Metropolis: I Can Inherit Wealth

Chapter 261 : Subvert everything, the mainland and Hong Kong will work together

"Today, after the company was officially listed, at 12 o'clock in the morning, all cooperating app vendors opened payment channels."

With his eyes burning, Lin Feng said in a deep voice; "All overseas channels under Longteng Group, Penguin Group, and Jindong Group have opened up the Jiefubao channel and set it as the only channel."

Listing means formal operation. Once it is operated, JFPay needs users most. Therefore, Lin Feng, Ma Huateng and Liu Qidong were ready before the plan started.

Now, Penguin occupies the entire social and gaming fields of Xiangjiang, Jindong occupies the field of online shopping, and Longteng is more blooming offline and online.

Once they all support the JFPay channel, users will rapidly increase.

"My Li family!" "My Huo family!"

"All of the companies under my Xu family will open the payment channel and set it up as the only payment channel. Li Jiacheng, Huo Zhenting, and Xu Rongmao expressed their opinions.

The three of them are also the main shareholders of Jiefubao, so naturally they should also contribute their own strength to the development of Jiefubao.

"How is the bank contact? There is no problem, right!"

At this time, Lin Feng suddenly looked at everyone and asked a sensitive question.

As an online payment company, JetPay itself does not have funds. If it cannot be linked to offline, it will not be able to exert its real effect.

"no problem!"

Li Jiacheng nodded immediately. With regard to Xiangjiang, the Li family's network extends in all directions, and it is natural that there are only a few banks in the business.

As for the mainland, the combined influence of Ma Huateng and Liu Weidong is not inferior to that of Li Jiacheng. Speaking of it, I have to thank Hong Kong for being a financial free port. Banks are inseparable from the financial industry, and those internationally renowned large banks have set up offices one after another.

Of course, the most powerful banks will certainly not look down on JetPay, but just a few small banks are enough to meet JetPay's current development needs.

Naturally, a point will be set up here, and their points will appear here.

As the bank at the end, there is no problem, so the most important thing is the application platform of the indirect negotiation, which is the carrier of the Dragon Group-the Tamron smartphone operating system.

A few months ago, Longteng Group sent a notice to every company that joined their application platform.

As long as it is a mobile game or application on the Longteng application platform, once the charging system is adopted, it must cooperate with Longteng to contact the Jiefubao Group to open an online payment channel.

In this way, the third-party contact channels of Longteng application platform providers are completely eliminated, and there is no one other than JFPA.

Among them, Ma Huateng's Penguin Group is the main force.

The first step for JFB to open the market is to rely on Ma Huateng's Penguin Group to complete. In fact, many users know clearly that the mobile games they are playing cannot always be free.

It's free, so how can companies that develop applications survive?

Not to mention, in the former Xiangjiang, not much seems to be free, right? There are free ones, but there are really not a lot of them, and only the inland side. Many software is free, and paid software is not feasible there.

However, free apps do not mean that there is no way to operate.

The instant messaging app under the Penguin Group is now free, and it will be free in the future!

It's just that there will be some functions open, and these functions need to be paid. Although you can still use the free ones, if you need more powerful functions, you need to pay.

A long time ago, Xiangjiang's media reported on the situation of the Penguin Group. It was still a professional business newspaper. It stated what profit the Penguin Group relied on, nothing more than members, and some messy diamonds.

In the end, the media also speculated that Penguin Group will also open some paid services like those operating in the inland.

A few days ago, the establishment of JetPay was also reported by that newspaper. It was ridiculous. It was the Penguin Group as the protagonist. It was clearly written: Penguin Group's payment channel was opened!

That's right, it's activated.

Because of the above list, Jiefubao has the investment of Penguin Group, so people will definitely open the payment business.

That newspaper is rigorous and correct.

How can our company survive if you use free apps.

Not to mention anything else, just a server. There is still a mess of maintenance, which is a large amount of expenses, and then there is the wages of the employees, which are huge numbers when counted.

If people don't want to make money in any way, how can they survive and how to develop.

Development requires money to complete. Without funds, what development are you talking about.

"Now it depends on how many people have opened a JFPay account." Huo Zhenting said suddenly.

There are many, many accounts of JetPay.

Yes, there are many, many, among them, Penguin Group once again played a huge role, because their instant messaging application on the Xiangjiang side is very popular, and now the registered users have already exceeded 3 million.

All of these three million can be converted into Jpay users, because Jpay’s registration can be completed with one click, which is to bind the account of the Penguin Group instant messaging application.

In short, the two are common.

There is another way for 190 to complete the account registration through pupil scanning.

Select the account mode, you only need to aim your pupils at the camera of Nirvana X, and you can register and open an account after three seconds.

"This is not the most critical. After the activation, the data of these people's recharge and transfer is the most critical."

Hearing this, Lin Feng couldn't help but solemnly said.

In a sense, opening an account doesn't mean anything. The main thing is to see how many users are used after the user.

There are many users who have opened it. You may say that our company has a lot of registered users, but the water content in it is too high.

People outside are not fools, and those media are not fools. When you see you bind your account with this, if you dare to say that, they will directly blow you up.

Don't doubt the integrity of the Xiangjiang media, let alone their ruthlessness. It seems that many media are like this, praising you and hacking you, only between their thoughts.

Today they can praise you, tomorrow, they can hack you, or even slap yourself in the face.

The media has a lot of discipline, but not more.

Even if the JFPA company wants to announce its results, it will not announce the number of registered users but the number of users.

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