Metropolis: I Can Inherit Wealth

Chapter 276 : 24 hours a day online

Throughout the world's mobile phone manufacturers, only Longteng has done the best.

Whether it is the Niele series of mobile phones, the Kaitian series of tablets, or the holographic projector, all in all, the after-sales service is absolutely excellent.

You say how long the warranty lasts is how long the warranty lasts, regardless of whether you are artificial or non-human. Of course, this warranty has certain restrictions. The warranty card is clearly written, and if it exceeds the scope, it will not be covered by the warranty.

On the contrary, if it is within the scope of the warranty, regardless of whether you are artificial or non-artificial, if you have a problem, you will send it back without any certification, and you will be directly covered by the warranty, which is very simple. This is also the reason why the follow-up sales of the Nirvana series of mobile phones continue to flow, that is, the after-sales service is really good, and the reputation is not small, and more people buy the Nirvana series of mobile phones.

Now, what Lin Feng has to do is to copy this to JFPA.

"It's 18!"

Upon hearing this, the general manager and operation manager of Jiefubao nodded in response.

Both of them are well-known business elites, and they are very clear about the after-sales guarantee, so they dare not slack in the slightest.

Service, whether it is the previous consulting service or the follow-up after-sales service, is a big problem. There are also many uncertain factors in it. It is really not so easy to do it well. The issue of refunds for online purchases is not a service problem of JFPA. It may be a problem of the online shopping website, and they will handle the return for you.

However, the refund has not arrived, at this time, what do you do? Could it be that Jiefubao Company will advance the payment by itself?

This seems to be no problem, but what if someone's online shopping site is arguing with others? Therefore, there are still very unstable factors in the middle, but in Lin Feng's philosophy, such things are never allowed to happen.

If you always want to wrestle with me, I'm sorry, our JF Pay will not cooperate with you, you can find other payment channels by yourself.

In the future, there will be a mandatory link between JFPA and those online shopping websites, which is to solve the problem within 24 hours.

In other words, users can pay the bill with Jpay, and then return the goods later, they can apply for a refund in Jpay, and Jpay will send the original payment back within 24 hours.

This requires the cooperation of online shopping sites.

Of course, this is just an example. JFPA has many main businesses, and the most important thing is to transfer money.

Transfers, but there are times when the transfers are wrong, although there are very few people in this world with the same name and the same sex, and the bank number is so coincidental that only one or two numbers are missing, but it does not exist.

Wanzhen exists, so it happens to make a mistake, what should I do if I transfer the wrong account?

This is not a problem at all, in the transfer item of JFPay. There is a protection option.

Since JFPay transfer is effective immediately, that is to say, there is no delay time.

After you confirm the transaction, the order will be generated within a few seconds, and the transfer will be completed quickly. After a few seconds, the other party will receive the money you called him.

This is the immediate effect of small-value transfers, but for large-value transfers, JetPay will also take effect immediately. This is a request made by Lin Feng.

If the amount is too much, you can choose a protection for fear of problems. The protection time is half an hour.

During this half an hour, the order will be generated and the money will be transferred, but the other party cannot withdraw the money.

You can use this half an hour to determine whether the transfer is wrong.

If the transfer is wrong, you can apply for a return. There will be a certain amount of time to slow down, so as to be as safe as possible.

Many people seem to have made a mistake in the transfer between banks and banks, especially for deposits without a card. As a result, after a long time of wrangling, the money can't be recovered. I can only blame myself and suffer a vain loss.

Lin Feng doesn't want such a thing to happen.

Because even if someone made a mistake, once the matter is exposed and someone is wrong, it is the victim who makes people sympathetic, and all of it will be attributed to JetPay, and then it will be labelled as unsafe.

That is definitely not a good thing, and it is also a thing that is not beneficial to the company. It can be avoided as much as possible.

This is also one of the types of services and the place where Lin Feng strives to be perfect.

"The operation department is very complicated, and many things need to be handled by the operation department, but it is not an excuse that there are too many things. You need to do it last."

"It's best to divide the operation department into several pieces and divide the responsibilities well, so that the chance of error will be smaller, and the vacancy will be directly reported to the personnel department. As long as it is reasonable, the personnel department will approve it."

Lin Feng finally gave an explanation.

Jiefubao is a commercial company, not a charity organization.

Recruiting people to come in and eat for nothing, once Lin Feng knows that the head of that department, there is absolutely only one result, that is, get out, and then the head of the personnel department will follow suit.

Do you think there is no responsibility?

Your department doesn't need to use so many people. You just want to recruit so many people. Even if the personnel department agrees to recruit so many people, Lin Feng can tolerate it without investigation.

People can be recruited, but the recruiting is for work, not for white-collar workers and the company’s old 003.

In fact, many companies have this situation.

The department submitted a recruitment plan. The Ministry of Personnel did not even check it. The result was agreed, and then more useless and redundant people were recruited. There were many people who had nothing to do all day long, and the salary was paid according to them, which is no different from nursing homes.

Lin Feng has seen such things and hates them, so they are not allowed to happen. Unfortunately, the operating department of JFPA is the department most prone to such things. He had to take a vaccination in advance and warn him by the way. Sure enough, the manager of the operations department was taken aback and reacted.

This was a warning to him. How could he not pay attention to it? He didn't dare to underestimate the young man sitting in front of him.

In fact, when he came to work at Jiefubao, he was recommended by Li Jiacheng, but he was also warned by Li Jiacheng.

In the past, Jiefubao Company worked hard and achieved results, and your future is very broad. On the contrary, if you do not do well, there is only one result, which is completely finished.

I won't be able to go back in the future. If he is expelled, Li Jiacheng will never show up.

In the Jiefubao company, Lin Feng's power is absolutely higher than that of Li Jiacheng. Lin Feng wants to expel him. Li Jiacheng will not say anything or let him go back again. It's that simple.

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