to report. There are many Chinese people who like football. Many places have organized friendly matches. During the holidays, it is playing football for entertainment.

Including Liu Rongdong and Ma Huateng, all the bigwigs heard the news and went to Lin Feng's office one after another, and talked about it.

"I said Brother Lin, why don't you get me some international superstars."

Li Zekai, who is well-known as a swinger in Xiangjiang, came up with a joke.

This guy has nothing to say.

Lin Feng didn't know how to answer this at once.

Even Liu Weidong and Ma Huateng on the side rolled their eyes. To be honest, they also want to introduce international superstars, but those are unrealistic.

At the level of China football, no international superstar is willing to come.

Well, there used to be international superstars. But people come here to provide for the elderly.

In the end, it also had a big impact. The club couldn't make any money, and they told the club. In the end, they got the title of free transfer and paid back the salary, but it was really hard.

Of course, here in Lin Feng, that kind of thing is definitely impossible.

However, it is too difficult to introduce international superstars. Maybe it will be possible after a few decades. But now, it is difficult and difficult. Especially for some international superstars, it is even more difficult and impossible.

Because China or Asia wants to lay down European football and become the center of international football, it is very difficult, harder than reaching the sky.

The history of other people's football is hundreds of years. China football has just started. In a short period of time, it is impossible to take the limelight and take the place of others.

In this way, the international superstar who is playing will not play here.

"Ahem, I said, Brother Lin, if you go to watch the game in the future, you can watch it for free." Liu Weidong smiled narrowly.

"How much money is your old Liu still short of?" Lin Feng replied angrily.

"A joke, just a joke! I still have no problem with the money to watch the football. Even I have planned to organize a fan organization, privately pay for it, and let members enter the game for free, which can be regarded as a private support for you.

Liu Qidong really didn't talk nonsense about this.

In fact, as early as yesterday when he saw media reports, he had this idea.

Football is still a favorite of many people.

Although, at Liu Rongdong's age, he can't run and has poor physical strength, but it doesn't hinder his childhood preferences at all. Now he still looks at the ball from time to time.

It's just that I watched the live broadcast, and I didn't go to the scene to watch it.

In the past, Liu Weidong didn't like to watch the China League, but now it's different, his friend bought the team, whether it is personal emotional support or other factors, he should support it.

"This is a good idea, count me, maybe we will be veteran-level figures in the future, and the scenery is boundless." Ma Huateng seemed to be very interested. "Count me one too." Li Zekai also joined in the fun.

With the statements of the three people, a fan organization was established, and in the future, the fan organization will grow, and it will be full of loyal fans to accompany the team on the road.

Can a team win the support of fans?

Without the support of fans, then this team is not a team at all.

How does the home advantage come from? It's not that the fans cheer harder to make the players on the field work harder, and then play super level, which indirectly affects the team's record.

For now, the Red Diamond team has nothing. In the initial stage, it needs the support of a group of fans. Of course, it would be even better if there were local tyrants leading the support. Buying tickets for members, buying jerseys and distributing them is messy. It is not very helpful, but it can really help the team. For Lin Feng, he is very happy to see such things.

However, he had to temporarily let go of the team's affairs, because he was going to Xiangjiang soon.

Jiefubao has been established, but it has not yet been listed. Now that the registration has been completed and some procedures have been approved, it is time to officially list.

As the head of the board of directors and CEO of Jiefubao Company 677, if Lin Feng is not present, there will be something unreasonable. The copyright of the novel resources belongs to the original author. The text is only for personal study and trial reading. Please delete it within 24 hours after downloading. Please support the subscription of genuine novels and refuse to piracy!

This novel was first published by "Dragon"

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It just made him somewhat unexpected that the media has been paying attention to this company, and it is impossible to list it quietly.

And this company's business is so respectful, once everything is exposed to the public eye, it will inevitably lead to other contradictions.

In the early morning of September 27, 2019, Lin Feng rushed to Xiangjiang by plane.

It's just that there are two other bad friends who are walking with him. Liu Weidong and Ma Huateng are not good stubborns. The guy drove the car and went together.

"It's not that I said, Brother Lin, when did you become interested in football?"

On the plane, Liu Weidong asked suddenly. "When am I interested in football?"

Lin Feng rolled his eyes and said angrily: "I have always been interested in football."

"Don't pay attention to him, this kid is not honest at all."

When Ma Huateng heard this, he couldn't help but smiled and said: "Who doesn't know that Chairman Longteng has a clear heart and is not interested in anything."

"These 20 years have passed, and I haven't seen you interested in football.-Years ago, your kid's net worth surpassed our two old guys, and I didn't see you making any moves."

"It must be out of ulterior motives to wait until now."

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